The pokes:
a 2 frame atack, that leaves you at +6 advantage on block. Also, IMPRACTICALLY unpunishable on whiff. You MAIN move when in close and you opponent cannot duck it.
Learn all the combos that involve this move, 'cos is one of the best normals in Sagat arsenal.
The main move to use whenever you opponen can crouch st.Lp. It hits at 3 frames, and puts you in a +5 frame advantage. If you hit in counter hit (or alone) link another one into super. W/out counter is a lil’ bit hard, but is VERY USEFUL for small characters.
If you are new to Sagat, learn to do >>st.lp (against standing char’s, and to those who cannot duck st.lp.) into super/another
The RIGHT use of this move will let you NET tons o’matches that otherwise are pretty difficult. IMO, the best single poke in the ENTIRE game, it has two main uses.
The first one is his speed/range/PRIORITY/RECOVERY. Your enemies will SUFFER in anger and pain as this poke stops almost EVERYTHING cold from them. Also, is VERY hard to punish if whiffed, and even that it lets you at -1, it pushes your enemy TOO far for them to do something about it(when you hit ot force them to block). After a, try to do a cr.HP (buffered into a Lvl2, as ALWAYS) and watch the counter hits FLY BABE!
The second (and often OVERLOOKED) and MOST USEFUL use, is to FORCE mistakes from your opponent. Yes, it may look simple here written, but i cannont COUNT the times when i have won matches throwing a and WATCHING the opponent reaction. They jump >> Tiger uppercut or lvl 2 shot. They roll…do the math :D. They JD, and try to punish with a somewhat laggy poke (Cammy st.HK, Sagat st.HP) you roll and kiss them :P. HELL, even throwing it and buffering a lvl2 and activating upon reaction is good.
So learn to use this move. Because is KEY to tons o’ stuff.
AHHH, the poke that makes the earth shake, the skies open and the sea…wave. The infamous cr.HP (The ‘firehose’ or ‘La manguera’ here in Santo Domingo :p). Yes, is that good, but no, is not that abuseable as ppl think.
As a poke, going from frame data (it hits on 7 frames) is not that awesome. but the properties of the move are crapstantally good.
First it haves TONS of active frames. By active i mean hitting frames. So it works well as a meaty. Second, his tip is INVINCIBLE. So youre gonna upset TONS o’ people with it. 3rd, his recovery is very GOOD (for a Heavy normal) and is DECEPTIVE. 4th, does a good amount of guard crush (st.lp x2 to cr.HP is very good). And lastly, but not worse, is SUPER CANCELLABLE.
By his properties you can see that with so many COOL uses, you should do it like, 3/4 of the match, right? RIGHT? Wrong. The first thing is that IT DOES HAVE RECOVERY that can be (severely) punished. So try to ALWAYYYYYYYS connect with it. The main thing to look for using this move is to MAKE IT Connect. After a st. lp x2 (counter hit/guard crush secuence). After a laggy poke from you opponent ( to punish) and sometimes, it even works as an late antiair (against cammy mostly). So, if you combine this move attributes you should by now deciphered that this moves ALWAYS SHOULD BE BUFFERED INTO SUPER. ALWAYS. (Maybe not when used as meaty, so you can do a GC secuence). This is the key to Sagat power, to PUNISH AND RAPE ALWAYS. That’s why C-Sagat >*.
If going by the numbers this move (hitting at 4 frames, the fastest of his kind) is pretty good. Also, hits LOW, is super cancellable, is linkable (2 frames link) from st.lp (a very good hitconfirn into super) and also has TONS o’reach.
His main uses (besides combos) is to whiff punish things that your cr.HP wont reach in time (and sending a big ole lvl2 fireball after it). For example, if K-Sagat JD Blanka cr.HP, most of the time, he will be able to block if you retaliate w/cr.HP. cr.MK, however… reachs. In time. For a redrock drink.
So as always, learn to combo into it, and to whiff punish too.
Random note: This move is unsafe against K-groovers with 4 frames mk’s. So use st.LK a lot more.
a VERY LAGGY move (it leaves you AT -9 on hit AND BLOCK WTF!), an easy rollable too. Is only supercancellable in his first hit (wich you SHOULDN"T be doing close, and his properties are nothing special.However is Sagat LONGEST poke, reaching (almost?) midscreen. His main uses are (SMARTLY USED) to reach characters from long range or FAST moves hard to punish. Cases are to poke RANDOMLY to hibiki, Against sak st.HK (when it whiffs ONLY) and to punish another sagat’s cr.HP if you re bit to far. Dont use it too much and always try to do Low tiger shots mixed with this when you NEED to use it.
Tomorrow more… i have sleep …