i was the one, pointing out, some time ago, that ryu can trump us on the ground with his ex fireballs and just not jumping in on us.
from all the videos i’ve seen posted by you guys, you land a diagonal fireball and combo to denjin. and i’m the one playing noobs??? i haven’t played a good ryu??? lol sure…
i think gouken has strength, in his backthrow, tatsu (even regular), cr mk antiair directly combo to fireball or flip, always the threat of ex flip to throw, etc. somehow we’re still walking a tight rope, despite all our strengths that we don’t fully utilize. gouken is freaking versatile. my problem is that - first keep in mind i believe personally that kongo should be goukens primary defense, that when we kongo an attack it shouldn’t be armor broken, simple as that. i don’t want to change his defense. back to what i was saying, gouken is versatile and fucking strong. i wanted his defense that is already there to be improved to a decent level, and not to change it to work like something else and have us walk the route “monkey see monkey do”, let’s have our own fucking reversal that’s unique and use it in our own fucking way, because it has potential if you just freaking succeed in it. of course it won’t work if you whiff the fucking kongos or the opponent tricks you ever fucking tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime…
^^^^^Sooooo you’re crying that Capcom didn’t make kongo stronger…ah. Doesn’t sound like it’s something you can control and it’s basically a done deal. Stop bitching and either play him or don’t.
kongo takes thought and analyzing, and if all you picked up from my post was “soooooo you’re crying 'cause they didn’t make kongo stronger… ah”
then i can understand that you’re pro-srk.
i can MOST CERTAINLY understand you can’t make do with kongo and need srk.
i can EASILY see that.
lame-oooooooooooooooooo… trying to put me down? but ya didn’t even answer my fucking question, lol! yeah i was the one playing noobs…
here’s one pro tip for you: don’t rely on your fireballs in your bad matchups. how many match videos have you seen of say proudstrawberry or bullcat, backing off, throwing fireballs because they don’t have any better ideas, and allow themselves to be pushed to the corner, only to be calculated by the opponent in a relaxed fashion because gouken is actually easy to control, and blown up with almost no effort, because pressuring gouken is 90% of the work, and the other 10% is reacting to either his fireballs, or jumps?
nevermind. thanks for the reply. i’m done venting…
The fuck are you talking about? I can’t make due with kongo? When I’m the #5 Gouken on xbl and the #7 on PSN? And I don’t even do ranked like that. Who are you? What tournaments have you placed in? What tournaments have you won? GTFOH with that bullshit yo. I do better with no dp than you do my friend. YOU’RE giving ME pro tips?
Stop talking to me son.
They’re not going to fuck with kongo because it piggybacks fa system. They’re also not gonna fuck with kongo because THEY DIDN’T FUCK WITH KONGO. The changes were posted yesterday and that is all. I’m not happy with everything either but I’m gonna continue to play him. Even if they didn’t make tatsu hit crouchers I would still continue to play him. Everyone in here has put thousands of hours developing their Gouken including you, and we all have too much love for this character to just give up. Stop fucking bitching like a little girl and either play him or don’t like I said before.
you went for a cheap comment earlier. “ah so you bitching 'cause they didn’t buff kongo… ah”. i didn’t like that.
“then stop playing”.
i said i would stop playing if they pulled this crap, and this crap is because of players like you.
i would say i am more in the right than you are. i’m arguing for gouken to follow the design he started out with in vanilla. you and your like-minded want him to have a srk, hit confirms, and basically everything that’s supposed to compensate for his otherwise very diverse and very strong arsenal.
the fruitiest shit i will ever see, is gouken ex tatsuing left and right from now on.
“is that a cricket? ex tatsu”
gouken joining the reversal FADC club. ahhhh such a long time coming, and such pride to be a part of this elite!
now come on t. hawk, zangief, get yo butts in gear…
I don’t know if I wanna cry or feel excited about this changes, I like both cr. Mp and st. Lk, but I’m not able to cancel those into Palm, it’s very useless, kongo not going for two zones is a damn problem, no word on mk, no word tasty recovery (air one). Maybe we should take the gun that they offered to Thawk and shoot gouken to see if someone cares about the fucking ryu and ke master, teacher or whatever the fuck he is…
I don’t see how kongo is now officially useless when kongo is a meterless defensive option, something EX tatsu is not, despite its gaping holes as one. Also, unless I’m mistaken, doesn’t it still make Gouken unable to be safe jumped by things that don’t break armor?
Backtracking to the c.MP change, I noticed it only said that it is +3 on hit, and not that it’s any more safe on block. I think it’s super safe to assume it’s a hitstun increase…which means…c.MP xx hadouken is a true combo anytime…?
we dont know every change yet, maybe even kongo was stealth buffed with more overlapping zones, which could also work out… lets wait and see!
although i wasnt a fan of extatsu hitting low either, i am suprised and happy with these solid buffs. just having the new low hitting extatsu will change the behaviour of smart opponents, as they have to respect that universal reversal more than the reversal threat of our counter… you do not even have to use it regularly. saving for meter will be goukens main strat, either for super or extatsu fadc.
hopefully cr.mp x lp hado does not only work point blank and can be used similar like ryu. that would be a crazy good buff for his ground game with fadc.
i do not need a hitconfirm from lights! i dont want to be so close anyway, only in footsie or zoning range and that range was seemingly buffed quite well…
lp rush punch sounds also good, really interested to see how it works with far.lk. if not theres still cr.lk…
a pity that there was no utility buff for u1, by decreasing the start up. now double ultra 3 seems to be not so attractive anymore…
better backdash would have been good for his zoning, but meh, who cares…
os tech cr.mk should be slightly better on hit and block…
Have you ever played Dek09? I think you haven’t. Anybody here, no…EVERYBODY HERE who has played him KNOWS he KNOWS Gouken. You need to watch your fucking tone! Unless you think you are the only real Gouken player, which wouldn’t surprise me given the rise of the internet tough guy syndrome.
BTW, unless something miraculous happened, EX TATSU is still 7 frames. You don’t just throw out a 7 frame move at the sound of a cricket, invincible or not, if a whiff will give the opponent over 100 frames to think about how to kill you.
i know dek09 from a couple of earlier discussions and i know he’s a cool guy. i was just discussing the subject and dek09 argumented against me (which i appreciate). it wasn’t personal.
Long time, no see guys! I have bring the location test report from Japanese Gouken players.
My English is still very basic, so it might be hard to read…
If you have any question, please ask me. I’d like to trying to answer it!
Standing Far Light Kick is now cancellable.
can combo to LP.palm, and all tatsu but in far range, the specials can’t link.
Crouching Medium Punch now +3 on hit (was +1).
can combo to LP.Hado and EX.Palm but in far range, the specials can’t link.
cr.MP - EX.Plam only works on most closely range.
cr.MP(block) - LP.Hado is not true block strings.
new combos:
cl.MP - cr.MP - LP.Hado (in close range)
cr.MP - LP.Hado - sweep(I guess this combo is character/range specific)
Counter Attack will now longer activate with DF, F, DF motion.
Hyakki Gosai (Demon Flip throw) stun reduced from 200 to 160
I have no report from other players about these.
Light Punch Running Palm has slightly expanded hitbox
they say "I can’t feel big effect from it"
cl.MK(block) - no cansel LP.Palm is still whiffed.
EX Hurricane Kick has expanded hitbox, hits crouching characters now.
can hit crouching opponent!
they report “hit crouching claw” “beat the Rose’s meaty cr.LK” and
"beat Gouken’s meaty cr.LK". this report is important because till ver.2012, EX.tatsu was whiff against this Gouken’s meaty cr.LK.
I have no report about EX.Tathu vs meaty “low hurt box normal” like Ryu’s cr.MK, gief’s sweep.
^ exactly… I was thinking they might have removed the shortcut so blocking and buffering Kongo while grounded might not work… If so that’s a serious nerf to an already nerfed move that loses to a simple grab.
Lol they really shouldn’t have to, the Forward input is just an extra line in the inputs and should just be deleted. Any other changes and I don’t know what they are doing in that office -.-
ah, I copy the English change list from eventhubs, but there were wrong in some points, sorry X-(
the change list in rocation test describe “ex.tatsu’s hitbox expanded downward”, so I think outside hitbox didn’t change.
far LK - LP.Palm didn’t work in max range, but worked in near to max range. I don’t have a report about cr.LK - LP.Palm.
cr.MP - LP.Hado works in the range cr.MP hit on the Gouken’s half of hand. I think it can be use to hit confirm combo.
the describe about counter is wrong, “Counter Attack will now no longer activate with Back, Forward, Back motion.” is correct, sorry…
I wanted to mean delete the back, forward, back shortcut of Kongoshin.
there were no describe about cr.MK, so I think cr.MK is still same as ver.2012.
more informations:
-double Ultra Combo reduce stun, not only damage.
A player test against Fei(stun1050), LvMax double Ultra Denjin(stun800, if double Ultra has same stun as single) - far.HP(stun200)3, he stunned…
I think there is no reason to choose the double ultra if capcom don’t change the system.
-cr.LP2 was whiff against crouching Elena.(like against blanka)
-back throw - ex.Palm worked against Poison.
-EX.Palm - dash -HK.Tatsu worked on Hugo, Elena, Poison. We don’t test that against Rolent yet.