Last Blade 2 Character Guides/Advanced System thread

I wasn’t able to find the tier thread. So, I’ll ask my question here. My question is about Okina. I’m pretty sure you had him in the lower tier. My question is why? Even against some of the better players on kaillera I win pretty frequently with him. Is it that his weaknesses are only fully exploited by higher level players? I realize there are some terrible matchups for him (lee, setsuna, amano) is that what gets him bumped into the lower tier?

Tier list is in the first post.

Well, he doesn’t have the greatest air to air, and he’s a very risky character. One mistake with the turtles or the rod can end in you getting hit for quite a bit. If the other person is patient, there’s not much Okina can do to pressure them. Also, yeah, a lot of people don’t realize you can punish his turtles on block from a certain distance depending on the character.

Again though, tiers in this game are more subjective than most games. Low tier in LB2 isn’t like low tier in 3rd Strike. I still have him in the mid tier anyway. Just right at the bottom. His main problem is probably a lack of any high damage combos, so making a comeback with him takes a little more effort.

The patience thing is so true. It’s funny how predictable people become when you start landing combos, and running away. Also, when you’re a distance away from them most players will attempt a running jump-in time and time again. With many players once you’re ahead all you need to do is throw high turtles and run away.

My bad about the list being in the first thread. I went into “other games” and couldn’t see the thread.

Okina to me is a character that can be abused with his A dp i always catch people with that

Okina is abusable to a certain degree. However, he has some terrible matchups. Also, it’s tough going when you’re facing a skilled and patient opponent. He’s still very fun to play. I hate to admit it, but I really do enjoy knowing that my opponent is probably cursing out of frustration because he can’t get close to me. It must be the griefer in me.

Is it possible to air recover or ground recover from Kagami’s dive?

Nevermind… The answer is no on air recovery, and yes on ground recovery.

so why exactly does pressing a and c together in this game cause strange things to happen?

I have no idea. SFA3 had a couple CPS1 style X-ISM combos that only worked if you pressed certain button combinations and JoJo had a few of those as well.
I figure O. Kaede air combos came from the fact that they axed Kaede’s air fireball on him, but didn’t bother to remove the motion itself, so when you do it you just get another slash.

The game seems to have been very poorly Q&A tested. They didn’t even add a corner juggle limit, which is just plain dumb. The first game was very tight in terms of not having too much game breaking shit, so I dunno what happened with the second one.

It was probably a business decision. They were either late in releasing the game, over budget, or something like that. The game is quite elegant in many respects. It leads me to believe the project was probably cut short at some point.

Well at least the damage cap somewhat limits some of these things.

Someone linked these to me:
New match videos from a tournament held just a few weeks ago at MiKaDo arcade. It’s great to see that people still play this, especially in a well known arcade like MiKaDo. I thought they were mainly an ST place.

[media=youtube]QtE-nmN_YCI[/media] S. Hibiki VS P. Okina
[media=youtube]GbE4x1_yifE[/media] P. Kaede VS S. Shigen
[media=youtube]GffEaQkLEPA&mode=related&search=[/media] P. Juzoh VS S. Kojiroh
[media=youtube]giHTrrl7hm0[/media] P. Kagami VS P. Amano
[media=youtube]epFOtNydZ-c[/media] S. Moriya VS P. Kagami
[media=youtube]c3BRjOJj16k[/media] S. Moriya VS S. Amano
[media=youtube]tZzGpxe9lm0[/media] P. Mukuro VS P. Kagami
[media=youtube]CCcsgOQSFOs[/media] P. Mukuro VS P. Kagami
[media=youtube]S0TkTZxjTmA[/media] P. Mukuro VS P. Mukuro
[media=youtube]d9Iftespxrs[/media] P. Mukuro VS S. Amano (FINAL)

Whoa! Speed Amano in the final. That’s interesting.

I’m not sure how well google’s translation tools are working but it appears as though this tournament is going to be held monthly. It also appears to be a team affair where groups elect a representative, or something like that.

" Mikado Shinjuku game parlor is the first Saturday of each month to month Hua swordsman 2 matchup Council to implement.
??? I started to try the people are very welcome! ??? Please, please join."

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Akari Combo Video Assorted combos (So long it’s almost exhaustive though)

Just wondering, how many frames does it take for the deflection thing to activate?

Never seen any frame data for this, but probably close to instant. Wouldn’t be any good if it was delayed.

Some nice matches that Speed Amano inspired me to use him now.

Yeah, the S-Amano player was very interesting. Those high/low links were nasty.

Hey sweet a P.Juzoh… P.Juzoh is awesome because he can be like the comeback god… to bad running away and blocking are so effective against him.

Yeah, Juzoh has a sort of Hugo quality to him. Big target that has trouble staying in, but can turn the tide of the match with one throw. Just like Hugo though, deflecting helps him out big time.

My goodness! Okina takes a severe beating in this video. He beats that whiffed turtle/SDM thing to death. lol