KoF13 Tier List Discussion

The letters are just markers to should there’s a noteworthy “gap” between tiers.

LOL, A-SS tiers…I see what you did here.

The MMCafe chart may be more accurate, but it’s just hard to read and understand. Doesn’t help when people stack characters on top of each other and have them sandwiched between tiers.

The letters themselves are arbitrary - I never cared for the whole “S” tier business. I never saw anything wrong with saying “top,high,mid, low, bottom,” but whatever, letters are ok too.

This is exactly my point - the chart is inaccurate and confusing if people in S tier, but on the left side of the chart are worse than people in A or B tier, but on the right side.

Yay I made a tier list just for fun! WOOOOOOOO TIER LISTS!!!

A+: Both Ioris, Benimaru, Shen Woo, Both Kyos, Yuri, Hwa Jai, Mr. Karate
A: King, Vice, Billy, Saiki, Takuma, Kim, K’, Kula, Kensou
A-:Andy, Mature, Liz, Raiden, Clark, Leona, Ralf, Robert, Ryo
B+: Terry, Joe, Chin, Duo Lon, Ash
B: Maxima, Mai, Athena, Daimon

This is purely my personal opinion after having played a ton down here in SoCal. But, I’m not a top player, so I’m probably wrong!! lol

At one point I think my personal list would’ve looked really similar. Problem is I’d spent the least time with the lowest-tiered characters.

Personally, I don’t think people should be looking for tier lists for this game. With all the talk of how balanced the cast is, I think it’d be a good time to play who you want based on what you like. Just like with David’s list, if the lowest grade characters are getting is a B, and B’s have reportedly destroyed A+'s at some point, that’s a hell of a class, with a great system supporting it.

I’m glad you had the guts to post a list!

Any examples of yuri players you know of? I didn’t think she was a contender for top tier.

Other chars I’d be interested in hearing your reasoning about: vice, kula, Robert, mai

I feel like Billy has the tools to be considered among the top tiers, if not just slightly below them. I still feel overall K’ is top tier because he has something for every situation and his anywhere juggles are very nice.

As far as the “worst” character in the game I don’t know if anyone sticks out like a sore thumb… but I do feel Mai and Terry aren’t very good.

Elizabeth is the Iceman week one she was the top now she’s at bottom
Right now I think frionel’s is the one that matches more what I think
But I agree that every character is viable

Mai is very underrated, she’s pretty damn good

Watch Romance play Yuri. Best Yuri I’ve ever seen/played against.

Vice is awesome, her damage is great, some of her Splash setups are stupid cheap, and of course, EX Sleeve’s anywhere juggle is amazing. Regular sleeve is also really good. However, her normals up close aren’t very strong, and her shoulder tackle is totally unsafe on block.

Kula is a super good point character, stupidly awesome corner pressure, great damage for 1 meter 1 drive.St. B is dumb. Far C is also good.

Robert can be good, but lacks any kind of good HD without meter, which really really sucks. His command grab also has no invincibility, and so landing it requires your opponent to be mindfucked. His taco crossup is also not an overhead. He only has 1 far standing normal which hits crouchers, which is st. D. the range isn’t great and it has lots of recovery. Other than that, his light flying kick is safe against most characters (unless they punish by using meter), and his uppercut is good. his supers are also good.

Mai is not strong IMO. She has no command grab, no overhead, no good wakeup options, and poor damage output. Her floating knee drop thing is a good crossup, but once you learn to block it she has no real way to blow people up. Her normals are good, but not anything to write home about. And her neomax is cool, but landing 1 neomax doesn’t win you matches.

Yea a lot of people I have heard who defend Mai talk about her NeoMax punish and i always say the same thing, 1 NeoMax doesn’t win you the match. I actually remember an instance where I was facing a Mai with about 20% HP left and the player also had Shen left and had 4 meter + full HD. I had Kula at about 90% HP with Claw Iori left and a bunch of meter as well. He Neo Maxed me and I was actually glad because that means Shen isn’t locked and loaded when he comes in if I could finish Mai off which happened.

I don’t think she is terrible, but i do think her weaknesses stick out a lot more than the rest of the cast except for maybe a couple other characters.

Yes, she is. I never really see her on any teams I fight against either - mostly a lot of Robert’s, Andy’s, and Takuma’s for some odd reason. Mai is practically the reason I win most of my matches! (along with Duo Lon, Leona, King, and Claw Iori of course) For one, she has one of the best Neo Max’s in the game and her use of projectiles and pokes are QUITE ridiculous. Mai has easy access to HD canceling: cr.B, then chain combo B > D HD Cancel and you can keep going from there. It best not to use her projectile too much - most players should focus on a good air-to-air game as she easily dominates (j.A, J.B, command j.down B, Air Throws, and j.C FTW). Her air-throw is just icing on the cake. Her flaws blatantly obvious - her jumping arcs leave her exposed to AA’s, she has three unsafe special moves, and she does no do much damage from mid-screen. Can easily dish out A LOT of damage with just one meter… as long as there is a corner involved. To make her air command move safe if the opponent is on the group is do a safe jump and use the attack just before touching the ground. It pushes the opponent far enough for them not to have many options for a punish and Mai’s recovery would have already ended before their block stun end. Also if you throw into character in the corner, she can cross-up by rolling behind them while they are in the corner!

(This will only work for Mai and King just so everyone knows). And, Leona is good for many team positions and her defensive ability is impeccable.

And Beni is Magneto and and Ash is Captain Commando… (Mindfucked) don’t compare KOF to Marvel tier lists.

hahahahaha but then how do we explain WESSSSSKKKKKKEEEERRRR!!! aka Claw Iori and Shen haha

Seems like the first ratio tournament for Climax is happening.


I’m shocked by Mr Karate’s placement, I’m sure nobody could see this coming.

Not suprised he’s too good on this game everyone knows that. And his super forgot the name, is like 98 iori’s maiden masher super all over again. And its pretty safe to say it was a top if not the best super in 98. Well that’s not all what makes him so good, just one reason.

Bro… none of his supers are safe from what I know. Do you mean his Ryo Ranbu?

I’m not talking about the special being safe, have you seen ioris maiden masher from 98? Its ridiculously unsafe but the invinciblity at start up is what makes it so bad ass. If you play 98 youll know damn well that’s the most feared wake up reversal super and, works somewhat like an anti air, and can go under a lot of projectiles, truly an amazing super. Haha
Doesent ryo ranbu have invincibility at start up?

iirc only the ex version does.

Ohh okay then. Correction, his “ex” ryo ranbu is likw maiden masher all over again. =]

This is part of the reason I love this game so much; it is a pretty balanced piece of work! I hope I run into some of the players here because I’m havin’ all kinds of fun - what, with the HD mode and all. To speak about the tier list… I rather wait and let the game age a little more. The characters that stick out in my opinion are things like EX Iori, EX Kyo, Regular Kyo, Benimaru, Mr. Karate… But, the characters from bottom tiers can still easily hold a candle to ones that are on the top tier it seems and that pleases me. As for King… She’s really something - Her projectile game is sweet and she has a nice crossup (jumping D). Easy BnB’s and HD combos. Her mix-up game kinda sucks though and she can get rather predictable, along with requiring corners to really dish out some damage. Terry Bogard is a good character to use through and through but he is also weird! Without meter, his damage ratio is not that impressive. He has A LOT of command moves. His D Crack Shot is good for setting up some really funky frame traps and Terry good at pressuring his opponent. People should be careful when using Terry’s Power Geyser (and probably his Neo Max) in the corner because all hits will not connent (I usually use Terry’s Neo Max as a punish attack from mid-screen).