Level 8 cpu killers?

Only game exploit I know of is in KOF 2k. I think if works on all levels. But I’m unsure really. I know it works on Home and below, and on MVS mode.

Easiest ending achievement ever.

Pick the Female fighters team. Place Mai 3rd. (Not as a Striker.)
Do your darnedest to cause some damage to Zero with your first two characters.
Once you’re at the Mai/Zero fight, don’t touch a darn thing.

Zero should just stand there the whole round.
Assuming he took damage the first two rounds, you win by time-over.

Edit: Okay. So not knowing for sure technically makes this off topic.
But I’m tired and only care that someone may find the information useful at this point.

I do that too sometimes. Refuse to mash out of principle.

It’s like a non-violent demonstration against a social injustice (i.e. cheap SF2 CPU abuse).

I have the same problem in the alpha series. Namely, the anniversary collection for ps2.

Anybody else find the AI on that ridiculously difficult at times? I remember beating the game all the way through and never dying when I was 12 or somthing.
They had to change it because it does perfect human style gameplay at times.

XvSF is one of the easier to beat on 8 stars because of infnites. Especially since comp can’t infinite.

KOF Neowave Young Geese on level 8 all that i have to say is good luck

Garou MOTW: As Freeman, score a knockdown then… [Dash right next to them, qcf+B so it grabs soon after they are get up]xN AI falls for it every time. You could break the move and do some combo if you want, or just go for the normal backstab and repeat.

As Terry: [sc.C xx ff,C]xN You may get occasionally hit, but most of the time they just get locked down. You prolly want to input the moves like ff+C, [wait for it to hit, f+C for the sc.C, quicly another f+C to get the shoulder]xN to keep from getting th sc.C, f+C chain.

CvS2’s AI never uses custom combos. A-groove is comically shitty without customs, so anytime the CPU uses A-groove, it’s basically a free win.

And a lot of characters are just programmed to spam specials most of the time. This seems more prevalent with SNK’s characters than with Capcom’s, curiously enough. Beni, Ryo, Terry and Vice are the worst offenders.

Shin Akuma is pretty well programmed though, as usual.

At Evo2k6, after saying he’d play any American for any amount of money in AE, and then almost immediately after that getting crushed in a tournament match by Jason Nelson, Diago lost to AE’s CPU Blanka.

True story.

Honda over everybody w/out fireball. Low crouch with stored ochio jab headbutt everything, do nothing.

Against FBs, block and hop straight up/buttslam, bait something, trip get close and ochio tick/mixup and buttslam/ meaty trip mixup.

Doesn’t mean you won’t lose a round or match, but that’s what I do. Walkup fierce ochio then a move afterward either high or low can get a free dizzy.

He’s easy, basically anybody with a ground projectile beats him, i dont know why considering his reppuken is fucking stupid, but he never seems to use it or if he does you just wait it out once he gets hit once by your projectile and you continue spamming projectiles he gets caught in a strange loop of doing his qcf+K or trys his autoguard uppercut, as long as your a good distance away you should win, in fact you should even get a perfect, try it for yourself

I don’t remember the last time I played CvS2, but the third hit is unblockable in other games. Just wondering if it is in CvS2, would make sense to why the CPU doesn’t block it.

As far as CPU goes on any game, it is usually just figuring out a pattern, nothing like playing a human.

One of my favorite memories growing up and playing at the arcade during the 90’s was finishing UMK3 in front of a big crowd and then picking the fatalities demo for all to see. It’s cause I know a lot of people used to really hate the CPU AI in that game since they would “mirror” your forward/backward movement and almost have an instant counter for everything you do. ex) Throw a projectile at CPU Jade and she would do her invincibility special at the last second then she auto combos you on your recovery.

Anyway I only believed this worked second player side but what I did with Kitana was jump back and threw the fan in mid air just before hitting the ground. Often times the CPU would run at you if you jumped back but with Kitana they kept getting hit with the fan. While they are still reeling from the fan, just run up and auto combo. This method was still pretty monotonous to watch but you can’t imagine how sweaty my hands got after going through triple endurance matches.

Forgot to mention that the hidden end bosses in CvS2 fold faster than Superman on laundry day when you play keep-away with Sagat.

Tekken 5 using King. The high leaping Mongolian Chop move (Diag forward and up and PP I think) owns against all levels of CPU. You can just spam it and win with alot of Perfects.

Until they released an update in MK3 (forget which one) I could get perfect on all difficulties in the arcade with Shiva just doing the teleport stomp. I would drop a quarter in then just flick the controller for long enough to reach and beat Shao Kahn.

Up until Super SF II I could beat Zamgief with anyone just by holding up and pressing FP or RK (depending on the character). Only rarely would the CPU be able to hit you.

:wtf: Iori’s Aoi Hana (QCB + P x 3) is blockable all the way.

His third hit is an overhead, though.

i forgot about that. it works mid screen too.

Anyone can beat fighters on the toughest levels. It really isnt about skill, but rather the computers. AI.

Eventually you will discover all the little tricks and moves that work on the computer almost every time for some reason and then you own it. Also, you get to learn the comps strats very easily.

Tekken 5 is the best example. I can use any two moves with any character and beat the game on the hardest setting np at all.

The hardest games though are old SF’s and 2-d snk. MK included, because with these games you almost HAVE to find a bug or AI glitch because they gamestyle will mirror and auto counter you almost every time.

get an emu and alpha 2. i dare someone to beat shin akuma. no recovery, dumb health, dumb damage.

and 3s ai at the arcade is random. i always get low parried -> super.

another quick easy one in RB2 with joe. keep on doing his dashing C. you only need timing. works most of the time.