Kyo Strategies and Match ups

so its pretty much safe unless I go on something with 1 frame start up?

I see the valid points. I might as well mix it up if I confirm the 2 shorts.

thanks guys.

c.LK/LP, c.HP is a 1-frame link.

You could also try c.LK, close s.HK, qcf+HP > hcb+HP
c.LK, close s.HK is a 2-frame link, close s.HK leaves you at -1 on block.

Or if you want to get fancy you could try c.MP, c.MP x whatever.

so blocked 2nd fierce rekka is safe?

not only safe, you’re +1, if you correctly time a, you will counter hit them EDIT: ON HIT.

i am just curious, why do i not see any of the top players do this combo in high level play if it’s good? imo u can punish safe falls for jab rekka combo, go for a throw after 2nd jab rekka or cr short short to see if it hits, upkick into super. i think it has more options if u get what i mean.



Only +1 on hit.

wow wouldnt that lead to a semi infinite guard crush string?



its only +1 on hit, sorry sorry sorry.

AFAIK the +1 is only on hit, blocked second fierce Rekkan Ken is something like -8 or something.

This sounds right. The move on block really isn’t good. The only time I’ll go for the 2nd hit is when I have the feeling the opponent will try and press something and I get a counter hit. If you do it with no delay, its very punishable. If you do it with a delay, good players will RC out of it. I’ll also go for it if I’m close to guard crush.

I don’t use fierce because if I remember right it pushes you back a bit too far. And you can still get hit by fast supers. With jab you stay in st rh range.

Random block string I like to do ;

cr mp, df+rh, cr fierce xx fierce rekka

but then it depends on their reaction time.
2nd rekka fierce whiff is still pretty fast. you can go for a throw or a dp if you think they are going to attack.

is df+hk really good to use up close?
I usually use it as a poke if I wanna get closer or push them to the corner.

Kyo VS Anyone!!!

How do i pressure then? i try to use the fire fist thing! but when i get closer my friend just use R1 to grab me and throw me away! wat do i do? first i’m only good at using the first nothing else…

wtf dude i have no idea what ur saying, be more specific and make things clear maybe i can help u out

sorry had to correct some posts.

fierce rekka is only +1 on hit, sorry sorry, i was wrong.

so yeah that’s why u should never ever always go for fierce rekkas from comboing, cr.fierce. it will get u killed. i only use it as punisher or chip damage

How can i use kyo and beat blanka and ryu?
Ryu always use shoryuken when i jump and try 2 pressure him and blanka is just 2 fast and when his laying down i cant beat him, becuz he’s range and i cant even touch him! give me some advice scrubydan! also, do u mind lf i add on 2 my Msn?

blanka: after say a cr.rh sweep, go for a cross up lk into combo, it works like magic when u mix things up because they go for charge and it USUALLY messes them up (don’t go for it all the time tho they can rc blanka ball u), punish blocked blanka balls with MP rekkas (needs experience because u have to do it right after u block, but when ur used to it you can do it all the time).

JD his slide, mp into JAB (the only safe rekka on block, never go for mp or of course fp because they are not safe on block) rekkas, or low jump fierce into uppercut when u see the slide coming. watch out for his cr.fierce because if ur playing footsies against him chances are he can beat u far away, throw out more st.rh, down forward rh, cr.rh when ur just in range. and of course, anti-air him with uppercut if he jumps in and when he tries to cross you up. watch out if he tries to rc electricity, punish with st.rh when he’s far or mp into rekkas if he’s in the range. do not jump in much against him because he will successfully anti-air u and u can’t do much to punish him even u jd.

this is actually a pretty good matchup (at least for me and i PREFER this matchup), but just don’t jump in unless ur going for cross up when u knocked him down. other stuff would be for a good long range poke (he can’t really touch u with cr.fierce unless he slides u, but sliding is dangerous so he won’t pull that much unless he’s stupid). i don’t know how much u know about kyo but there are tons of mix ups i can think of, it really comes down to ur basics so

ryu: don’t fucking jump in lol, and he is pretty stupid for doing shoryuken on u because it’s just one hit and u can simply JD once (a good ryu doesn’t shoryuken anti-air K groove, usually st.rh) into a big fat combo. watch out for his fireballs, ryu doesn’t have as much range as kyo so try to do the same stuff like st.rh, cr.rh, down forward rh, to zone him until he is impatient and jump in on you, then u can anti-air, on his cross ups etc etc. a good ryu would do rc fireball just in range to beat ur footsies, jd a close one, into rekkas.

i guess some ryu players would be fancy and try to do lp srk’s, watch the timing and punish with into rekkas. when they whiff a hurricane kick and u crouch under it, do a cr.fierce to punish it when it’s almost STOP SPINNING, never do it too early because it can kick u when u do it too early.
imo, another easier matchup for kyo. just don’t jump in as much and use ur normals as ur weapon then u wont get trapped from fireball srk trap too much

edit: when he cancels like a or cr.rh into fireball, just jd the fireball

@scrubydan, do u get on MSN at all?

just add me, i’m glad to talk all about kyo because he’s one of my best character. and yea i get on a lot

@scrubydan, so could you add me too? my is! also email me when are you going to be on? cause i never seen you on before! lasting my time, is well i live in the U.S TX! so figure the time that i could talk to you! thanx!:wgrin: