Lord_Raptor are YouUuuuuuuuuuuuuu a tranny?!?!?!? Here is a real life real world experience I dealt with last week which gave me some insight as well into the Reuben Sandwich market of the world of which I am a member and dont you dare say I am not! And now we are off to the races!
An individual I know who I am fairly connected to lets call him Turok would go online since well and away into the dreamcast era and pose as a woman on Phantasy Star Online. Now you may say to yourself why? Thats not so strange! and I would reply with correct many people use female characters or avatars ingame and in old Phantasy Star different gender/sex whatever for you hair splitters out there would be correct however. He would play the role of the female persona to such an Nth degree that the other party members would assume foolishly based off of online manorisms that would indicate that he was a woman that he was in fact a woman ! So much so that one of the members proposed to him in game!!!111111
The original reason for Turok in these situations to pretend female was so that he could get rare items and drops, in other games he assumed female characters because they were in fact strong females like his mom!!! Strong females like Vanessa with red hair also like his mother. Now this is also fine people love female characters nothing wrong with them, many people love Chunli many toptier play C Viper no big deal right?
College… flash! forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> abit man dissapears into MMO’s Phantasy Star Online Ep 4 and a slew of other shit HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER!!!111 we will call her Sakura, Sakura was a exchange student turned Uni student from the midwest they met online aha internet love the hookup Bastion of the Nerd and highschool socially inept! Yes! Yes! Both keep a long distance relationship for years and years on the backs of 56k connections, hotmail accounts and enough late night pizzas to circle the globe THRICE!
Turok in dire straits at the Uni and no dinosaurs to hunts decides to hunt this Online Japanese Waifu, sure why not? Huzzaaah! Sends picture annnnnnnnnnndddd its obviously a my space fake. Turok is foaming at the mouth for this myth waifu and despite the no man dont do its thats a dude using your own ploy against you that most bros would give. jumps into this idea of myth anyways.
As a bro of a bro I begin skulking as The Question is want to do, and low and behold there is a real Sakura but this person here isnt it. The real Sakura went to the same Uni went to the same town and then she went off to be good and decent and have a successful career. Sakura here is a man wearing a goatee with foundation smattered over it, this Sakura or Sakuro was not Japanese in the least bit but did know the real one at one time. This Sakuro had long black hair, sundresses and a Coconut Bra, but otherwise did not look female gender/or circumstance in the least, This Sakuro changed his name to a wildarms characters name recently, this Sakuro moved out here but is actually a very well played Conman from the midwest. The two of them posted every indecent picture of themselves engaged in unspeakable acts with one another which is still fine as most people make good money off of that. Turok though believes that the former Sakura turned Sakuro turned wildarms character and before this an anime alias is a woman despite having sampled Sakuros manly wares.
Furthermore Sakuro came forth and began syphoning off Turoks money nothing wrong with that plenty of people pay for love right? No Sakuro is after Turoks friend because Sakuro desires black men more, people are into that as well. No big deal right? Im waiting however to hear about how Sakuro is trying to get Turoks money via insurance, then Ill worry.
So while not all trannys are great conmen, all of them are splendid though incomplete liars and most people in these situations fall for the “Turok Special” at one time or another even the originator of the ploy itself. And while not all trannys do it because of how it feels and A+A=2A in their minds not all trannys are so noble either in their pursuit of their inner selves, they are just as corrupt as everyone else. They just have to do double time because the outside doesn’t match the in, ugly or no. And there is a real life un-ideal tranny tale for you all! Names with-held of course.