This is good info right here. I’m probably going to have to keep working at it but I’m having a hard time getting this down even with your simplified version of the combo. Any tips anyone?
My advice for Mission 10 is as follows:
- Attempt to do j.LM as soon as possible after cr.H connects – I’m not near the game right now, but in my memory I am pretty sure I started hitting the buttons before I even knew Chun had left the ground.
- Follow up that j.LM with MH, then wait as long as possible before hitting j.S. When you hit j.S, just do S~L~M~H (not even worrying about the timing) and buffer in the Hoyokusen, which you can hit-confirm once you see the st.H connect.
- After Hoyokusen, hold straight up and do MMH as soon as Chun is close, then Tenshoukyaku to complete the Mission.
Generally speaking, if j.S doesn’t link into s.L, it is because of one (or both) of these problems:
- You didn’t connect j.L soon enough after cr.H
AND/OR - You didn’t do j.S late enough.
This has become my staple corner combo. Depending on if you start with a jump in, c.:l: or c. it will do between 495-508k for no meter.
Combo into :h:, Fireball Crumple, :h:, :s:, [j.d:m:, j.d:m:, j.:h: xx :h: legs] x3, jump cancel, j., j.
, j.:h:, jump cancel, j.
, j.
, j.:h:, j.:s:
This is really really easy, the last few hits at the end will get a little tight but just keep your chains fast and you are gold.
Something i’ve noticed is that it seems like outside of using Buktooth’s relaunch combo to either carry them to the corner or for specific situations like that x-factor combo on sent/big characters, that it’s adding a lot of difficulty for really no more damage, sometimes even less in some situations.
I can hit it alright, but it doesn’t seem worth the risk of dropping the combo, am I just missing something about it?
does chun have any other damaging bnb than her simple crumple loop i am learning her now and the crumple loop is 2nd nature to me now and i am trying to find if she has any other combos that are more useful or just as useful as the one she has now
Not that I know of. I’ve been trying other stuff, but other than the basic Crumple Loop, nada. There are, of course, tons of other ways to combo into it.
Right now, just cause it interests me, I’m trying approaches with Spinning Bird Kick + Assist Cover (which does combo into the loop surprisingly enough and can be used from full screen, just is a little risky).
The loop itself starts at the part where you jump forward. You have to cut off the part at the beginning or else you’ll have to adjust the combo. Basically, if you hit too many st. C’s and cr. C’s before going for the ender, hitstun proration will kick in and they’ll recover before you can finish. So I keep it to one st. C per rep.
I think the same thing applies with [media=youtube]B1DczSW1Nok"[/media]. Notice after Kikoanken he only hits cr. C before jump-canceling as opposed to st. C then cr. C.
I’ve tried hitting both the St. C and cr. C for that double loop combo, but they always pop out before I can finish the 2nd rep of the loop.
For the loop I posted though, X-factor Lvl3 is more lenient than Lvl2. I think you can loop it up to four times before they pop out, so you might be able to add in some more hard attacks in the overall combo using lvl3 x-factor.
well for me Chun-Li always was a hard character to learn and to main, but thanks to Tatsunoko vs Capcom, I really learn how to use her, the only think that I don’t like in MvC3 it’s the new level 3 Hyper, in Tatsunoko you can Air Combo the level 3 Hyper and here you can´t but all that’s the only think i don´t like, on the other hand i think that Chun-Li is one of the best characters
Oh man if Chun still had her level 3 from TvC, she’d be one of if not THE most frightening character(s) in the game (Not that she isn’t already). Especially since unlike TvC, level 3s don’t scale in this game. Can you imagine? Chun-Li’s BnB would be like… 1 Million+. With X-Factor? Forget about it.
It’d be able to be tacked onto the end of pretty much any combo for free and you could throw it out at the start of the match since after her BnB she has like… 2.9 Meters after 1 BnB. Just land like anything to chip…yeesh.
sigh Wishful thinking.
If Chun had her TvC Level 3 Hyper she’d probably be the best character in the game, or close.
But that would be so stupid, because you could then combo Hoyokusen into her Air Hyper, which wouldn’t have damage scaling.
chun with her tvc lvl 3 would easily be the most dangerous person in lvl 3 x factor next to sentinel cause lvl 3 doesnt scale so you can do her crumple combo into her super and continue the combo from her launch which would be soo sick i do wish she had her tvc lvl 3 cause thats my favorite super from her ever
I’ve been trying to replicate some of the stuff from Desk’s video. Mainly been working on the combo starting at 0.38 as it seems like a great way to land the level 3 for insane damage. If you end with kikoshu it does 605k, I haven’t hit the level 3 yet as they tech out of the legs really quickly.
Edit: The combo does 839 200 with level 3.
How does Desk keep in the air so long in his air combos? Like the part where he’s fighting Sentinel, he doesnt even need to jump back up and keeps going?
It’s either
- Sentinel’s hitbox
OR - A really fast double-jump into headstomp.
Invented a level 3 XFC loop that auto kills, only tested on captain america. Any combo into: downH jump L M M H land jump L M M H delay S land jump L M M H delay S etc. 3 loops is 1.5mil lol
highly trollish. If in corner, jump forward for the first air section, neutral for the rest. mid screen, always jump forward.
So I’ve found a basic BnB combo that I’m happy I can do comfortably with my weak execution.
I got the hang of the jump ,
,:h:~:h: legs stuff, so I’m doing a launch into jump
,:h:~legs, double jump
,:h:~legs, triple jump
,:h:, to finish with Tensho Kyaku. From a basic stand L,M,H,S ground series, it does 378,000 damage which is solid enough for me at this point.
So in case anyone else is struggling with her execution, I recommend working toward this.
If it takes them to the corner, I can finish the third jump with legs instead of Tensho Kyaku and then S (or TAC) for a spike where an OTG assist (X-23 in this case) sets up her level 3, Kikosho, or spinning bird kick if she needs to go meterless.
Probably works only against larger characters then (as Cap Am. is above average in terms of height it would seem. That’s why I’ve been using Ryu for most of my combos now). I’ll to test it and a few other things and update the OP over the weekend as I’m pretty busy today and tonight (and I don’t like updating without testing stuff).
Anyways, are you the Dacidbro? Like the BlazBlue Dacidbro? If so, big fan of your commentary. Legendary stuff…some of the best. I wish BB was as popular as SF sometimes just cause having you on streams would be hilarious.
Yeah, it’s me :wonder:
I’ll be running a lot of the norcal Marvel commentary, hopefully. At the very least, I should be doing most of the iplaywinner ones, because I’m a good friend of Coopa and he has some of the best streaming equipment up here.
IAD = Instant air dash
is this just jumping and immediately air dashing?
shout out to hayward
I cant seem to do chuns crouching :h: jump cancel combo i try to delay the :s: but the standing :l: wont connect. Ive watched the videos and bucktooth and saw it yesterday by a chun player on winter brawl and they do it so easily.
Same here. That is precisely the problem I have. All I can say is that we just probably need to practice over and over again as much as we can.