Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

More than half of the videos posted here might as well be recorded with potatoes (Myself being one of the primary offenders.) Don’t worry about the quality too much, we’re much more interested in what you have to say over how you present it.

The MF M dirt nap setup is nice, but you have to kill at really specific points in a combo to have the time to do it. You’re almost never going to hit it after a hard tag (which is 90% of the time if you’re playing a TAC based 300% team.)

On your dirt nap reset combo, unless I’m misunderstanding you, wouldn’t they have time to invincible super out of that situation?

That is very true. I guess in those cases i would just spend the extra meter to bring x23 in. That’s what i usually do whenever i have Dorm out since Stalking flare to dirt nap is inescapable even if the opponent eats the stalking flare. I tried to see if doom can do anything that would guarantee a dirt nap, but i had no luck, although Spear Flame to Dirt nap isn’t the WORST setup to have in the corner.

Since they would be in the air their only option is to block and XFxxAir Grab (unless if you skip CS H and just go straight to jump S.) Pretty much HM serves as a bootleg wall to trap the opponent in the corner. if they tech forward they will eat a missile and you will have time to jump S. Also, during the Dirt nap animation you will have enough time to see if the opponent is teching back, forward or neutral and you can adjust accordingly. After inspecting my footage i think it is safer to just Jump S, but for extra pressure or to catch the opponent slipping or to have time to mentally prepare yourself you can do CS M or CS H. The only thing that beats it completely is Sent’s Hard Drive, but from my time in training mode testing it out, Jump S COULD beat it. It did whenever i tested the recording of it but i’m not sure if the same results would occur in an actual match.

I’m almost done with my random complication of X-23 stuff including the setup and the double otg combo. i really want to get better with editing videos in Sony Vegas since it’s something i can put in my resume lol.


As much as I love the video, and I think the combos look cool (especially that XF combo), I’m salty that you started the video with X-23’s taunt quote. That’s how I was gonna start my X-23 guide. ;_;

EDIT: And speaking of my guide, if your videos happen to introduce any tech that’s really neat, is it okay if I throw it into my guide?

Lol really? My bad man. How far are you with your guide? I would love to help out with it if i can. And yeah sure, i don’t mind at all.

YOOOO that xfactor combo!!! I totally forgot you can do cool shit in xfactor. Thats something in the 4 years that the game has been out that I’ve never experimented with her.

And i had to read the forums at 3 in the morning… cant go to sleep without at least trying that combo out

Nah, no worries, it’s all good. As for the guide, here’s a link to what I’ve got so far:

Once the actual data is complete and I’ve run the guide by a good chunk of the X-23 community to make sure it’s accurate and whatnot, I’ll start recording and editing.

Wow, this guide is EXTREMELY detailed regarding the preparation of the video itself and everything. I actually never tried doing TA L after a air grab in the corner, i have to try that. Also, when did Yipes say that? i NEED to see a video of that lol.

Random thing that came to mind. During XF1 X23 can OTG depending on the # of hits in a combo with s.MHS (i think it’s around 10 or 11 hits max after her otg) it’s useful if you used your assist already or if you need to get to the corner to use your assist (such as in my case with HM with Dr.Doom)

I tried learning how to MFC on pad, and while it is doable it is really hard to get consistently :confused:

On big bodies (Hulk/Nem/Thor/Sent/Few others) you can actually link OTG directly into s.S in XF1. The HSD on the s.S isn’t as lenient as it is in XF2/3 so after a 2nd relaunch or on longer combos you have to start doing TK CS H instead of sj.HxxCS H but it’s still reliable and useful in certain matchups. The OTG > s.S link isn’t HSD reliant, though.

@sykilik101‌: I finally got around to doing notes on the back half of the guide. There’s a whole lot of them so let me know if there’s anything I can help clarify.

25:50 (Yes, it’s an old video, but it IS Yipes saying it, so I’d like to use it in the guide. XD)

And as far as MFCs go, I’ll admit you can get pretty far without them, but for X-23’s craziest stuff, it’s a requirement.

Also, Merkyl, shoutouts to all the new notes you added. Scanning through them right now, definitely neat stuff to keep in mind. Although, when you put this:

“The input for the ‘berserker slash’ doesn’t have to be buffered. If you’re point blank (e.g. dash c.LxxMF MxxTA L) you can delay the TA L input a bit and input it facing the opponent after the crossup.”

I’ve practice doing the buffer vs the delay, and maybe it’s just me, but when I buffer, it comes out faster. I’ll have to test it again, it seems.

There’s nothing wrong with buffering, but if you get pushblocked, you don’t get the crossup. If you delay and they pushblock, you can still get the crossup or even go for a guard break if you read it fast enough. I feel like it’s plenty fast even without the buffer and you have more control over it if you’re not letting the game drive it.

The way I figured it was, if they pushblock the normal before the MF - TA, I’m still applying pressure, since the TA will still come out. If they pushblock the TA, I can dash forward for continued pressure; if they don’t pushblock the TA, I’m safe and plus on block, so I can keep the pressure up. But I like the way you think of it, so I’ll try going for that and see how I like it.

Haha word. This would be the perfect touch for the guide! Good shit for finding this.

Does anyone here play X-23 on Pad and can consistently do MFC’s? if so then i need to know your button layout lol. I vaguely know that holding down S would make things easier so maybe i can set my left trigger to S instead of L, but then it would be much harder to x factor on reaction since that’s the reason i have it set as L.

Well, I mean, technically, there’s three ways of doing it: Holding down S the whole time (but I can’t do that), plinking the S after the button, or pressing the ATK and S at the same time, which is what I do. So you could give that a try and see if it works for you.

Are you on xbox? if so add me! “Levitr0n” is my gamertag. There is a good chance it was me actually as your name is familiar. Nice synergy video though, I’m definitely digging your version of the hidden missiles relaunch as the mirage feint m versions always end up wonky and you can only ever get a double relaunch off a single assist call in the right corner that way. I’ll have to try out your tech when I get the chance to see how consistent I am with it but I run plasma beam and prefer it due to it stuffing other assists and being able to convert off forward throws with it. Thanks for the vid!

Shoutouts to Syk.

Just did!

Ugh, i remembered how much i hate playing marvel online. It’s already enough that i play pad so i’m at a disadvantage in terms of execution but throw lag in the mix and I’m done for.

I have another video in the works. Hopefully i can get it out before the semester starts (next week) . Apparently, X-23 can otg by herself from a forward air grab from SJ height w/o x-factor, but it’s impractical as fuck. Also got some other random stuff i wanna show.

Nah, SJ height forward throw is super practical. dH in the corner to land a bit faster, midscreen TA L to land closer/faster so you can OTG.

Every time i tried it i could rarely get it. I did those same inputs for both the corner and midscreen and i could rarely hit it without an assist. Is it character specific?

It’s not that hard to hit the character with AS, but connecting it with s.M is not practical because most of the time AS will only hit once, and when all 3 hits does connect i can rarely ever follow up. Now, with an assist it’s fine, but with X-23 by herself without XF i think it’s not. Maybe i’m doing something wrong but idk.