Learning to Kick @$$ (Literally)! - The Chun-Li Combo Thread

This post will be updated with Combos, BnBs, Resets, etc. for Chun Li, as well some general stats/strategies for her as well. Don’t be afraid to contribute your findings and experiences!

I’ve decided to follow a similar format to Karsticles’ Dormammu guide as it gives a lot of space and information I feel is not conveyed in a simple BnB list.

Chun Li at a Glance

Health: 850,000

Level 1 X-Factor Bonuses: 120% Damage, 120% Speed

Level 2 X-Factor Bonuses: 135% Damage, 135% Speed

Level 3 X-Factor Bonuses: 150% Damage, 150% Speed

As you can see Chun-Li gains a huge amount of speed in comparisson to the rest of the cast in X-Factor. With X-Factor Level 3, she is very difficult to control and combo with properly. Part of your success in Chun-Li will depend
not only on good execution, setups, decisions, and movement but being able to do all of these things in X-Factor as well (even if it is only for the “What If?” scenario of being stuck with only Chun-Li at the end of a match).

:l: - Light Attack
:m: - Medium Attack
:h: - Heavy Attack
:s: - Special Button
:a1: - Assist Button 1
:a2: - Assist Button 2
:atk::atk: - Any Two Attack Buttons
(Air) - Performable While Airborne
(Low) - This Move Must Be Blocked Low
(High) - This Move Must be Blocked High
(OTG) - This Move Hits Prone Opponents
(Mid) - This Combo Requires A Mid-Screen Opponent
(Corner) - This Combo Requires A Cornered Opponent
(Assist) - This Combo Requires An Assist
(Reset) - This Combo Requires A Reset
(XF1) - X-Factor Level 1 Damage Levels
(XF2) - X-Factor Level 2 Damage Levels
(XF3) - X-Factor Level 3 Damage Levels
c. - Crouching
s. - Standing
j. - Airborne
sj. - Airborne Via Superjump
(XFC) - X-Factor Cancel
(DHC) - Delayed Hyper Cancel
IAD - Instant Air Dash
(JC) - Jump Cancel/Jump Cancelable
(A) xx (B) - Cancel A’s animation into B.
Magic Series – Chaining attacks from Light to Medium to Heavy. The basic combo in UMVC3.

Note: At the request of Buktooth, Frame Data is withheld. If you want Chun-Li’s data as well as an amazing product in general, please purchase the Brady Games Guide for UMVC3. Definitely worth every penny.

Standing :l:



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 35,000


•Chains into itself as well as cr.:l:

•Magneto jab this is not. While Chun’s standing :l: is really good, it doesn’t have the same ridiculous range as some other characters or be an amazing anti-Air like Magneto. It’s primary use is a fast poke to get in a quick hit and start a combo.

•Offers more damage and meter than cr.:l: but is more slower/more unsafe.

Standing :m: (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 50,000


•Jump Cancelable. Not as useful as cr.:m: in this aspect but you can create a cross up situation or over head off of this move.

•Decent range poke but because of the slight upward angel of the kick, this can miss some smaller characters. Street Fighter 4 this is not, don’t use standing :m: as an anti-air. Mostly a standard combo filler as there are simply better pokes/attacks.

Standing :h: (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 70,000


•Jump Cancelable. Not as useful as cr.:H: in this aspect but you can create a cross up situation or over head off of this move. It is pretty good if you combine that with the fact that it’s a . . .

•Medium speed attack with decent reach that is completely safe if blocked. Whiffed, not so much though. As with any whiffed normal in Marvel, make sure you cover yourself in some form.

•This is Chun Li’s Snapback animation.

Standing :s:



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 70,000


•Cannot be canceled into anything

•As with all launchers (except Wesker’s cause he’s ridiculous), a blocked launcher is a good way to lose a character. Never use it as a poke and very rarely as an anti-air.

•Important that you realize that holding :s: causes you to automatically super jump to follow your opponent. This is useful for keeping a Spinning Bird Kick or EX Spinning Bird Kick charge.

Crouching :l:



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 33,000


DOES NOT HIT LOW. It’s important that you realize this.

•Chains into itself as well as standing :l:

•Pretty safe to poke with and bait the opponent into a counter hit. Just make sure you don’t rapid fire it as you will trigger :l: Hyakuretsukyaku

Crouching :m: (Low) (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 48,000


•Jump Cancelable. You can use this to set up a cross up situation or an instant overhead.

•Chun’s fastest low attack. On top of that, it has probably the best reach of any of her grounded normals. This is the move you want to fish for a hit with for a combo besides aerials and well placed jabs.

Crouching :h: (Low) (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 60,000


•Jump Cancelable. You can use this to set up a cross up situation or an instant overhead.

•Second fastest low

•Outside of damage, this move is completely trumped by cr.:m: in almost every way. They have the same setups but cr.:m: is faster, has longer range, and better recovery. Despite this, it’s still an amazingly important move in her arsenal due to it’s large damage and prevelance in Chun’s combos.

Kakukyakuraku - :f: + :h: (High) (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 80,000


•Jump Cancelable. You can use this to set up a cross up situation or an instant overhead.

•Cannot be special canceled

•Chun’s signature “flip kick”, this move is good in combos and rarely as an overhead due to its slow speed.

•When predicting a ground throw, use :b: + :h: to break it. Due to the system changes in UMVC3, it’s possible to mash a throw repeatedly. After several “Break Aways” both players will be pushed too far apart to grab one another and if either player is still mashing, the character’s :f: + :h: will execute. That’s a good way to lose Chunners.

Aerial :l: (High) (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 40,000


•Jump Cancelable. It’s an AMAZING instant overhead by the way.

•Scales combo damage very heavily so avoid using it outside of a really fast aerial poke (and it’s FAST, just has poor aerial range).

•Considering the speed at which this move comes out and recovers, I really wonder how the hell she is able to essentially do a complete split and then bring her foot back down. Something to think about…

Aerial :m: (High) (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 55,000


• Jump Cancelable. You can use this to set up a cross up situation or an instant overhead.

•Chun-Li’s air :m: is probably her best normal. It comes out rather quickly, has good reach, can cross up, is an overhead, is completely safe on block, sets up amazing unblockables with a low hitting assist, and leads to full combos on hit.

•After connecting with j.:m: you are pretty much free to perform any ground combo of your choice from normal jump height. Trades from super jump height can be canceled into aerial Tenshokyaku xx JC xx Aerial Magic Series or simply JC xx Aerial Magic Series to pick up extra damage.

Aerial :h: (High) (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 70,000


• Jump Cancelable

• Similar to j.:m: in a lot of ways, only it’s slower but provides more raw damage. It’s generally better to use j.:m: due to it’s speed and reach advantage and the fact that you can IAD j.:m: to score a hit. Still a normal jump j.:h: isn’t always a bad thing.
•Can chain into j.:s: almost any time you land this move for extra damage. Due to the histun scaling in this game, it’s ill advised to do this though as usually opponent’s will pop out before you can finish a combo with a Hyper.

Aerial :s: (High)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 70,000


•j.:s: is specifically useful for two purposes:

  1. Chaining together an air series (specifically used after j.:h:)
  2. Knocking an opponent from the air to the ground. This is specifically useful in combos that involve Tenshokyaku, j.Hyakuretsukyaku, and of course an Air Series after a launcher.

Yosokyaku (Aerial :d: + :m:) (High) (JC)



Attack Data:

•Hits: 1

•Damage: 65,000


• This move can OTG

• Jump Cancelable. You can use this to set up a cross up situation or an instant overhead.

• Causes Chun-Li to bounce at a 45 degree angle upwards on hit. This allows you to string several aerial attacks together on hit, including another Yosokyaku.

• An invaluable move to Chun-Li’s arsenal, this move allows for so many options. Yosokyaku is capable of all of the following:

  1. Chaining from any jump cancelable move to create an almost instantaneous overhead that is incredibly difficult to block, especially when coupled with a lockdown/pinning assist like Akuma’s Tatsumaki, Sentinel’s Drones, or Frank’s Shopping Cart.

  2. Chaining more hits/:h: attacks into a single combo thanks to it’s speed out of jump canceled normals and it’s ability to be JC’d itself.

  3. Follow up throws from the ground and the air in tandem with either j.Hyakuretsukyaku or canceling into an IAD j.:h:

  4. Resetting opponent’s after a launcher combo, allowing for a high/low mixup, left/right mixup, or air grab attempt.

  5. Makes Chun-Li’s two infinites possible.

  6. Most importantly, allowing you to add a hyper combo onto the end of most bread and butter combos.

Throw - :b: + :h: or :f: + :h:



•Hits: 1
•Damage: 80,000

•Ground throws are able to be followed up two ways:

  1. MVC3 style: Calling an OTG assist (i.e. Wesker) as you grab your opponent
  2. Super Jump IAD xx j.:d:+:m: right as the throw animation is ending. I find it easiest to perform :d:,:u: as soon as I see the opponent’s head “bounce” off the floor from the slam Chun-Li gives them. To perform the Air Dash xx j.:d:+:m: it is easiest to hold :d: and hit :l:+:m:, :l:+:m:. The game will option select the Yosokyaku if it’s able to, otherwise it will air dash. This trick is also useful for performing Yosokyaku xx IAD j.:h: combos.

•Air throws are able to followed up by air dashing from the spot of the air throw and then performing j.:d:+:m:. It’s best to wait as long as possible for the OTG as it gives you the lowest height, allowing for the easiest follow up for a ground combo.

Ground Dash - :b: + :atk::atk:, :f:+:atk::atk:, :b::b:, or :f::f:


•Chun-Li’s dash is able to be fast, covers good distance, canceled into pretty much anything, making it very effective.

•Hyakuretsukyaku will trigger at any point when the same button is pressed 3 times within a certain time frame. It is for this reason that wave dashing quickly with Chun-Li is not advised as it will cause Hyakuretsukyaku to come out and whiff, allowing for punishment. You can use this to your advantage to style on people and loop Hyakuretsukyaku xx Dash repeatedly if you so choose.

•While dashing with Chun-Li, it is possible to hold the charge of a Spinning Bird Kick or EX-Spinning Bird Kick. Done fast enough, one can crouch to charge, stand and dash, and immediately hold down to cancel the wave dash while still holding the charge. This is a useful way to traverse the screen while still holding either version of SBK for a counter assault (especially since the aerial version of SBK is relatively safe on block and leads to good damage on hit). [/details]

Air Dash (Air) - :f::f: or :atk::atk:



•Chun-Li only has the ability to air dash forward. Keep that in mind.

•Chun’s air dash is fast, very fast. So fast that the fact that you can’t block during it is almost negligible unless you are starting up a dash right as they full screen projectile/beam super. It travels on a slight downward angle, making it perfect for aggressively rushing down an opponent.

•Can be executed faster by super jumping instead of normal jumping, allowing you to cover more ground quickly.

•Can be “Plinked” or “Kara’d” using either :atk:~:h: or :atk:+:atk:+:s:. This allows you to string two air dashes together almost instantaneously to travel almost the entire length of the screen. Master this technique, as it is your primary means of getting around the screen next to wave dashing.

•Option Select “Plinked” Air Dash/Grab Break: :f: + :atk: ~ :h:

•Option Select “Kara” Air Dash/Grab Break: :f: + :atk: + :h: + :s:

Wall Jump - :uf: while jumping backwards towards a wall.



•Useful tool to know. Can be good for getting you out of a sticky situation in the corner. Realize this does not use one of your jumps and you can act shortly after the wall jump with almost any aerial option.

Preferred Combos


“Buktooth” BnB

[j.:m:], :d:+:m:, :h:, :hcf::h: ~ :h:, :h:, :d::h:, :uf:, j.:l:, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:, :l:, :m:, :h:, :s:, Super Jump STRAIGHT UP, j.:d::m:, j.:d::m:, j.:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, JC, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, JC, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, …

[j.:s:, OTG Assist xx Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo]
[:h: Hyakuretsukyaku xx Team Aerial Exchange]
[j.:s:, Falling :d:+:m: xx Reset]
[j.:s:, :a1:, Super Jump, Air Dash, j.:d:+:m:, land, Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo]


JC “Yosokyaku” Combo

:l:, :m:, :h:, :hcf::h: ~ :h:, Backdash, :f:+:h:, :h:, :d::h:, :u:, j.:d:+:m:, Air Dash, j.:h:, :h:, :d:+:h:, :s:, Super Jump STRAIGHT UP, j.:d::m:, j.:d::m:, j.:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, JC, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, JC, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, …

[j.:s:, OTG Assist xx Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo]
[:h: Hyakuretsukyaku xx Team Aerial Exchange]
[j.:s:, Falling :d:+:m: xx Reset]
[j.:s:, :a1:, Super Jump, Air Dash, j.:d:+:m:, land, Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo]

[*]For this combo I find that after the first :d:+:h:, the easiest way to get the j.:d:+:m: into j.:h: to combo it’s easiest to use an option select. By inputting the j.:d:+:m: as :d:+:l:+:m:, :d:+:l:+:m:, you will get the stomp and air dash follow up every time. It must be :l:+:m:. Using :h: at all will cause you to perform :h: Hyakuretsukyaku rather than j.:h: which will cause you to drop your combo.

:d: (Charge Until Glowing), [Wave Dash in to hold charge], :u:+:h:, :d: (Charge), :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, :d: (Charge), :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku xx Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo

[]You can hold an EX-SBK Charge by releasing :d:, Dashing Forward, and immediately holding :d: again as the dash starts up.
]This combo can transition into the “Neo-Buktooth”/TK SBK Loop by using an :h: SBK instead of EX-SBK.
Tenshokyaku “Punisher” Combo

:l: Tenshokyaku, j.:s:, Land, :d:+:l:, :d:+:m:, :d:+:h:, :u:, j.:d:+:m:, Air Dash, j.:h:, Land, :h:, :d:+:h:, :s:, Super Jump STRAIGHT UP, j.:d::m:, j.:d::m:, j.:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, JC, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku, JC, j.:m:, j.:m:, j.:h:, …

[j.:s:, OTG Assist xx Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo]
[:h: Hyakuretsukyaku xx Team Aerial Exchange]
[j.:s:, Falling :d:+:m: xx Reset]
[j.:s:, :a1:, Super Jump, Air Dash, j.:d:+:m:, land, Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo]

[]The reason why it’s a called a “Punisher” combo is because :l: Tenshokyaku comes out in just 2 frames. It can pretty much punish a large majority of moves in the cast and can actually beat out a lot of other moves. Because :l: Tenshokyaku received such a ridiculous buff, it’s really easy to go from a defensive position to the offense really fast using this move…it “punishes” your opponent for throwing out almost anything but a jab (and even then that’s not always safe) at close range against you
]Treat the first move after j.:s: after the Tenshokyaku as if it were part of the chain. There is no delay between the j.:s: and the first crouching attack. The “Land” is there in the notation simply to show you that you are not airborne during this portion of the combo.

“Neo-Buktooth” SBK Loop/TK SBK Loop

[j.:m:, Land] :d:+:m:, :h:, :hcf:+:h:~:h:, Backdash, :f:+:h:, :d: (Charge), :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, :d: (Charge), Land, :d:+h, :u:+:h:, :d: (Charge), Land, :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, Land, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku xx Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo

[]You can add standing :h: in between the :f:+:h: and between the time when you land from the SBK and the :d:+:h:. The timing is very strict so I’ve omitted it as landing it consistently in a real match takes serious execution.
]Carries to the corner from virtually anywhere on the screen.
Tsu’s Combo

:d:+:m:, :h:, :hcf:+:h:~:h:, Back Dash, :f:+:h:, :h: :d:+:h:, :u:, j.:d:+:m:, :d: (Charge), Air Dash, j.:h:, [:d:+:l:], :d:+:m:, :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku xx Hyper Combo

[]Here’s a combo for those of you who like to start a combo like Buktooth but want an easy way to land a Hyper without using assists or in X-Factor Level 3. This was the combo I used in Vanilla whenever I needed to burn meter.
]It may be possible to get another :h: SBK Loop in there, as it was possible in Vanilla but I haven’t tried it with the new Hitstun Decay in Ultimate.
Tenshokyaku “Punisher” SBK Loop Combo

:l: Tenshokyaku, j.:s:, :d:+:l:, :d:+:m:, :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, :d: (Charge), Land, :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, :d: (Charge), :Land, :d:+:h:, :u:+:h:, Land, :h: Hyakuretsukyaku xx Hyper Combo/Team Hyper Combo
[]Combo that comes off the ridiculous speed of :l: Tenshokyaku that deals good damage and almost always pushes your opponent to the corner
]Treat the first move after j.:s: after the Tenshokyaku as if it were part of the chain. There is no delay between the j.:s: and the first crouching attack. The “Land” is there in the notation simply to show you that you are not airborne during this portion of the combo.
Air-to-Air Combos
Coming Soon

Throw Combos
Coming Soon

Reserved 2

Messing around with what she can do off a launcher… she has a limited number of lightning legs she can do in the air, but seemingly limitless number of down+b’s. For example,
S, BBC xx C Legs, D+B x2, C xx C Legs, D+B x2, C xx C Legs (can’t do anymore lightning legs after this), D+B x3, BC jc BC jc BCD. 398k damage and knockdown.

Her hcf+c~c is an amazing lifter that deals 100k should be in all ground combos.

Can someone tell me how to do Mission 10? This is ridiculous, the Stand S after Air S resets and I can’t combo anything after >.<

Edit: NVM, Cheated with X-Factor~

I really like this launcher combo but I couldn’t get it to hit outside of the corner. Is it possible to do it midscreen?

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I didn’t try, I should have added that I was doing it in the corner.

good stuff kourck, we meet again here Rufus pal lol

has anyone figures a good midscreen combo? she has so many things to variate her combos thats hard to find an effetive one

I found something really weird I did on accident twice today. When a character is coming in, I called Sentinel bomb assist and did cross under lightning legs. It hit and then started juggling the incoming character with the back of LL, and it was a “perfect” juggle in that the character wasn’t moving AT ALL as they got juggled by a portion of the hits. I was mashing C legs for about 15 seconds before my finger got tired, but I’m guessing if you can set this up, you can probably just mash it for free until the character is forced to pop out by the game. Will have to experiment more and see if I can do it on purpose, hehe. Might be a nice trick for huge meter gain, too.


Sorry if it feels like I’m spammin you guys, but I just REALLY wanna get that find out there.

A taunt combo? Amazing!

I’ve been playing around with it and one you can do midscreen is:

Combo into launcher x Superjump A,B,C xx C Legs, Airdash, D+Bx2, B, C xx C Legs, Airdash, D+Bx2, B, C xx C Legs, S

In the corner you can change the S at the end with D+Bx2, C, S for a little bit more damage

Thanks. I’ll practice that for a while. I just need to get down dash cancelling the LL’s and I should be fine with it.

anyone else mess around with corner A,B,C, (J.DMK), airdash, (J.A), A,B,C, J.DMK, airdash, J.A (J.A), A,B,C etc.

ive gotten it to loop at least 3 times. its obnoxiously annoying though since legs come out with any extra input. gonna see if its possible to go into one of these legs loops after 3 loops of this tomorrow if im bored.

Her LL loop seems to really useful to push them to the corner, but I can’t seem to get the timing down. My input is C x3 > (BC) C x2 > (BC) C x2. Is anyone using a different technique, or do I just need to practice the timing with this?

I can’t figure out why the Legend in the OP uses “snka” “snkb” and “snkc” instead of L,M,H or something.

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Just do (MH) x3.

If you’re careful with time timing, you can make it so that the 2nd (MH) input is after the legs end and 3rd input gets legs allowing you to drop them a bit lower for more hits.

It’s an easy method to combo into a snapback.

L, M, H, H legs, (MH)x3, snap.

Also, with x-factor, once you learn the timing this is a pretty easy combo to do to get to 80~100% dmg combos depending on setup.

W/ x-factor she’s so fast this is hard to block:

SJ air dash M, M, (land), cr.L, cr. M, st.H, H legs, (MH) x 3, (MH) x 3, Kikosho.

If you’re feeling quick you can try to go for a L, M, H, hcf HxH into leg loops.

Hey guys, I uploaded a video showing a bit of a variation to Chun-Li’s Mission 10 combo. Basically, I had a really hard time connecting :snka: after the j.:s:. I know how to do it but it just doesn’t work for me consistently. Especially if I’m in a match against someone good. While in practice mode, I found out that you don’t need to do the j.:s: at all if you delay the previous inputs long enough. It’s faaaar easier for me to do now, even when playing online. With level 3 X-Factor there’s almost no way to mess up as long as you listen to the sounds of the hits. It’s a very easy rhythm to follow.


So yeah, the start is the same as always just without the j. S:

cr. L, cr. M, cr. H, air L, air M, air M, air H, L, M, H … into whatever you want. I dunno if this helps anyone, but it really did for me. Of course, this won’t actually complete Mission 10 or anything. It’s merely a slight variation that’s easier to do.

just to throw some numbers around, in the corner you can do:

c.a, c.b, c xx fireball crumple, c.a, c.b, c.c, launch, m m h xx h legs, j m m h, j m m h xx h legs xx tensho

for 430,700 damage <3