haha, the gameguide says that cr. rh cancels into supers. I wonder if anyone ever uses that. I assume you have to do it into ground tiger cannon or tiger genocide.
Are there any character that can crouch under close standing fierce?
I like to do cr short, close fierce into tiger cannon (not super) for guard crush purpose. So if nobody can crouch this, then i wouldn’t have to bother about whiffing LP on small crouching characters^^ (useful for throws mixups anyways).
I don’t know if there is a gap beetween fierce and tiger, but it seems harder to roll than cr MK, Tiger cannon.
just do c. short, short, s. strong xx rh tiger
im a little confused here. most of cammy’s normals recover too fast to roll through and punish except MAYBE s.rh (which still recovers pretty fast) unless u roll before they even push the button. Ive never seen this tactic used vs cammy.
i also dont understand the whole “If he trades St. Lk w/ her st.HP use your ST HP XX lvl 2/3 Tiger cannon.” thing. if you trade with cammy’s s.hp, SHE gets a free super, not sagat. I guess its possible to punish cammy’s s.hp with sagats but that implys that youre baiting her s.hp and not trading with it.
the only person making any sense here is warren.
Yeah, the rolling through Cammy far s.HK thing doesn’t work unless Sagat guess rolls or guess jumps, which IS worth doing since it’s easy to get caught off guard by Sagat’s fast roll and his powerful jump though.
I know if I was Cammy, I wouldn’t be so liberal in throwing out the far s.HK’s after I realize the Sagat player is crazy and I’ve been caught by Sagat doing random roll xx super.
Cammy can’t far s.HK Sagat if he keeps her out with Low Shots and far s.LK… incidently which is why K-Cammy is the best Cammy because she has easier job of neutralizing the Low Shots with walk up JD.
Sagat can walk up and punch cammy with far s.HP xx super after she whiffs a far s.HK though. Sagat player needs quick reactions and accurate distance judgment.
K-Sagat can JD the Cammy roundhouse and punch her for free.
Anybody want to start wikifying all this information? I still don’t have time to sort through everything and write a big strategy thingie at the moment.
so kang does this mean you’re coming back and playing again
So, are we going to let this thread die? Sagat, IMO is the MOST FUN toptier character to play, because at high levels, you need a VERY GOOD understanding of the game mechanics and pokes.
C-Sagat vs K-Hibiki
st.LK is your friend when near. Seriously
st.MK is good at higher ranges, but whenever is JD, hibiki can punish it.
Jumping at Hibiki is a very crappy situation. st./cr.HP beats all of your jumpins clean. What’s worse, her st./cr.mp, cr.lp pokes, and low jumps mp, are gonna make you fell in HELL. Really. cr.HP is good too, but if you anticipate it and roll, she’s gonna die. Also, some times when using it as an antiairs, at some ranges, sagat j.HK wins clean (WTF! :P) and is also byebye time.
The real secret of this match, is RC tiger shots. SMARTS USED ONES. Why? Because it stops her pokes COLD, builds meter, and give you SPACE. So, a game mainly based on st.lk/mk sometimes, RC shots (when you suspect a poke) and why not, early jumpins/rolls (to some laggy pokes of her) is the solution to this match. st.HK her far jumpins, beacause when she’s on top of you is a very crappy situation, and try to DP/lvl2 her short jumps. Really, a very good skill to learn.
Learn how to combo cr.LK x2 to lvl 2, and like with sakura, KILL HER INMEDIATELY. Really, this bitch is annoying.
Im drunk right now, so ill write some more tomorrow. Im sleepy as hell :D.
Any good advice for C-Sagat against Chun li?
Help and tips would be greatly appreciated! I can’t get out of her pressure strings and so on^^
Depends on the Chun-li.
In the middle of the pressure strings, just teach that b*** to never more do that, Tigeruppercut her face in the middle of the string. Just time it correctly.
If it is a N or K Chun, avoid the distance of the Small jump. Sometimes, prepare a good Tiger Uppercut for her, or Tiger Shot super. Keep Buffering and preparing for that all the time.
If it is a normal jump Groove, Deep Tiger uppercut. Even normal TUs are good, because, if it trades, she get knocked down and you are in advantage for mixups. For a perfect TU, Roll trough her cross-up jump then Tiger Uppercut her back, remember that you must be in the right distance, or do a lvl 2 Tiger Shot Super. If you rolled through her jump, you got her, do whatever you want.
Control your space, you are Sagat, man! The monsta! Pull out some standing forwards or standing Fierces to zone her. Maybe some random stuff: a random roll , Tiger Crush, upper fireball and jumping Roundhouse. This because if she want to walk forward and s.strong you, you will scare her. Although she has time to block jump ins, and it is dangerous for you to do that, you got a free guard gauge damage, so, use it, J. RK to c. Fierce and she got half of guard gauge damaged, she will then play safely. For you, its a low risk for a high reward.
Oh yeah, and as you are C, use counters (forward + Strong+Foward kick) to knock her down. That puts you in advantageous positions, so counters are also good.
And put that Sagat in R2 man! What’s the deal with Rugal? Cut it off, Sagat lvl 2 super will kill anyone, just charge and land it.
Remember this: you just need to knock her down 2 or 3 times. If you be quick, she will get also stunned.
Try this, then come back and tell me the results.
EDIT: I read now my post, it was not so clear.
Remember one more thing: To counter her pressure string with Tiger uppercut, use piano input. Try to not show your intention. After some well done TUs, she will be scared, then, if you just do the gestures, she will stop the string, and you dont need to play risky. Yeah, I know… using gestures while playing, just to fake something is dirty. But who cares if you just win?
Thx i will try that next time^^ It’s just i didn’t know that matchup at all, when i fought this K chun yesterday I have to learn to DP faster then
PS: Rugal or Sagat being R2, it just depends of the other team^^ Don’t trust the avatar and signature
C-Sagat vs C/N Chun-Li:
Learn to DP Chun-li normal jump deeply, so you never trade.
Never whiff cr.HP or st.Hp against a decent chun, because she’s gonna kill you.
Learn to combo cr.lk x2 to super, and never jump into her, unless she’s knocked up and youre going to crossup. This is because her cr.mp beats all your jumpins ( lose tripguard), and her cr.hk beats your empty jumps.
Now, this is how I play the match:
After you let her know that she’s not gonna jump (lvl2 to HP TU, HP TU), poke with st.lk, and PUT ATTENTION on how she reacts. If she jumps, you already know what to do. If she likes to trade with cr.HK, take one risk and roll/jump when you ‘feel’ she’s gonna throw it and kill her. And if she does RC SBK, neutral jump/roll and kick or kill her. AC her SBK traps, cos she can fuck you pretty easily.
Now, put attention on HOW she uses st.mp, because she can kill you in one hit with this move. If she whiffs one, you can punish w/ st.hp to super, but if she hits (and you block) be aware of kikouken after it. You can super tru this, also. Be AWARE that, by whiffing cr.HP she can also punish with st.mp. So, use it only on GC strings or when you know is gonna hit.
When she gets in, BLOCK. A LOT. her cr.lp is a 2 frame attack and if she counterhits you with this, youre going to die. Be careful of countehits setups from her. When you’re close to her, cr.lk is the move to use. Any of this on counterhits is a link onto another one and dead chun.
Dont use st.mk ever. If she rolls youre dead.
Be careful with st.HP and (whiffed) cr.HP.
Beware of her SBK traps.
Be careful at jumping too, because one mistake is what decides the match between the two of them.
D@RU, dont forget to feed back.
Youre gonna win, for sure.
Sagat, man, the monsta!
Yep i will do, but i don’t play against this chun li player very often^^
Thanks as well geadom!
Next time i’ll take the win
Yo i played against this K chun and P chun again^^
I didn’t won against the K chun (ok i won a few times anyways^^), but i felt a lot more comfortable against her^^
Just need to improve reaction times and it will be fine^^ JD + run + throws mixups is hard to deal with^^
I ate some parries super against p one, but she also ate a lot of roll under jump c.mk super^^
Thx for the help, I know how to handle the matchup now^^
Now after every whiffed move there is a Dp waiting