Kyo Strategies and Match ups


start watching 3:02, that’s a blocked 2 hit scissor kick and u can punish that. see how kyo does a mp into qcf lp? he missed because he tried to do 2 mp into qcf lp, it combos but he missed, but u can still see that bison is open for punish.

remember u cannot punish a blocked 1 hit scissor kick (for example during 1:59).

at 3.05 he punished the blocked 2 hit scissor kick with another combo (cr.fierce, qcf hp, hcb hp, f+hp). this combo is a bit more damage but not safe if bison blocks it, the reason why he did this combo is he knows it’s a for sure punish so it didnt matter.

do the same for bison’s slide because that move has TERRIBLE recovery, its easy punish so thats really basic stuff. if u blocked bison’s psycho crusher, do either a st.hp or to punish it after he goes pass u, you cannot get killed over these easy stuff because afterall, if u block it and punish then u will win without ANY problem at all. just don’t get hit and wait for the block…simple

man dude this really comes in handy thanks for the advice

I need to know how you would play against Tier whores such as Blanka and Vega. My Kyo is really defensive against those two mainly because I’m always thinking about what to do against 2 characters that jump around like hell. Kyo’s not a jumping type, he’s a ground type for me, and ground poking is useless against air strikes and pokes.

Was wondering if there was an answer to this. I lean towards yes. Arguably rdp+lk is safer because your controls are in “block” the whole time. Its odd the ground on 1st frame and thus could make kyo Airborn before being tagged by the sweep. If sweep hits and there’s no 3 frame window you’re stuck blocking anyway.

The move considers you off the ground on the first frame, but it takes a couple more frames for the hit box to leave the ground. I think it was said that if Blanka does it right, that you’re forced to block the sweep after blocked electricity. So it really depends on the timing. So if there is a one frame gap, and you time it right to rdp+lk, it’ll probably still hit and since its a sweep it’ll knock you down.

My use of rdp+lk is very specific. If I think someone will try to cr lk, I’ll use rdp+lk as an escape. The cr short will hit me, but since its off the ground on first frame Kyo will get knocked away airborne. That way the risk isn’t as bad as commiting to uppercut.

Dealing with Elecs-
How would you go about this. If he’s trying meaty RC Elec I’d parry it all or orochinagi.
If things went sour somehow and I was waking up to it anyway.
If on the attack I’d try to abuse those invincible pokes Kyo’s got for meaties, specifically
If I can land one, walkin’s would mess with his RC timing, and the rest of Kyo’s game is more or less intact thanks to that frame advantage. Any holes with this reasoning? Want my facts straight because there’s counters to everything.

Supers generally only beat out roll cancels if they come out after the RC. I wouldn’t suggest it because you’re risking all of your meter.

The best thing to do is block. Make sure you block it standing, if you block it crouching then it’ll get some more chip in along with it taking you longer to recover. If you’re attacking on Blanka’s wake up,try to distance yourself just outside of RC electricity range. If it comes out, punish with d mp into qcf+p.

As a rule of thumb I always go for throw on Blanka wake up first. If they RC elec then they get thrown. If its bothering you this much try and throw more often. It’ll give you a better grasp of when and how it works, and from there you can adjust by trial and error.

Ok I guess it depends mostly on identifiable tendancies I’m able to easily spot. I usually play against Blanka cautious but once I get in I go crazy with frame advantage games.

Its not bothering me too much, its just something I try to consider as most I play against can’t RC elec, and so its easy for me to kill them.
Kyo’s game revolves around knockin em down, but every time Blanka gets up we face a near 50/50 guessing game.
I’m probably over analyzing the situation. Its probably as simple as Kyo engaging a shoto with their dp’s, the problem is Kyo can’t afford to play it wrong, can’t crossup to either connect with a wake up crossup as it doesn’t mess with RC execution here and so on.

So Blanka doesn’t RC elec, next step, xx qcf+lp?
Wouldn’t just going for the meaty be just fine thanks to the tip of his fist’s hitbox being detached?
Its something most characters do not have, and the only thing Blanka can do against it IS to RC Elec, or block, maybe gets hit from mucking up the inputs due to the meaty messing with the reversal window he’ll then have. Jumping is not possible due to it being meaty, so it just takes away a lot of his options but it definitely puts the ball in his court correct?
Of course walking up, then back could bait one, then walk up throw, its good to be able to do that at least, to induce some hesitation, but do you see what I mean though?

Unless you mention doing the after Blanka has done his electricity, when he has CC meter ready, I understand then. He won’t have meter all the time though.

If Blanka does a meaty RC elec to Kyo while he’s getting up, he takes the guesswork out of whether a lvl 3 will work or not. Based on vids I’ve watched of BAS this seems to be the thing to do if Blanka scores a knock down.
P-Kyo, in my experience anyway, has an easier time against predictable stuff like waking up into elec, but if he’s doing an obvious meaty like that over me then a quick lvl 3 would get him easy, unless in your experience Blanka doesn’t do meaty RC elecs and waits until you’re on your feet.

Just asking info is always good.

I just wondered
People love blocking down back fighting Kyo get smacked with low jump d+hp/hp xx dp+lp, rdp+lk, sweep, or his kickthrow.
Was just wondering what everyone’s milage with the following was:
QCF+LP, hcb+lp

Hcb+lp is just as risky as a low jump, but both net a knock down.
Doesn’t hcb+P come out faster than any of Kyo’s low jump moves? Keep in mind the startup of low jump + startup of jump fierce(his fastest).

The only arguement against hcb+p is its risky blocked, but then again low jump is risky if predicted, whereas hcb+p comes out faster(iirc).

Its something I’d probably do after some conditioning with Kyo if he blasts his way through an entire team, or if I sense the opponent just has no clue how to fight Kyo or to simply block.

I’d imagine you have as much chance hitting with this move as with f+mk.

Maybe people will say its not worth it because the risk for the low jump hp startup vs the blocked hcb+p is lower and leave it at that.

I believe though every move has its place if used properly…
Nako makes an excellent point with her qcb+p, qcb+p bird knife dive move.

That shit is very fast, hard to see coming for all intents and purposes hits nearly instantly. Hardly safe on block. Get em used to qcb+p, qcf+p a bit then switch for this, always gets em.

Same idea with d.lkx2, xx qcf+lp. I have my other strings following blocked 1 hit jab rekkas, but after a while maybe sneak this move in for the “guaranteed” hit, as with the Nako thing.

Even the best people I’ve ever played and lost to through attrition with Nako get nailed by this sorta conditioning.


-its funny to note that it should be easy to shift blocking from down back to standing. There’s actually more time to do this blocking 1 jab rekka, then a low jump d+hp, than the cancel to 2nd rekka.

I like throwing it in there on occasion also, just to open up using cr shorts after qcf+lp. Get them used to blocking high early, then go for cr shorts x super or up kicks, etc.

Does anyone know how ground pound works after lk launching kicks. What I mean is, when i do c. lk x3 into lk upkick, sometimes I can immediately follow it up with the ground pound and it will connect. I can never do this consistently though.

Wait, Kyo’s grab could toss out an RC elect?

Maybe its possible, I remember trying a few times. I’d stick with just using it after f+hp, off of mp+dp trades, etc.

Yes, RC’s can be thrown if they RC within throwing range. Timing is a bit tricky so this is something you’ll get used to through trial and error.

Yeah Blanka RC Fierce Elec comes out in like 9, so tack on 1-3 and you have a 10-12 frame window to throw him as soon as he gets up.
Hit forward+ HK or away + HK within a frame of him getting up and if he reversal RC elecs your throw comes out and you drop him.
If he did nothing your regular close s.HK will come out instead and you’ll be at -1, cancel it to a jab rekka (or whatever else you got) or position yourself, xx qcf+lp.

Damn I freaking love Kyo. I saw how Makoto did his throws on D44BAS’ RC Elec Blanka. I have no idea how that was done… freaking amazing. I need to train, but I don’t know how to RC so I can’t practice the routine in training mode…

Kyo’s freaking tight though

Damn I freaking love Kyo. I saw how Makoto did his throws on D44BAS’ RC Elec Blanka. I have no idea how that was done… freaking amazing. I need to train, but I don’t know how to RC so I can’t practice the routine in training mode…

Kyo’s freaking tight though

Its not something entirely unique to Kyo.
Walking forward and hitting HK is advantageous to him compared to walk forward + HP for a throw,
though I think walking forward then at the last moment walk back + HK is the way to go. That way he gets the untechable knockdown kickthrow or blocks an RC’d air move or the close roundhouse comes out instead. There’s no mashing with this trick though, because you time it wrong you’re gonna get nailed.
Other characters can throw like this but some of their close in fierces or roundhouses leave them in bad situations frame wise, fortunately most of them can cancel into something thats safe—

Few casuals yesterday. More or less still got it. Kyo decimated everyone he got in on, often times OCV’ing entire teams on his own or badly messing up the first two.
One guy moved his Blanka up forward to deal with him, and getting floored a bit doing that, he later threw caution to the wind and started Jeff Schaeffering it jumping up and down being all over the place hard to figure him out. Never actually killed me but scored a time out, which severely hurt my team–you beat my R2 Kyo and he doesn’t get past even your first character, you pretty much won.
Last two characters fought it out as best they could but were grinded to dust; Guile found himself on the loosing end of Sagat trades–even when Sagat was cornered.
In hindsight I should’ve found that right spacing so it’d be easy to see coming when Blanka jumped in and HP dragonpunched, then I’d have gotten in again. Also d.HP or far would’ve worked just as good against Blanka’s j.HK.
Guile should’ve thrown more booms.
Usually Blanka’s don’t play like that so it was hilarious–but good stuff–to see the guy change up his entire strat to figure out how to beat this team.
I gotta remembe how to "scrub it up."
Its good to note though that the psychology of it all, of boosting your first character up, really seems to make a difference when you crush their first two characters the flawless way Kyo can once he’s in, since he just wins when he does.

Some highlights-
-sensing this guy was a “masher” (whether a button masher or the guy who instantly does something at the earliest possible free moment), tried using d.lkx2, link xx qcf+LP as a “setup,” slowly buffered in commands and when he predictably responded to the guard string, I let loose an orochinagi/HP DP.
-parry served me best at long range to effectively nullify distance games, and once in just enacted Kyo’s in-close game.
-every character fought pretty much felt the same once I was in.

How do you protect yourself from Vega and Blanka normals? I get stuffed badly by Blanka sweep and crouching fierce. Vega’s (mask) sweep is especially dangerous as he slides and is really fast. His crouching fierce gets me many times too. Is there a way to just jump over it? Or is that risky too?

Anyways, some Vega players do that “Flying in the air” move a lot and it pisses me off because it screws up my defense. The one where Vega will cross you up and slash BOTH sides from where you are at, the hitbox for that move is freaking ridiculous. The only defense I know is to use Kyo’s crouching fierce or Standing Medium Kick as an anti air. But is there any other way to punish it hard?

do you still play this game? could you share your knowledge of Kyo with me?