Certainly not one of the finer matches the LB2 community has seen. Pretty ugly in fact. However, the ending of the second match is hilarious. Talk about giving it away…
omg setsuna won. >.< clutch factor is strong.
Well, barely any arcades had it. There was never a good port.
The gameplay’s too combo heavy for some and not enough for others. Plus it’s really broken without a ban list in place.
Lots of good fighters never catch on the way they should though:
Vampire Savior
One thing that I think is unique about LB is that the bugs are limited to specific characters, I believe that that harmed it. i.e. everyone was affected by jump installing in Guilty Gear, and everyone is effected by alternate guard in KOF, but in LB2, Moriya can cancel teleports, Zantetsu has too many bugs to count, speed Amano’s speed special does way too much damage (but who the hell plays speed Amano?) and everyone else is just sort of there.
That’s enough right there…
It’s sad to say it, but with the availability of Third Strike I think LB2 on Kaillera is officially dead. I guess I have to learn a new game now. Too bad…
Well, I’m surprised you were able to find competition before that either, lol. The change in numbers of people has less to do with 3S being available though, and more to do with most of the LB players leaving kaillera.
If you want help getting 3S, or JoJo (though nobody plays this either) or whatever set-up, I’ll be glad to give you a hand.
Actually I’m thinking about learning Time Killers. Haha! I’ll probably start playing 3S. I’ll hit you up in the near future because I’m totally clueless about the state of the art 3S wise.
Time Killers is dope. You can still message me whenever for LB games.
All fighters pale in comparison to Fighter’s History. I played a mean Samchay back in the day. lol
So is it too late to start playing this or not?
Well, it was dead in 1998, and it’s dead now, lol, so it really makes no difference whether you started it now or later.
It’s a good game and well worth learning if you’ve got some friends handy though.
Hey how do you combo Kagami’s SDM off of his air dive?
I’ve only been able to get it to link off of is j.B and j.C
on air-> down c (air drive), hcf+b (sdm) ? seems to work.
This is actually relatively easy. The timing isn’t too strict. Try different timings and you’ll get it.
It was deadish when I started playing (12-18 months ago) but once 3S was playable it was the nail in the proverbial coffin. Now if I see a game it’s usually in progress, and often between friends who have no intention of playing anyone else.
There are at least a dozen players I’ve met who were probably years ahead of me skill-wise. Unfortunately, with the exception of a few games with Kyokuji, I haven’t seen any of them in months. You can probably find some games here and there, but most of the skilled players I’ve met aren’t online with any regularity.
**Yuki **
Figured I might as well get off my ass and do it, before I completely forget. Probably write some stuff up for O. Kaede and Kouryu (what the hell, why not) later.
:l::snka: (x2), :snka: > :dp::snka:/:qcf::snka:
:d::snkc: :snka: > :qcf::snka:
:d::snkc:, :l::snka: (x2), :snka: > :dp::snka:/:qcf::snka:
:uf::snka:/:snkb:/:snkc:, :snkb: > :qcb::snka: > :qcf::qcf::snka::snkb: (Mash :snka:)
:hcb::snkc: > :qcf::snka:/:dp::snka:
:r::snkc: > :qcf::snkb:
:r::snkc: > :dp::snkb: (near corner)
:r::snkc: > :hcb::hcb::snkb: (near corner)
:snka:, :d::snka:, :snkb: > :qcf::snka:/:dp::snka:/:qcb::snka:/:qcf::qcf::snka::snkb:
:d::snkc:, :snka:, :d::snka:, :snkb: > :qcf::snka:/:qcb::snka:/:qcf::qcf::snka::snkb:
:d::snkc:, :l::snka: (x2), :snka:, :d::snka:, :snkb: > :qcf::snka:/:dp::snka:/:qcb::snka:/:qcf::qcf::snka::snkb:
:d::snkc:, :snka:, :d::snka:, :snkb: > :qcb::snka: > :qcf::qcf::snka::snkb: (Mash :snka:)
:d::snkc:, :l::snka: (x2), :snka:, :d::snka:, :snkb: > :qcb::snka: > :qcf::qcf::snka::snkb:
She’s best on speed since you’re gonna need all the options you can get with her.
Yuki is probably the worst character in the game unfortunately. She reminds me of a weaksauce combination of Kaede and Hibiki. O. Kaede does a lot less damage than her, but at least he has decent normals.
She has the weakest air game of anyone in the game, mainly because she lacks any fast horizontal/upward air normals. That means she gets raped by people with quick, high priority air attacks like Lee or Amano. She’s also slow as hell in general.
With Yuki, you’re going to have to play more of a defensive game. Her jump :snkb: is her only reliable air to air and it has quite a bit of start-up. You really don’t want to be jumping forward with her at all unless it’s to start a combo. If you have to go air to air, dash forward then jump back with :snkb: so it has time to come out and you can take advantage of its relatively large arc. Also, for air to air, you want to be high jumping so that the arc of her polearm is above or parallel to the other person’s attack, not under it.
It’s slow start-up does give you one advantage though. It’s great for safe jump-ins, so you can use it to get in to her command throw or start a low link.
:d::snkb: makes a good ground anti-air, and it can be cancelled, but it’s quite slow. :dp::snka: is a decent anti-air, but it lacks range, and you can end up eating the jump-in anyway sometimes. Used sparingly, :r::snkb: is a good poke from afar and jump :snkc: does cross-up. Stick with the :snka: version of her fireball. It’s quite decent since it’s off the ground and the recovery isn’t too bad. You can also tick with :l::snka: in to her command throw ala Kaede or Shigen.
Her :d::snkc: can be linked from to form combos, but it’s slow and has so much recovery that it’s risky to try it more than a few times per match. Her :l::snka: links are really hard to time too, because there’s so much recovery on it, so if you’re gonna use it, you’d probably best off just doing :l::snka:, :snka:.
I’d be careful using her :hcf::snkc: reflector since a missed one can end with you eating a 40% damage combo (it doesn’t hit like in LB1). I’d use it as a sort of long distance deflect, that way if it misses, you don’t end up getting nailed too hard. It’s main purpose in my opinion is to give you up the upper hand in projectile wars.
A bright side is that she has a good overhead and she can set-up ground recovery punishes using it. It makes a good anti-air too since it stays relatively close to her and arcs pretty far upward.
Her SDM is possibly the worst in the game. You can’t combo in to it unless you’re right next to the corner, and the start-up is so long that she can be hit out of it no matter what she does. For example, contrary to popular belief,
:r::snkc: > :hcb::hcb::snkb: and :hcb::snkc: > :hcb::hcb::snkb: don’t work, because they can jab you right when they get up. Hell, some characters can even hard slash you before it hits. The only time you can ever hit it is if you ground-air parry something and they try to high jump straight up right when they land, but I have no idea why they’d do that.
** O. Kaede**
On Kaede :snkc: (x9), :snkb: (x1), :snkc: (x4)
Unique to him
Air combos (glitch) - Cancel one air normal in to another with :qcf: and a button.
:l::snka: (x2-3), :snka: > :dp::snka:/:dp::snkb: (x2).
:l::snka: (x2-3), :snka: > :dp::snkb: (:df::snkb:, more damage)
:l::snka: (x2-3), :r::snkc: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:uf::snka:/:snkb:/:snkc:, :snkb: > :qcb::snka: (2nd hit) > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:r::snkc: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:/:snkb:
:r::snkc: > :qcf::snkb:
:r::snkc: > :qcb::snkc: > :snka: > :u::snkc::snkd:
:hcf::snkc: > :dp::snkb: (:df::snkb:)
:hcf::snkc: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
:hcf::l::snkc: > :qcf::df::l::snka::snkb:
:l::snka: (x2-3), :snka:, :snkb: > :dp::snka:/:dp::snkb: (x2)
:l::snka: (x2-3), :snka:, :snkb: > :dp::snkb: (:df::snkb:)
:snka:, :snkb: > :qcb::snka:
:d::snkc: :dp::snka:
(Activate Speed Combo Special :d::d::snka:/:snkb:)
:snka::snkb::snkc::d::snkc::d::snka::d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
(Activate Speed Combo Special :d::d::snka:/:snkb:)
:snka::snkb::snkc::d::snkc::d::snka::d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: > :dp::snka:, :dp::snkb: (:df::snkb:)
(Activate Speed Combo Special :d::d::snka:/:snkb:)
:snka::snkb::snkc::d::snkc::d::snka::d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: > :qcb::snkc: > :dp::snka: > :snka:
(Activate Speed Combo Special :d::d::snka:/:snkb:) :snka::snkb::snkc::d::snkc::d::snka::d::snkc:
:r::snkb::snkc::qcb::snkc: > :snka: > :u::snkc::snkd:
(Activate Speed Combo Special :d::d::snka:/:snkb:) :snka::snkb::snkc::d::snkc::d::snka::d::snkc:
:r::snkb::snkc: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb: or :dp::snkb: (x2) or :uf::snkc::snkd:
(Corner)** (Activate Speed Combo Special :d::d::snka:/:snkb:)** :snka::snkb::snkc::d::snkc::d::snka::d::snkc:
:r::snkb::snkc: (Low-jump) :uf::snkb: :u::snkc::snkd: (If they air recover, the timing of the CD changes)
:snka:, :snkb: > :qcb::snka: > :qcb::db::r::snka::snkb:
O. Kaede is best on Power.
Assuming that his air combos are banned, you’ve got your work cut out for you with him. His main weakness is his lack of damage. All of his moves do a pitiful amount of it. He also has slightly less range than Kaede on his normals/DP. His :l::snka: doesn’t reach as far, so you might wanna keep it to 2 :l::snka:s instead of 3 or use his :snka: DP instead.
What he does have going for him is a better fireball than Kaede since it’s off the ground and much larger, and a better :r::snkb: (huge range and good recovery). Plus, he still has Kaede’s :snka: for pressuring so that helps him out a lot.
You can also do :hcf::l::snkc: for a reverse command throw, which can be useful when you’re backed in to the corner. His command throw doesn’t stun long enough for his SDM/SCS to combo though unfortunately.
His overhead doesn’t combo from :d::snkb: for whatever reason.
Console mode only On Kaede, :snkc: (x10), :snkb: (x5), :snkc: (x5)
Unique to him
:snkb::snkc::snkd: - Switch between power/speed (Can be canceled out of)
No crouch animation. Lows are ambiguous
:l::snka:, :snka: > :qcb::snka: (x3) (:df::snkb:)
:l::snka:, :snka: > :r::hcf::snkd:
:l::snka:, :snka: > :qcb::snka: (one hit) > :r::hcf::snkd:
:l::snka:, :snka: > :qcb::snka: (two hits) > :r::hcf::snka:
:d::snkc:, :l::snka:, :snka: > :qcb::snka: (x3) (:df::snkb:)
:d::snkc:, :snka: > :qcb::snka: (x3) (:df::snkb:)
:snka: > :qcb::snka: (one hit) > :r::hcf::snkb:/:snkd:
:snka: > :r::hcf::snkb:
:d::snkb: > :qcb::snkb: (x3) (:df::snkb:) or :qcf::snka: or :r::hcf::snkb:/:snkd: or
:d::snkb: > :qcf::snkb: or :qcb::snkb: (one hit) > :r::hcf::snkb:/:snkd: or :qcf::snka: (Dash-in :df::snkb:)
:r::snkc: > :hcb::snkc: or :r::hcf::snkc: (Delayed) or :hcb::hcb::snkb:
:d::snkc: > :qcb::snka: (x3) (:df::snkb:) or :r::hcf::snkb: or :qcb::snka: (x1) > :r::hcf::snkb:
:df::snkc: > :qcb::snka: > :r::hcf::snkb:/:snkd: or :qcb::snka: (x3)
:uf::snkb: > (air) :r::hcf::snka: (Cancels but doesn’t combo)
:d::snka: > follow-up of choice
:d::snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :qcb::snkb: (x3) (:df::snkb:) or :qcf::snka:
:d::snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :r::hcf::snkb:/:snkd:
:snka:, :d::snkb: > :r::hcf::snkb:
(Activate speed combo special :d::d::snka:/:snkb:)
:snka:, :snkb:, :snkc:, :d::snkc:, :d::snkc:, :r::snkb::snkc: > :r::hcf::snkd:
:d::snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :qcb::snkb: (one hit) > :r::hcf::snkb:/:snkd:
:d::snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :qcb::snkb: (two hits) > :r::hcf::snka:
:d::snkc:, :l::snka:, :d::snka:, :d::snkb: > :hcb::hcb::snkb:
Doesn’t matter what you use him on since he can switch back and forth anyway. Don’t really see the point of EX Kouryu though. :d::snka: lets you start combos from a huge distance away though on speed.
Welcome to one of the most broken bosses in SNK history. If you want, you can just O. Sagat it up and spam :qcf::snka:, since it has like 0 recovery, covers a huge area and travels fast as hell. Certain characters can probably eventually get in, but not before getting chipped a ton.
His combos do monstrous damage, he’s got low-high links and all his normals are quite fast.
His :r::hcf::snka: must be blocked high and has huge range but slow start-up.
It’s good as a mix-up after a cross-up since you force them to either block high for this super or low for :d::snkc:.
:r::hcf::snkb: counts as a grab and can’t be blocked, but can be combo’d in to. It’s also got huge range for a command throw, but you can jump out of it ‘after’ the flash.
:r::hcf::snkd: can be air blocked even at low altitude, but can cross-up.
:r::hcf::snkc: can not be air blocked.
:hcb::snkc: is an overhead and also can not be air blocked. It won’t hit people really close up above or behind you though, so its arc isn’t as big as it seems.
:df::snkc: does not hit low and is not an overhead. His :snkc: and :d::snkc: animations are almost exactly the same though.
:r::snkb: is crap for anti-air. It doesn’t have anywhere near the arc it looks like.
His unblockable can’t be charged very long for whatever reason.
His jump :snka: covers a large arc and all of his air normals cross-up. They’re nothing special in terms of speed though.
His overhead has a gigantic forward/upward arc.
Note: The last part of his :snka:, :snkb:, :snkc: (x2), :snkc: > :qcf::snkb: SCS does not combo, and can be blocked low.
Enjoy his SDM, it’s probably one of the coolest moves in fighting game history.
I prefer Setsuna’s SDM.