Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread

Yeah, Code Mystics are aware of the stage freeze issue.

Hey everyone, just picked up this game on PSN. Want to start learning the basics. Any guides that anyone can recommend to get started? Thanks!

Also, glad to see that the burning stage freezing is getting fixed, this happened to me last night in training mode.

You can check the wiki here: (not everything is 100% accurate in the character guides but it’s still very good) and there’s various information on various sites. I can answer and over explain any question you might have though. Also read through this thread if you have the time.

I’m assuming the online is input delay based…correct?

Yeah, it’s all input delay based.

Appreciate the link. I’ll be checking this out tonight. I hate playing fighting games without knowing wtf I’m doing.

I have to say this has been an impressive port for the most part and as long as I keep it 100ms sub things have been very playable. If I have fought anyone here online (FMRoss) GGs.

Im not super well versed in LB2 but I do know somethings so if people have any questions I’ll try and answer. Hopefully we can get some matches!

I wish we could clean up that guide, its pretty good info but has random typos, missing the button emoji’s and such.

Too bad it doesnt have the ast. I would have bought it if it did.

The AST is really nice.

Regarding the wiki, would it not be possible to rewrite the articles that need updating in google docs or wherever and then get someone with access to update the wiki? It’s always disappointing to me when people know a resource is flawed but can’t fix it.

I just read the blog post and WOW…their excuse for not using rollback is absolutely terrible. There’s no point in releasing an FG online without rollback in today’s market.

It’s unfortunate, but what can we do… </3 Speaking of which, there needs to be a ping indicator when looking for a lobby to join (so far, I keep coming across pings over 200).

Best thing is to not show support imo

I could do it on the wiki it’s just a matter of finding the time. maybe I’ll clean up some of it this weekend, no promises though.

So just to keep conversation going lets talk about who you like to play and maybe why?

I play Speed - Shigen, Power Zantetsu, Speed Amano and Power Juzoh, Kagami.

Speed Shigen - Really high damage BNB and that awesome j.a really seal the deal. I think the fact that you still get a bit of grappling in there makes him really fun to play as well. Overall Speed is stronger too since powers grab combos are less good since you can mash to tech out. I really have problems against Juzoh with Speed Shigen, I just can’t really ever stop Juzoh’s advance effectively.

Power Zantetsu - I know speed is better due to his BNB but that SDM is so satisfying and the other BNB does similar damage. Tons of great attack, lots of damage. Zantetsu best in the game for a reason

Speed Amano - A worse version of Power amano that gets to do Nutty strings. I really love b+HS pressure and this lets you do that.

Power Juzoh - My first character. I think he can be played fairly skillfully, there is a player Senior_Lols on ps4 right now who has a nice tricky Juzoh. I need to learn how to block a jump in and then low parry!

Kagami - I just started playing Kagami his BNB really was very hard for me for a long time, but it turns out htere seems to be an unrecorded trick to doing 2c,4a in a combo. You do 2c,4ac at the same timing as if you were linking another 2c. This really helped me improve my ability to hit this combo, and so now I can play the beastly Kagami somewhat effectively (that command grab is vicious)

I haven’t played in ages, but when I first started playing (before I know anything about FGs) I used power Yuki. Can’t really remember the reason why.

Later on I started learning Speed Hibiki (dat standing B ) and eventually wanted to pick up some form of Kojiroh, but never ended up getting around to it.

Speed Shigen was my first character too. Good damaging bnbs and tick throw setups with 41236A/B. Downside is his 632146C command grab has no range in speed and can’t be comboed into. Still has broken damage with counter super. Bonus stuff: can chain into his grab (63214x2 AB) super on a crouching setsuna, Kojiroh, and Lee. I still like power Shigens damage output though. A simple 5A/2A xx 214A, xx 236236AB + grab follow up is about half life on most of the cast.

Power Zantetsu’s is the best in the game period. Bnb of (jump in any attack) 2Cx3, 5A xx 646C, 214A, jump 236A/B does a lot of damage and give nearly a full meter. His super is good, but unless it hits as a juggle your opponent can mash and block the 2nd hit and punish you for it. 2C is really good. Speed Zan is 2nd best in the game so you can’t really go wrong with either. Speed has some really flashy stuff for him and he can combo into his speed combo specials (enigma frenzy attack or whatever they’re called now) in the corner without to much trouble.

Speed Amano is stylish. One of his speed combo specials does some broken damage by itself. Plus he can start chain combos from 2C/A/4B and his damage output is respectable.

Can’t comment much on Juzoh. However any one hit jump in you block you can almost always punish with 63214B or normal throw if they’re close enough. Minus Kagami’s command grab, throws are the fastest moves in the game coming out between 1-3 frames depending on the character. Juzohs Sdm is basically useless outside of punishing things like a whiffed Kaede dp. Even off a parry at the fastest possible input (1st frame after parry flash, you can buffer motions into parries) the opponent can still block.

Kagami’s 63214 A command grab is 7 frames which is the same speed as most jabs in this game. However it’s still good to tick with: a jab won’t beat it if they’re done at the same time. Why 4AC will link after 2C and not just 4A is still a mystery to me. I’ve been testing frame data and 4A/A+C are exactly the same speed.

On that note It works for anyone actually. Any character that has 4A and 5A links can do them with 4/5AC. It makes some like Hibiki or Kaede easier. Kagami and Mukuro’s 2C, 4AC links are still 2 and 1 frame respectively so not so easy but at least doable.

Speed Kojiroh seems like a really fun character to play but your mixup game has to be really solid to be on point wiht her.

Power Yuki seems to off no benefits over Speed Yuki, Speed Yuki sucks still but whatever.

Good to know about the one hit jump ins, I was not aware. Also the reason I think 4a+c works instead of just 4a is because 4a+c seems to be able to come out on the frame whre if you do 2c,4a you end up getting 2c,2a. Something weird with how the normal buffer works I guess.

So does that mean jump ins are negative on block? That seems so weird to me. Guess I’m not as scared of jump ins now. (Edit: Oh man this is a game changer. All those people jumping on me now get tossed up into the air and clubbed in the face.)

Anyway, I’m also liking power Juzoh. Mainly because I love his shit eating laugh after he wins a round and smashing people with a flaming home run for half their life :smiley:

I also like speed Shigen, power Hibiki, and I want to like Okina because he looks crazy.

Props to Dracula_X for dropping the knowledge.

If any EU players wanna play my PSN is SygBoss.

Depends on the jump in they use and how close they are. You gotta be point blank for it to work since 63214B has short range. Low jump normals are a bit different and safer as they wont have as many - frames. But I doubt everyone is low jumping for jump ins. I’ll type up something for okina later on.