I would normally make a reply here, but I think I’ll wait until vasAZNion owns himself with another roll canceled +10 punch this time.
wow, i think i figured out why you didn’t wear your name tag at evo last year, and probably why you’re avoiding grudge/money matches at evo this year. you’re not afraid of nerds walking up to you asking for blanka frame data, you’re afraid that random pissed off people punching you in the face.
seriously i have not said anything directed to you unless there was a valid reason, EVER. for the past year, i’ve tolerated your random cracks at me for whatever shits and giggles you get, because i thought you helped out kept SF community alive. but for fuck’s sake, what the hell is your problem?
let me get something off my chest. stop calling other people nerds, i think you already fit that category, so don’t be such a god damn hypocrite.
i am definitely owning myself with roll cancelled +10 punch. WOW, i dont’ even know what this comment fucking means. PLEASE, do everyone a favor and stop digging a hole for yourself, cuz let me tell you now, i am definitely not the person you should be fucking with. why? cuz i’m not like (the)geese and i won’t make useless comments that i don’t think you deserve. so give it up, and stop being an asshole to everyone.
plus allen is west coast’s honey, so no one will let you fuck with him
You guys don’t get the clue I want nothing to do with you people saying all these things to me yet? There’s no grudge. There’s no anything. Just stop talking to me. I haven’t addressed Allen or any of his friends first. It’s always him and his friends replying to my posts and then getting upset when I make a reply. If you don’t appreciate it then don’t reply, I won’t reply, and I’ll never make another wise-crack again (which I think vasAZN has blown way out of proportion anyway). Once I’ve broken some rules on this forum, then feel free to do something. Otherwise, go get a life and start practicing instead of wasting time trash talking to me. I already said before I’m not going to argue or take any matches over the internet.
I’m not going to post this in the Buk thread since I have no clue how you’re going to reply and if it’s something rude then I’ll be spamming up the only good thread left on this forum. Neither you or Jesse respected my opinion when I posted about RC Zangief, so quite frankly I don’t even want to discuss it anymore and I hope David decides goes to Evo and embarrasses you two for free.
I was using C-Yamazaki versus Cammy and I didn’t know what move to stop drills with if it still matters. I don’t think dash back works very well and the counter is probably roll, sweep/combo/super. RC sand kicks were getting me kicked in the face by roundhouse and I sure wasn’t about to use an RC kick when Cammy has level 3 ready. I tried to super the drills on reaction too, but I got faked when Cammy did a s.HP instead and I wasted my meter. I’m not good with Yamazaki but I know Arturo plays him well, Buk plays every character in the game, and neither of those players ever flames or disrespects another person on this forum. I don’t care if they’re good or not. They’re two of the few people I can actually have an adult conversation with on here with no random swear words and not being talked down to.
Reply to me once you and your boys get some manners and stop getting upset like a woman when I don’t reply to one of your posts right away.
edit: I’ll wear my nametag just for you btw. You come try to punch me in the face and see what happens.
But would Aunt Betty win this pissing contest cause she can bend over?
why you gotta call him a woman?
EDIT: oh and mr. snk, aunt betty has a big dick so she’ll be winning all sorts of pissing contests
EDIT#2: Watch out kcxj, allen might +10rollcancel punch and that shit is bananas
i got 100 on jesse over david
bet it or stfu
who the fuck is david?
$20 on jesse
kcxj: youre a fag
-Dentron (e-thug 4lieffff!!)
Alright, this is stupid now. You guys say all these fighting words and expect to get away with it, but if I reply I make myself look just as lame. It ends right now and I’m sorry for all the hurt feelings and bad blood.
I promise to slap myself if I ever find myself posting outside of any CvS2 thread other than the Buk thread again.
i admit, i went overboard on that. just got kind of tired of random meaningless post from you, and you directed one at me, so i though i’d take this opportunity to voice something out.
i dont’ recall saying anything about RC gief. (except maybe saying that it’s not unbeatable, but i swore that comment wasn’t made by you, too lazy to check anyways.)
i dont’ really know who david is. in fact i hope he can kick my ass. i enjoy playing the game, and i enjoy getting my ass beat in the game cuz i know i learn something from it. i’m not sure how i can get embarrassed when i haven’t really claimed anything(the maki thing is a joke, fyi).
if you knew me in person(which i’m sure at the point in time you really wouldn’t give a shit), you’d know that i would never punch someone in the face, whether i know the person or not.
however, that comment i made was not a threat. i was just so very curious as to why you’re so opened on the forums, but you try to avoid meeting anyone unless they were “tops” or something. it’s like you want to make friends, but you’re being selective. this made you look like both an asshole and a pussy(seriously no offense here, it’s how i saw it). frankly, i don’t think i can stand his type of person disrespecting me.
i’m not going to evo to make enemies, so i’m more than willingly to drop this. if i see you at evo, you can expect me to ask you for match. you can choose to do whatever you like after that(perferably you don’t choose to punch me in the face for my comments).
what the fuck happened to my comment about yama? got deleted or something.
i played someone who started doing counters against my RC drills, the drills would hit, he’d whiff the counter attack and recover faster than my drill. not sure if that’s helpful or not, but it was interesting to me as i failed 4 times to recover faster than his counter punch.
also, i think a good reason why arturo or buk does not disprect/flames people is because no one disrespects them. what reasons would they have to NOT have an “adult convo”.
dont’ depend on the other party to be well mannered perfectly for you if you’re gonna show your “asshole” side to one half of srk and yet be totally respectful to the top players. you say you dont’ care if they are good or not, but that’s like what? “i dont’ care if buktooth is good with yama or not”.
i realized i deleted some of my own posts like an idiot when i was trying to organize this post by sections.
alright, first of all, i think i made a valid comment/reply to the “money match == for idiots” comment.
You were the one that first chose to make a non-“adult-like” comment to me.
anyways, i’m putting this all behind me, (made some edits on my more ‘flaming’ comments). let’s keep the forum clean and fun. i’d go for that as well as anyone. i apologize to anyone else for making such a big scene.
go to sleep you fag
this is why you my bitch <3
When are we going to have some more art?
so everyone is friends now. Gay…
kcxj is my friieend…
2/3 $5.
ok? nice.
Cammy doesn’t have the ability to punish everything you do at any given time. If you think she is going to punish your RC dust kick whiff then hp slash/RC hp slash her. More than likely she will be standing up to punish your whiff with her roundhouse and you will hit her feet.
Or you could always use the tried and true tactic of walking foward and sweeping her drill recovery.
it trades
word yo bean u still use k hibiki?
hate hate hate hate