Lets End This! the MvC3 X-23 Combo/Strategy Thread

Unfortunately i failed to read and put this in the other thread, heres a 980k damage combo.


Could we get the notations please?

She’s on god mode, people!

First of all I’ve got great news about her Weapon X Prime hyper. It’s totally invincible after start up! Not even invincible level 3 hypers can touch you after the close up animation. She runs strait through Ryu’s laser hyper, Storm’s Ice storm (you’ll always have time to react to this and hit her; so you’ve nothing to fear from Storm, even if she DHC’s into someone else you’ll always have priorioty), Magneto’s gravity screen, and at worst she passes through anyone doing a hyper that also has invincibility (she owns Dante’s level 3 no matter what). Of course it has a slow start up, but once it does, you can’t be harmed (unless someone’s blocking and waiting to punish afterward).

This does 390.300 to 398.300 damage and 21 to 23 hits depending on how careful your execution is. It took me three hours to be able to pull it off just right consistantly because there are so many timing tricks. I call it my CLONED MASTERPIECE COMBO (so corny) because it’s a variation of her mission 10 combo. It builds over one meter; so it’s perfect for doing high damage while saving and earning meter.

:lp:,:mp:,:hp:,:qcb::hp:,:mp:,:mp:,:hp:,:uf:,:mp:,:mp:,:hp:,:qcf::lp:,:lp:,:mp:,:hp:,:s:,:u:,:lp:,:mp:,:hp:,:qcf::lp:,:qcf::mp:full charge.

The timing on this will kill you. Here are my tips:
After the first talon attack wait until they fall as close to the ground as possible to start the ground combo. Delay attacking after the launcher as long as you can. If you don’t, then the final talon attack will fail. Most importantly, press the buttons as fast as the game will accept them, or your opponent will fall away from you, especially after the launcher.

This is the best no assist, no hyper, no xfactor combo I’ve come up with. So when you don’t have resources remember you’re still lethal.

Sorry for the time that you spent learning that combo, but it isn’t top damage.

Also sorry to anyone that wants the hit by hit of a combo, im not writing them out.


i think the combo should be obvious considering its a variation (more or less) of what leed just wrote:

LMH qcb.H j.MMH [land] j.MMHS [land] j.MMH qcf.L [land] HS j.MMH d.H qcf.L OTG qcf.M (charged)

^notation of the video 10stars just posted.

also, I’m sorry i havent updated the first post for a while, been really busy lately (with school, and Mahvel >_>) but hopefully i’ll be able to update it and all my other threads tomorrow morning.

gah I gotta learn some of these combos! I’m tired of feeling like a masher with x-23.

I’ve been trying to get that L, M, H, QCB HP, M, S down but I always mess up around QCB HP to M part, it won’t connect often for me. It would be hella sweet if I can get that down and have it work on some somebody :stuck_out_tongue:

Those combos do less damage than

L[MH, qcb.H, j.MH, qcf.L, land]x2, MHS, sj.MMH, d.H, qcf.L, land, qcf.M which does 438,600. It does 578,600 if you do the super afterwards.

What’s some of the ways people have been punishing with X-23? Besides doing a quick faint while being covered by an assist I have been having a real hard time punishing and moving in after some blocked combos.

Yeah. The M in that feint loop is the trickier thing to time. You can’t really mash any of it out, but a lot more speed than other character’s combos is involved.

More dumb command grab assist fun facts: OTG Wesker low assist, you can connect all three hyper combos. Including dirt nap (activate, dash). Stylish.

I’ve tried it a hundred time with S, but I can’t land it so I just do the combo using H. It’s now my strongest meterless one, so thanks!

You guys can try ending an air combo with the uppercut kick. You’ll land way faster than the other guy so you can dash to the other side as a mixup. I haven’t played online yet so this is just an idea. Should work though.

hmm, well i just notated what the vid showed… guess its an H not an S.
a tip: dont go online, this game has such a shitty netcode, only thing close to this is Tekken 6, I might go as far as saying its as bad as KoFXII… you wont be able to even land LMH without lag kicking in.

let alone be able to block anything correctly

Nooooo! Tekken 6 was entirely unplayable online. Oh well, I’m still struggling against computer. Is anyone else being grabbed every time they rush?

Oh, and Wesker’s counter hyper works against Dirt Nap. It’s fitting, I guess, because it’s an unblockable hit, not a grab.

Not sure if this is known or not, been looking around places, but you can cancel the charge time of the feint attacks with S.
I haven’t really done anything too spectacular with it, but you can combo a standing heavy, crouching heavy into another standing heavy. I have also done a standing medium crouching medium standing medium.

About that Wesker counter, you can always use weapon x prime on reaction to cancel whatever you’re doing and hit him if he catches you slipping on a normal move. Basically when it comes to these two hypers clashing, whichever comes first loses.

I mentioned being saved from jumping into random supers because of it some posts back.

thanks to both of you guys, i didn’t realize it and it seems like a really neat trick. is there anything i can do to punish an ironman that does his super from almost full screen from chip? ive been able to super through dante’s but ironman’s startup seems so fast :frowning:

yeah its kind of interesting. It opens her possibilities up to shenanigans comparable to makoto hayate cancels and such.
still havent messed around with it too much but it seems like it could increase her combo ability, which is already pretty high.

For sure online needs some patching. Not only the netcode, but the features too. It’s odd that a Capcom fighter released after SSF is lacking things like replays or spectator mode.

With that said, the actual lag in matches is very sporadic. I’ve had matches where I can get full feint loops no problem, but I’ve also had some where I couldn’t get out a simple magic series. Either way, patches are welcome ASAP.

super jump and qcf b or c, lol? I haven’t been put into that situation but I’d imagine that should get you up and over the super with enough time to punish from behind.