Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread

THis game looks hot…

Last night I had a very good LB2 session (to me at least); I started off pretty badly but got the upper hand while using Awakened Kaede, however after winnning a few more matches I wanted to change characters, so I kind of let him win, but then he had to go XD
Non the less I had a lot of fun playing =)

Feel free to criticize my playstyle and point out some stuff I should improve on. For the record I hadn’t played this game in months.

LB2 is such a polished game, playing this game is like watching a freaking movie.

I’m trying to give constructive criticism here, and hopefully I won’t sound like a douche. My first thought when I watched the set was “where do I start?”. I think it would be a bit silly to give you specific tips at this point because your approach to the game isn’t going to be very effective. The list below is in no particular order. If (after completing #1 and #2) you have more questions feel free to PM me.

  1. Read a good FAQ about this game. Kyokuji’s is the best I’ve seen in English, but there may be better ones available if you can read Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. Pay less attention to the moves list and more to the information about the system in general. Mastery of Dashing, low jumping, ground/air recoveries, blocking and deflecting are more important than any other aspect of the game.

  2. Watch some tournament videos to get an idea of how the game plays at a high level. You can find LB2 tournament vids on Youtube under accounts Kyokuji and soh85. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to copy everything you see, but it’s a good lesson as to what kinds of strategies work well within the game’s system.

  3. Pick a single character, learn all his moves, and play as many people as your spare time and interest allow.
    ** I think it’s a good idea to start on speed. There are two reasons for this. First it helps you get acquainted with the mechanics of the fairly intense rock/paper/scissors mixups of speed. Without knowing the rules offensive players are bound to on speed it’s fairly difficult to defend properly. Second, IMO the learning curve on power is steeper, and in the case of some characters the difference is significant. **

im bout to jump back into lb2…

Tell me about it. It’s just so… smooth.

The Japanese probably have better guides than me, although likely not all compiled in one place. I wrote these a looong time ago. My knowledge of fighters and of writing in general has changed a lot since then. Too lazy to go back and re-write everything though, lol.

I mentioned more as a possibility than a certainty. I can’t read any of the languages I listed above, and google translate doesn’t appear to do a good job translating fighting game faqs. That said, I’ve seen portions of a Korean faq that had something like frame data. If memory serves me they a “speed” rating for specials, desperations, and normals. That’s a level of detail I haven’t seen in any English faqs.

P.S. I’m also secretly plotting your destruction… one step at a time. Oops! There goes my secret, fiendish plan. It’s back to the drawing board.

Correct me if I’m wrong. But IIRC, It’s :d::snkc: - neutral:snka: - :d::snkc:

I tested this out, with a couple characters, and it seems the neutral :snka: is an alternate method of execution. Both :d::snka: and neutral :snka: at that point continue the speed combo. That said, I think it’s a tad more difficult. Interesting find…

I see. I also did the same. :slight_smile:

Last Blade 2 is freakin poetry in motion. It’s good to know there is an online community for this old gem, I need to play it again sometime.

Yeah, I was in it for a small period with my shitty Kojiroh but left to play shitty new games. Now that I’m over that I defiantly want to get back into this. This shit is sex.

I miss playing LB2 too. I was never good, but it’s one of my favorite snk games. If anyone wants to play, pm me for my aim, so we can set something up. No reason to not to play this game when we have ggpo.

Soh’s putting up new videos from a recent tournament. Should be more later.


I remember you, we used to play on Kaillera loads, I went by the handle Hitokiri Battousai.

Good to see you on SRK, maybe we can get in some rounds for old times sake. =)

P.S. Kyokuji, you’re still a ***, I’ll always hate you for being too awesome in that game. Have you heard from Bobo?

Interesting that this thread and community is still alive. It’s pretty much dead on 2df and ggpo. Hopefully, I’ll get better internet connection in Sept so I can actually play some lb2.

Bobo’s mostly playing Marvel these days. Haven’t talked to him in ages though

If I were to update all this, I’d change the tiers around a bit. I’d throw Speed Kojiroh up higher because of her strong ability to hit confirm off s. A along with her just being really solid all around in general. Maybe Power Okina as well.

Power Zantetsu is still top, I think, but nowhere near bannable. Dash slice thing can be avoided by keeping your distance after pressuring and also punished on reaction by deflecting (he can bait it, but that still means he can’t just spam it when you’re in range). It’s punishable on block as well if you’re fast.

Thanks for the Faq. I’ve learned a lot from this.

Here’s the tier list the Chinese use :
LV5:ZANTETSU (p/s),mukuro§,kagami§,amono§
LV2:KAEDE(s),juzoh(s),shigen§,moriya§,kojiroh§, setsuna (s)

I think its really weird that Lee is so low. I asked why he’s so low and they said its because his AB+B is punishable and because his 2C gets out ranged by some other characters.