This game… it is really, REALLY hard to solidify these tiers… one is because, players come up with so many unique ideas for each of them. This could really be THE balanced game of this time…
I’m going to post a personal list based on my analysis
S; [SIZE=4]Beni, Yuri, EX Karate, EX Kyo, Regular Kyo, Claw Iori[/SIZE]
[FONT=times new roman]A+: King, Hwa, K’, Shen, Billy, EX Iori [/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman]A: Vice, Saiki, Mature, Kim, Betty, [/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman]A-: Daimon, Clark, Mai, Takuma, Duo Lon, Andy, Ryo, Ralf, Kensou, Kula, Athena[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman]B+: Chin, Robert, Raiden, Joe, Ash [/FONT]
B: Terry, Maxima, Leona
And here is a list based on online usage - this is also subjective.
Extremely Common = Robert, Andy, Takuma
Common = King, Regular Kyo, K’, Joe, Terry
Occasional/Inconsistent = Ash, Shen, Clark, Maxima, Kensou, Raiden, Hwa, Kim
Rare = EX Iori, EX Kyo, Yuri, Duo Lon, Betty, Beni, Mai, Athena, Chin, Ralf, Mature, Vice, Claw Iori, Kula, Daimon, Billy, Ryo, Leona, Mr. Karate, Saiki
These have little to do with tiers but I just want to give a heads up on what characters people are using online - granted, these might not be too useful due to net coding and that the majority of these players might not play this competitively. Make sure ya’ll go on practice to figure out the odds and ends of the characters, too… What cancels into what? How do you use this characters technique effectively? What role does this character play on your team? Battery? Meter builder? Anchor? Starter? About the rolling differences? Jumps? Command moves? What happened during the tournaments? What did you experience in the tournaments?
Take a look at davidkong07’s post = he provides evidence of his experience as well as insight on what the characters can do so far. These appear to be one of the more accurate tier lists. However, people here are still conducting research on the said character.
Everyone has a story to tell when it comes to KOF XIII… but, what should we say about KOF XIII Climax? Should we… some how find people who are willing to conduct versus matches somehow to get a little more insight? (Then again… even that might be complicated…)