Well from what I’ve seen so far it isn’t much different which would agree with what Damdai ussually says.
Also maybe its because I’m used to 2df but it feels a bit weird.
But I haven’t tried playing any South Americans or Asians as of yet.
Well from what I’ve seen so far it isn’t much different which would agree with what Damdai ussually says.
Also maybe its because I’m used to 2df but it feels a bit weird.
But I haven’t tried playing any South Americans or Asians as of yet.
Well, I have trouble playing anyone in Chile, Japan, and Korea on 2df. Considering that many of the better players are located there I’m open to something different. I played a guy from Japan (~200 ping) a moment ago, and it wasn’t bad at all. Time will tell though. I don’t think it will improve the quality of play between players who are fairly close geographically.
Hey Humbag, I played you a few days ago on 2DF. Good shit man. I’m the ghetto S. Kojiroh.
Hey guys.what are the top 3 Mukuro players?
Yeah it was me if I was playing P. Amano.
How is LB2 on GGPO? Once i get a new internet ill be all over that and on 2DF more. My internet is so bad.
The better Mukuro players that come to mind are Kyokuji (sporadically active and somewhat rusty by his lofty standards), Lalla (inactive), and Hajime (active). I’m sure there are other, and possibly better Mukuro floating around but they’re not likely to be located in North America or active anytime soon.
what I meant was,what are the top 3 Mukuro players outside of America?I wanted to look them up on you tube to see how they play him.
I tend to think your best bet would be to check out tournament vids on youtube. You can search for the vids posted by kyokuji and soh85. I’m not familiar with any standout Mukuro players outside of the US who are active on 2df or ggpo.
It doesn’t really matter if they play online or not.
well,thanks anyways.
The only one that comes to mind is RYO
thank u.
juzoh is so sick.
I’m not sure if these vids have been posted yet sonce i didn’t bother to check the whole thread. Sorry if they have but oh well.
Last Blade 2 invitational. (description taken from youtube)
The LastBlade2 Invitational 2008 is a premium tournament of the LastBlade2, which was held in Tokyo, Japan, on February 23, 2008.
In this tournament, six of the LB2 players in the Japan (based on performances in key tournaments including international matches, in 2007) were invited.
Invited players are as follows.
??(Daiki), a winner of one of key tournaments in 2007, a member of the Japan’s national team (vs China).
R-MOON, a winner of two of key tournaments in 2007, a member of the Japan’s national team (vs China).
???(Kuzuboshi), a winner of one of key tournaments in 2007.
???(Cataphract), a wild card by an organizer.
TAK, a member of the Japan’s national team (vs China).
??(Tetsuo), a winner of local tournaments in 2007.
[media=youtube]aLO1O4Sbc-c[/media] TAK - S.Washi vs. Cataphract - P.Onika
[media=youtube]gr3oOnyt8Eo[/media] Tetsuo - P.Lee vs. R-MOON - S.Kojiroh
[media=youtube]Ps1fZwaS4CI[/media] Daiki - P.Zan vs. Kuzobashi - S.Zan
[media=youtube]R5AJxvgodhg[/media] TAK- S.Washi v. Daiki - P.Kaede
[media=youtube]SEL7wPFMfRo[/media] R-MOON - S.Kojiroh vs. Kuzobashi - S.Amano
[media=youtube]yIwaOYt73u0[/media] Tak - S.Washi vs. Kuzobashi - S.Zan
[media=youtube]FHB3qsGni7g[/media] R-MOON - S.Kojiroh vs. Cataphract - P.Onika
[media=youtube]toWbQf-5qig[/media] Tetsuo - P.Lee vs. Daiki - P.Kaede
[media=youtube]8GHdZ0dPbyo[/media] Tetsuo P.Lee vs. Kusobashi S.Amano
[media=youtube]9fDpRosqGY0[/media] Daiki - P.Kaede vs. Cataphract - P.Onika
[media=youtube]Hgrr2dqc6A4[/media] TAK - S.Washi vs. R-MOON - S.Kojiroh
[media=youtube]MiCk1DjObi4[/media] TAK - S.Washi vs. Tetsuo - P.Lee
[media=youtube]nV4a7gloAz4[/media] Kuzoboshi - S.Zan vs. Cataphract - P.Onika
[media=youtube]7p4G7E-RLLQ[/media] R-Moon - S.Kojiroh vs. Daiki - P.Kaede
For whatever reason the 4th match has been removed. Anyway these are some great matches between Japan’s top players so enjoy.
Edit: As a reply to one of Musashi’s earlier posts; The hardest link in the game is probably Power Hibiki’s :l::snka:,:snkb:. It’s the only link i’ve never seen happen in a match and only once in a combo video. I personally have never gotten it to work. I used to think Washizuka’s :l:, :r: :snkc:,:l::snka::snkc: was stupid hard as well, Though after messing with it more I figured out that it will only work if the shoulder charge stuns, making it impossible in speed mode.
speaking of hibiki.
can anyone explain the rundown on how to play her? my game is all s.B for anti air and A B qcf+A for punishes. I’d like to ask what her actual strategy is, is she rushdown? runaway? what move is trying to land on the opponent to force her mixups? what are her mixups?
i have a few specific questions:
The first page of this thread contains general game info, and a link to hibiki’s move/strategy page.
You typically time the next button press in a speed chain as the previous hit connects. The timing can vary significantly from character to character, and even different speed chains with the same character. Learning the timing requires practice, and there’s no way around that.
To roll after a knockdown use the left or right directional. If your question is how to speed up the rolling process, I’m not aware of one.
I’m not sure if you can air block following an air recovery. I know you can use repel, normals, and air based specials/desperations.
Normals and many, but not all specials/desperations can be air blocked. You can only air block if you’re jumping straight up or backwards.
Replying the Dracula_X:
When I say that kagami’s link combos are “difficult” I’m not only considering the difficulty of execution but also how vulnerable a missed link leaves you, and the utility of the link. I can’t think of another important link combo that is as difficult and leaves you as vulnerable as his. Also, nice vid post BTW. I really like the way Tak and R-Moon play. R-Moon strikes me as someone who’s a bit inconsistent though.
As far as I know you can never air block after an air recovery.
Just to expand on this, you can never air block ground normals.
Yeah, I was pretty sure you can’t air block following air recovery but I wasn’t 100% sure. I don’t normally try, and I can’t think of anyone who’s done it against me. My bad for forgetting about ground based normals. However, it’s usually such a dangerous strategy to stick out a ground based normal when someone is jumping at you it’s (with a few exceptions) not a wise move.
For #2 i think you mean quick recovering. All you do there is press D when you hit the ground. Though sometimes it’s better to just take the otg hit since many characters can really punish recoveries.
Doing a late ground tech every now and then can be OK. If you do it late enough, their attack should whiff unless they were delaying their attack. You might even get an opportunity to start your mix-up if they’re stuck in recovery from trying to stomp on you after you didn’t flip right away.
Come back LB2 thread…
there needs to be more USA on 2dfighter for this game