Lets talk about TS5 + upcoming evo + strategy

kcjx, ur a fucking idiot. Time after time, you call ppl waaaaay better then urself scrubs. Yes, when u say Dan uses scrub tactics, u make urself look like a fucking idiot. He fucking owns you for free (no tip). You try to break down his style of play like ur actually at that level of play. The fact that he (owns u for free) plays the way he does and wins consistently is enuf to justify his skill. You trying to break his methods down is like Corky from Life Goes On trying to break down what Micheal Jordan is thinking when he plays. Stfu u fucking piece of garbage. K thx.

hey sup bro…yeah man this guy been pissing me off a long ass time…i personally don’t care if ppl post their strategy/opinions, because it’s a forum, and u take different things from different ppl and u add it to ur own unique playing style, but this fucking douche posts generic frame bullshit non-stop, hates on players WAAAY better then him, and he’s just generally a fuckrag.

Fuck you, you Canadian piece of shit. I dare you to say that to my face.

roflllllllllll. I’ll do the next best thing in a few days.

I def have to play everyone on this forum , when evo rolls around money match anyone bet it!!! :badboy:

Why dont people like haters? :confused:

lets go, 2/3 $5?

im down

yo smooth: same thing 2/3 $5 with me.

ok not a proplem

Ugh…learn some tolerance before you get yourself in troble. Lay off using other countries as insults.

Kang…you takin bets? I wanna play you. 10 bucks best 2/3…whatcha say kang? PLEASEEEE!!!

OK buddy, you go tolerate that when your name is up there next time.

Kang ignored me again…

im taking all bets for kang. Yes canada sucks…

Sounds good smooth I’ll take ya on

kang doesn’t get to talk any shit cause he doesn’t do money matches. I bet he wouldn’t even play my shotos for money

i don’t get why not doing money matches is such a big deal.

No offense to Jesse, since I know he just has a gambling problem he needs to deal with… :rofl: but anybody challenging people over the internet just to look tough is an idiot in my eyes. How are you guys going to bet when you don’t even know if the other guy is good or not? I like action, but people usually AREN’T happy to make the blind bets last time I checked. The morons who straddle are the ones who usually lose as well. Ashley etc… might like doing it, but I’m not going to Evo with some big list and having 80% of the people back on me after I get there. If anybody thinks they can beat me after they’ve met me, then challenge me then and I’ll decide whether to call or not, otherwise stay on topic or don’t reply to my posts.

1)go to evo, get a ‘guarantee’ that you’re gonna play someone that you’ve been looking forward to play, money on the line will help ensure that you get a good match not some half assed low tier match or whatever(especially with someone you’re probably never gonna see after evo).
2)a lot of top players would probably not go out of their way to play you, so to ensure luring THEM into playing you, you gotta get lured into their “i will accept money matches” challenge
3)$5-$10 is VERY very little money compared to the amount that people are gonna be spending for room/board/travelling expenses.

i’m sure a lot of people aren’t money matching to “look tough” but just to have a way to enjoy evo more.

i’m sure flaming a ‘Canadian’ is any better.

agreed big time.

and kcxj, i thought you were done posting on here?