What combos/techniques do you use in XF3? It feels like she’s on crack.
You can loop a, b, c, f+c, a, b, c once.
What combos/techniques do you use in XF3? It feels like she’s on crack.
You can loop a, b, c, f+c, a, b, c once.
I’ve been completly stumped by this too… can’t connect the next :l: :h: Launch after without an OTG assist…
Delay the S… hmm…
when exactly during that “flipping” animation of that knockdown are they not invincible? After reading through the thread I can catch them while they’re flipping before they land on their back…, but there’s no hit box… they don’t get hit…
For some reason when i actually hit the standing :l: i cant connect the standing afterwards from the jump cancel combo.
For the cr.H jL M M H (long delay) S land L M etc, you can hit jL M M H as fast as you can, and then the massive hit stun on the H will let you delay the S long past what seems possible. If you do it right, Chun li will hit your opponent with the S just a few frames before hitting the ground, and you can immediately standing L.
Then, for L M on the ground, make sure you piano it. If you don’t instantly press M after L, it won’t connect. This is true for most light moves in this game.
Im a pad player so i guess this combo is pretty impractical then ?
It’s not impractical. I pulled it off on pad after about 10 mins of practice and I haven’t been comfortable playing on pad for about 4-5 years now. It’s all really just timing.
One thing to note is that you don’t have to hit L, M etc. after landing from delay S, you can just connect M, H still and finish your combo. I personally think that’s more beneficial because you don’t really have to worry about the opponent recovering too quickly due to lack of hitstun from the light attack.
Learn the timing for that delay S and the follow up will eventually become second nature.
Messed around in PMode yesterday and found an air throw reset. Don’t know what to do with this knowledge, other than a non-scaled Hyper Assist Combo (with this Reset I could 1-shot Ryu with Chun/Dante/Storm Hypers and kill Sentinel in the 2nd combo containing the reset)
Couldn’t OTG from an air throw actually
c.:l:, c., :h:, c.:h:, :s:, SJC, d.
, d.
, :h:, Legs, , d.
, d.
, :h:, Legs, d.
, d.
, :h:, Legs, d.
, d.
, slight delay, Air Dash, Air Throw
if I delay it that long, the last S won’t come out at all… like, won’t even whiff… no amination, she just lands (not even a launcher…) ugh, this is so frustrating…
You can get a bit of a mix-up going with those little resets, but they’re really just extras to tack on the end of combos rather than something to drop damage to look for.
They work best when they’re close to the floor (like off an OTG from a combo with big hit stun decay). The opponent has an invincibility window when they flip out from a hit, which is why nothing ever hits them after the combo drops in practice mode. The opponent can mash out attacks during a tech to get you off them, but if they do that, they drop the invincibility. So AFAIK you get a pseudo mixup by air throwing them after the tech, or by beating their mashed attack with a launcher or lightning legs juggle.
You’re kinda stumped on these offensive options by resetting so high up in the air, since you have no physical follow-ups as all 3 air specials have been used in that string of jumps. If you have an OTG assist, you can spike them down and then reset from that instead.
This space used to be a post about doing the air chain (j.LMMHS) into ground chain after sweep.
The answer is:
After sweep, hold up+forward and instantly do LM when you jump.
After LM, leave a short delay, then do the MH.
Leave another delay after the MH based on how close to the ground you are, which is determined by how long you delayed after the LM and (this second part is conjecture, viz. unconfirmed) the properties of the character being juggled.
When you are very near the ground, chain SLMH.
It’s a little tricky online because you have to predetermine your juggle on the S, but it’s doable.
i love you. that did the trick for me and the combo went from impossible to possible. way easier than delaying s.
maby that delay only works on bigger characters? i can land it on hulk no problem, but im not getting anything out of trying it on viper.
Real big thanks guys, i can do it now realized that if their to high in the jump cancel it wont work all i need to work on is my execution so i can do the combo easily.
I’ve been messing around with chun-li lately. Trying to get something going with viper and chun, discovered this combo today in training mode. Don’t know if it’s been posted or not but here it is:
j.b, j.c, land, 2b, 2c, jump cancel, j.2b(stomp) xx air dash, j.c, land, 2b, 2c, S, j.2b, j.2b, j.c xx H Legs, air dash, j.2b, j.c xx H Legs, air dash, j.2b, j.c xx H Legs, j.S
Same thing shorter notation:
j.b, j.c, land, 2b, 2c, jump cancel, j.2b(stomp) xx air dash, j.c, land, 2b, 2c, S, j.2b, [j.2b, j.c xx H Legs, air dash]x2, j.2b, j.c xx H Legs, j.S
For a total of around 450k I’m pretty sure. I’m going to mess around with ground stuff later to see if I can tack on a super to similar damage.
If you try this I recommend practicing the first part in the corner.
Note on jc Combos: Don’t mess with them in the corner… you can’t get Triple Jump Followups done - Hitstun scaling is too high…
I can’t get those IAD Legs done correctly (especially crossup). Any tips on spacing/timing/exe? (against standing and after knockdown)
Whats the best way to do her head stomp x2 into air :h: when doing a launch combo
i just spam hk and and dash and win most the time with her lol
Hmm, I figured the combo out a few days ago… I just forgot to come out… yeah, hitting S as late as possible works… my problem was I forgot the L in L MM H part of the jump. silly me, and the opponent wasn’t high enough to connect the ground magic series again…
After I realized that and added the L to the beginning of the loop, I got it working like that.
I so thought I saw a video of her doing some air combo into an air hyper like her old mvc2 one… was I dreaming…?
am having trouble connecting her c~c (stagger) any tips?
^^ if you are doing it in a combo (like L,M,H xx kikoken xx H) you have too input the kikoken motion kinda late, like its a link from the standing H.
i had REALLY hard time learning that combo till i figured that out. once i did though it became ALOT easier, but sometimes the crumple will get blocked cause i did it to slow… thats the kind of delay you have to use. weird that they programmed it that way.