Let Me Know When the Fight Starts!: The MvC3 X-23 Video Thread

hi guys, i’m relatively new to the boards. i’m from the georgia scene and i wanted to show some videos of our best local x-23 player taking on Chris G at one of our local tourneys (FaceOff at Battle and Brew) and actually beating him to win the tourney. I guess Chris G has never played any solid x-23 players before! Here are the videos, courtesy of FunkyP streaming.

Winners Finals

Grand Finals

It seems to only work when she’s grounded because the higher X-23 is after Silent Kill, the further she falls backwards. Simultaneously, the enemy must already be airborne as that will increase their time in the air after they get Dirt Napped.

I wonder if he knew you can cancel charged neck slicer with samurai edge OTG into WXP

@ Kid Dizzy…didn’t watch the whole thing but liked what I saw. Good use of instant talon dives which are really underused. Chris G got caught up by those a lot. You can try to guess air throw her or XF guard cancel her out of those but that requires him blowing his XF early and I guess Chris G just didn’t wanna do that. X-23 is kind of a character you’re forced to blow XF early on or guess air throw to take care of her aerial movements. Otherwise she can run that shit pretty religiously. I also liked his use of dash up air throw which really allows her to air throw from a far range. I would have liked to see him do some early XF kill combos or some dash up M feint+assist mix ups off it but what he did definitely worked either way.

Overall props for the X-23 rep and beating up on top players.

I’ve actually linked standing L after an aerial dirt nap (I was at about half of normal jump height). I haven’t been able to link it any higher than normal jump height, but the general rules seems to be that the opponent must be higher than you when you connect dirt nap.

The higher you are above the ground, the larger the difference in height between you and your opponent must be (at ground level you can both be standing. At normal jump level you have to basically connect with their feet.)

Grief got some early non-xf dhc glitch kills with X. But it always seemed that wesker and task were picking up the slack. She can be so vulnerable in her offense at times…

That’s because he often attacked without using an assist. M Talon Attack without an assist is asking for trouble. He can definitely create some surprises every now and then, and no one is better at surprises than Taskmaster. Well, maybe Wolverine.

Yeah X-23’s special moves (even her level 3) gain a lot more power with assists. Without them she’s just an easier to pick at Wolverine unless you learn MFC.

You cant really air grab the down+c dive kick it option selects into an airgrab or air tech. He shoulda spammed down+forward heavy rather than down+back heavy. he woulda gotten more forward airthrows which he coulda comboed. The only thing they can do is space it with a long normal on the ground, but then the x-23 can cancel into talon if they predict the spacing.

You can’t air grab it once its active but you can guess air grab the start up before she’s active. If you combine the jump start up frames + the frames it takes to activate talon dive that’s definitely enough time to fish for air throw (1 frame start up once you’re in airborne frames). Talon dive has about 10 frames start up so if the opponent want to go for the guess air throw after blocking one before it’s definitely possible. It’s just if X-23 catches on and anti airs or air throws their attempt to air throw her then they have problems. Dives definitely beat air throws but they have to be in their active frames first.

I think he meant that the down/forward input makes that really, really hard to do DevilJin. You’d have to make sure you’re not within X23’s grab range when she does the down/forward+H input, while also being within your own throw range (to get the grab) before Talon dive becomes active. For a character who’s grab range is substantially larger than X23’s it’s something to consider I guess.

Even then, if the X23 player thinks you’ll fish for that airgrab, they could just double tap H when doing it to ensure that they’d get a throw break if you happened to grab them during Talon Dive’s startup right?

Yeah in a game where X-23 can just turn on XF and kill you off one dive anyone will most likely take the guess once in a while and just go for the air throw. Even though that’s a risk too it’s better than doing nothing and dying. If she does try to get a throw OS off of it you can hope you clash within the 7 frame tech window and get a throw break from the OS. Her dive from that low of a height doesn’t instantly convert to combos like Wolverine so it’s a bit less risky in comparison any way. It’s just bad things could happen if you end up getting dived on out of your pre jump frames and get comboed to the point where people will only go for it if they feel like you’re getting too close to breaking their guard. All it takes is one bad advance guard on an instant dive and you get blown up.

If her dive instantly converted to combos on airborne people it would be more of an issue but most players won’t have a problem going for the air throw guess and hoping either for a throw before you input the dive or at least a throw break to get a bit of space. The situation before the dive becomes active is mostly even and that’s better than being uneven watching her dive on you until you get crossed up or press an attack/advance guard at a bad time and lose.

Gonna throw this in the middle. Some highlights of casuals I had vs. iNerd in MVC3.





Starting to get more used to using X-23 with XF2 + Doom beam. MFC combos are really annoying on Zero cuz he pops up so high. Might have to only do 2 s.H’s and then feint loop after. Also starting to get more used to using X-23’s supers to deal with zone and act as one meter DP’s. Rage Trigger XFC kill people is really cool cuz the invincibility starts on frame 1 and it takes up most of the screen space really quickly.

Next week I’ll be in part of a First to 5 Single Elimination slow tournament for MVC3. Only 3 matches are played for the slow tournament once every other week and every match must be played FT5 to declare a winner. My first match will be against Boom who I believe uses Deadpool/Task/Doom. I’ll put the stream link up or just post the replay vid up next week.

Left this in the Phoenix matchup thread, but I guess it should be in here instead.


Hope it helps someone out.

That setup can also be done with Rekkoha and Sphere Flame (not sure if there are more supers that work with this).

Alternatively you can kill her fairly high up (enough so that an assist would not get hit by her wave) and call Jam session to set up Dirt Nap.

Still alternatively you can kill her low to the ground (but not on it) and use an invincible super to go through the wave and DHC to Dirt Nap.

Something I have yet to try is using Rage trigger to go through the wave and then using X-factor->call jam session->standing M->Dirt Nap. That’s a lot of resources though so it’s not as useful.

Good shit with the sougenmu zero avoidance in vid 2. Wall jumps into talon dive into crescent scythe into talon attack will be so pretty if it can be converted in ultimate. Rage Trigger XFC to counter tough rushdown is also a great idea. And being able to cancel it in the air for that extra bit of damage… More and more hope for ultimate x.

Looking at the frame data, I’m not sure any of those supers will give you enough frame advantage to be inescapable. Silent Kill has 9 recovery frames, and Dark Phoenix Rising is active for 4 frames with 0 recovery. So if you ever active Silent Kill after the transformation wave, you’ll be at -5 at the very best, during which Phoenix will be able to mash jab into a combo.

If you meant killing DP as she comes in from a snapback or something, that would work, but not if Phoenix is the anchor and hasn’t switched.

Sphere flame would probably work if you managed to somehow make Phoenix die from a very specific point of the hyper. Not sure if the wave would cancel out the projectiles, though (I recall the guide saying it had some ridiculous amount of durability). The interesting thing about Lunchtime is that the Servbots don’t seem to “projectiles”, or they have ridiculously hight durability. Hard to test, because the servbots don’t come out unless the hyper connects.

idk what to really do against Haggar other than to cross under him or carefully attempt an air throw if he’s close enough. Just feels like a lame matchup.

Yeah, here I am in the process of getting to know Viper a lot better. Didn’t realize she has such a sick ass wakeup game with EX seizmo. Part 2 of this video’s matches is uploading as I type this.

Part 2:

Shoutouts to KBeast for winning the Starbase tournament this morning. He raped in grand finals.

Haggar on point is easy. Especially if he only had one decent assist that he barely ever called. Just air throw or j.M him all day. Pipe has a lot of range but it has really slow start up. Just jump forward and air block until you get into air throw or j.M range and just do one of those. X-23’s wave dash is so fast you can wave dash behind him and air combo or air throw him on the other side.

Most of Haggar’s other normals are better for air to air than pipe. You can also just ground block air pipe…XFC XF combo kill him off. Once you get Haggar down to low enough health you can block XFC anti air kill him off and then by that time you should have 3 meters with half XF1 still left. Call Ammy assist, turn on dirt nap kill the next person off and then you’ve pretty much almost won the match and just need to lame out or land the first hit on the XF3 character. Easy matchup overall unless they have really annoying assists that they call every couple seconds and even then I would still say X-23 wins it.

Watching the rest of the first match I did like your use of H mirage feint to talon dive to out footsie/cross up Wesker. I should do that more often myself since it gives you a mix up faster than waiting to come down for the high low any way. Level 3 combo off Ammy was nice too.

Rekkoha Stays out after the DHC and keeps her in blockstun (though you have to kill her with the first few hits of Rekkoha. You DHC into dirtnap just for the invincibility to go through the wave, and you have plenty of time to land it on her. And if you’re not sure you’ll have time to land it, you can actually call a lock down assist and do a delayed standing M (after Rekkoha stops locking them down)->dirtnap. Standing M will lock them in place until the assist comes out. The issue with that is it kinda requires your whole team to be alive (as Zero doesn’t have any lockdown assists good enough to hold them for dirtnap’s startup).

Likewise, Stalker Flare stays out for 20 hits no matter what, the issue is getting X23 in (not sure how late into Stalker Flare you can still DHC, but you may be able to hard tag her in and dirtnap if Phoenix is killed high enough).

You can technically time silent kill so that your recovery ends when the wave ends (X23 is still invincible during the recovery). You have to do dirt nap BEFORE the wave anyway, and you probably won’t be doing it 1 frame before her super freeze. Unless I’m misunderstanding that the 9 frames of recovery is after X23’s super flash (which finishes before Dark Phoenix’s super flash if you’re doing the setup right).

Also, using an invincible super through the wave and DHCing into Dirt Nap is definitely something to experiment with. If the super has enough frame advantage you should be able to do dirtnap before she can get out an attack.

Oh yeah, that’s right. I totally forgot about j.M. I use it a lot due to it’s speed (usually when people come in pressing buttons especially.) I guess I really don’t go up against many Haggars on point lately with X. If Haggar’s the last one left, I usually countertag by throwing Ammy in lol.

Thumbs up. Wait, there’s an emoticon for that. :tup:

That Mirage Feint is also nice just in case they jump as it OS into an air throw (which happens a lot, but unfortunately in that particular situation I’m usually holding down back when I should be doing down forward). I try to mix it up with canceling the D+H into L talon dive because people like to block cancel x-factor punish the D+H with a quick low, but the talon dive will hit them. Works beautifully in the corner.

Sometimes the silent kill doesn’t want to connect after her DP (idk if it’s an online thing) so I’m usually mashing it after the 3 hits connect.