Level 8 cpu killers?

The CPU doesn’t get uber hit priorities, it’s just that they react on the first frame with whatever move would beat yours(usually), and so you almost always get outprioritized…this is especially the case with trying to jump in against the ST CPU, who will almost always intercept your jump attack with it’s own jump attack.

XvSF. Zangief:C.lp into C.Hp

Alpha 1’s CPU is pretty bad almost as bad as ST because they get freakish handicaps where a lv1 super can take nearly 50% health.

Alpha 1 is nothing compared to ST.

I’ve routinely gotten to akuma on the hardest mode before having to use a credit.

I’ve even double perfected akuma on the hardest mode so its not that hard.

Alpha 3’s AI sucks – or maybe it’s just because of all of the juggling and starting with a full meter, but you can just spam super combos to near-victory. It’s also insanely easy to trade hits in A3 so you can play pretty sloppy against the AI.

Bison is a breeze once you block his fullscreen SC – just got to make sure not to jump and get caught by it.

A2 has the best AI of the alpha series. It doesn’t fall for as many of the cheap tricks found in A1 and ken can’t just suck people in or go through fireballs with his supercombo. The alpha counters are much more common from the AI (which is annoying) and it also seems to move around a bit more to get in and out of sticky situations (where in A3 and A1 it will pretty much just let you corner trap or fireball them to death always).

But even with all of this I’d say ST AI > A2 AI by about twice as much.

ST AI basically requires you to use normals and to turtle to get the life advantage.

Last time I beat ST on the hardest mode T Hawk was the most difficult person after akuma because he actually zones you with his specials and then he has that pain the ass throw you can’t get out of.

In the original SF2 vega was the hardest AI to beat because his air normals bested yours the majority of the time and if you stayed on the ground he had some insane pokes. In ST Vega is easy.

when i was a kid, i figured out that some cpu’s reacted to directional inputs. I used to do tests like inputting a hadoken motion and looking for a jump. It happens more often than not. In ST, I used to get out of haduken battles by just doing a TK motion. If you jumped than you usually get beat out, (srk, AA normal, early jump normal ect…) but the cpu reacts to the hadoken motion and fires one off instead of reacting to the jump…

LV. 8 CPUs?

Bitch, they’re nothing compared to Lv. 9 CPUs! One on one, you could defeat them if you’re careful and time your moves right while dodging theirs. It’s all about timing, and waiting until you get the Final Smash, hopefully.

If you want real pain, face off against a team of three Lv. 9 CPUs… Nothing short of a quirky stage will save you from the wrath of three Lv. 9 CPUs…

God I love Brawl. :slight_smile:

SS3, late jump in C (on block) into dp throw with the ninjas works like a charm from what i remember.

SS2, ninja teleport close to your opponent and quickly dp throw.

LOL @ ST AI performing holds that waste about 60% AT MINIMUM (i.e. Blanka’s Head Bite, Dhalsim’s Yoga Noogie, Honda’s Bear Hug, etc.)

I once lost 90% to an AI zangief ball cruncher grab cause I refused to mash. Then when I realized it would kill me I started to mash and the grab just killed me faster.

No doubt the AI in SSF2T is notoriously cheap, handicapped as hell and their hits are BEYOND prioritized, but if you just stick with basic strategies (Ryu Hadoken traps, Sagat basics, Ken deep DP’s only when necessary), you’ll b fine. Notorious offenders are Guile (instant charges), Dee Jay (nuff said), Chun Li (fireballin 4ever) and Cammy (jumpin attacks 100% cancel yours ALWAYS).

MK2, if you have Jax, Tsung, Baraka, ninja’s (Subbie, Scorp and Reptile) just sweep and jump back, AI follows you in air, and you get em with your move of choice. UMK3/MKT, jump back and do a late kick in air. If AI throws a projectile…Nightwolf, use shield: If you’re a teleport character (Scorpion, Smokes, Kung Lao, Raiden and Ermac), teleport and COMBO TILL DEATH!!! Works every time.

KI2/Gold…with Saberwulf, raise your super bar with howling/CB’s and do the Saberquake from the other side of screen and the AI never blocks. :slight_smile:

Last but not least…MvC2 with Bison and Sabertooth for example, do a 3-hit low attack finishing with a sweep cancelling into the Psycho Field (Bison special not Super Combo) or Birdie ( with Sabertooth using LK button), jump to them again by now the AI is down blocking, wide open for jump-in combos, jump with the combo of choice and annihilate the AI. Save the advanced tricks for human players.

OK I play 3rd strike vs. the computer a lot on PS2, so here are my easy win tactics on level 8. (you guys probably know most of em anyway)

Vs. Sean - parry and punish

Vs. Hugo - stay only close enough to throw out long range meaties. He’ll either jump and get hit out of the air or get hit out of a ground move start-up. Especially effective with Alex’s f+FP, s.FP and s.RK

Vs. Yun - if you hit him with an anti-air and dash backwards, chances are he’ll get up and try to jump at you straight away, so you can use about 5 or 6 pre-emptive anti-airs. Sometimes I use Alex’s dp RK as he’s still getting up and he’ll still jump and get hit.

Vs. Alex - if you play against him enough, you’ll be able to tell exactly when he’s about to do a jumping d. FP. I think it’s right after he does a whiffed QCF + P. Just dash back and punish his uber long recovery.

Vs. Ryu - if you jump, he’s going to anti-air you most likely with a shoryuken. Parry punish.

Vs. everybody. The easiest way to land a free super is to jab into it. For some reason the stupid AI thinks that if you jab them and don’t combo off it, they can get a free hit in…uh uh! Get them to block a jab, wait a split second and super. About 95% of the time they will eat it right up. The only times that I’ve missed it is if i super too early because they’ll block the combo.

CPU is great for testing out safe jumps on because it has perfect reversal timing.
I find it’s usually only good for one thing. Learning to deal with someone who literally predicts everything you’re doing and is constantly moving towards you. All fighting game CPUs are susceptible to dumb shit in the long run though

Yeah it works against them. You have to be more strict with the timing however as Akuma will bust out with a random dragon punch or Gill hits you with a “DIE!!!” clothesline.

SSF2T Ken killed my Feilong in a sequence of 2 moves, seriously.

He hit me with Stand HP into HP Shoryu. 4 hit dizzy, took off over 80% life
He after did HK roll throw on me, killed me :wasted:

To kill Feilong CPU on Level 8 with Sagat, just press a timed Standing MK all day.

The only trick I know is that the computer won’t block the third hit of Iori’s hcb+p move in CvS2. D:

With Oro in 3S, just score a knockdown, then do an early close mp on wake up so that the first hit of it whiffs. The AI will always block the second hit, at which point you can cancel into a chicken to cross up. AI never blocks the the chicken. Rinse and repeat.

If I remember right, it works against all characters. Definitely works against Gill though.

I remember back on the Dreamcast playing MvC2 with my friend when we were trying to unlock the humongous stream of characters, we used an awesome trick. If you picked Megaman and just constantly kept shooting his buster (non-charged) they would stay the corner and just block, eating all the chip damage as your super goes up. Than, as they approach you, team special with Megaman, Iron Man, and Cable!

Sega Genesis had a rep for the hardest fighting games around. Play Eternal Champions and MK 2 to find out why.

I realize this has been mostly a Capcom thread up to this point, but there are so many exploits in the World Heroes Perfect A.I. it’s not even funny. For example, I was able to beat the entire game on the highest difficulty without continues (only lost the one round to Zeus) simply by spamming Erick’s headbutt over and over again. :looney:

I was able to beat Tekken 4 on Very hard in 5 mins. With heihachi, all you would need to do is do qcf motion, wait a bit, then hit right punch. for some reason the AI always thought they were safe after hei crouched down and stayed there, walked forward, then ate palm.