I think he is talking about color config… i5 can handle both 32/64 bit instructions.
Ah, that makes sense. Hopefully he’ll be able to fill in the blank on what OS he really has, in any case.
Edit: Nvm
All this sounds very hopeful, I’ll wait til the official release and how people speak of the netplay then. Love this game (okay I’ve never played it, but I love what I’ve seen), but will probably wait for the steam winter sale.
FYI Amazon has a trade in value of $4.71 for PS3 and $12.03 for 360 versions of XIII if you have a copy of it and want to get rid of it. That’s better than most. amazon.com/The-King-Fighters-XIII-Playstation-3/dp/B0054IN5AA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378581092&sr=8-1&keywords=king+of+fighters
Oh man, I hope my middle-of-the-road laptop can handle this.
They’ve made some significant improvements on this end. As it stands right now, and please understand this might change toward the end of the beta, you’ll either be fine as-is or need to do some very, very simple system adjustments. Things like specifying certain launch options in Steam’s listing for KOF 13, or adjusting your desktop resolution to be something closer to the original console versions. Unless your computer is shamefully out of date, you have a decent chance of running it. They’ve included a few options to help with it, including toggles that can make the backgrounds static and force a fixed framerate on your client.
Finally got a chance to play online a bit today. Best I found was a two-bar connection to someone… it was consistent, but it was also consistently bad. If they can do a few adjustments to get it back to where it was earlier in the beta while remaining as consistent as it is currently, I think they’ll have an acceptable solution.
I’m remaining optimistic… though I think they really need to delay the release a week or so to finish the last few details. Most of what they have is fine, but there are problems that I’d be more comfortable giving them 7-10 more days to solve than I am 1-3 more days.
Also, holy crap; why is it that everyone I ran into today was just a really bad, predictable Fireball and Uppercut player? Even in heavy lag I’m going to rip that up with Clark armor grabs, EX spin punches, and Billy’s jump C.
lol sorry i made a mistake, i just checked my specs, i have a 64 bit system type
Yeah, I figure I’d have to take everything down to the lowest settings. But that’s awesome, I’m glad it has that. Right now I’m feeling like anything will be an improvement over some of the matches I’ve played on my console.
As far as the competition; can’t say much about that. Haha. Hopefully a sign that more people are getting turned on to it.

lol sorry i made a mistake, i just checked my specs, i have a 64 bit system type
Well, you’ll… probably be okay, but I wouldn’t pre-order. The game runs fine for most testers, yet there is a sizable minority that are being hit by really bad glitches. Once they formally release KOF 13, wait for others to report back on how it’s working for them (and see what kind of hardware they’re running, as some of the glitches seem to be hardware-specific). Then decide if you want to put your money down or not.
Got to try the latest revisions to the netcode. They’re a significant improvement over some of the other versions they experimented with just a few days ago; it’s like they’re trying several wildly different ideas and taking notes on how we feel about each one. Which is pretty smart, if a little bewildering in a semi-public beta like this. I had some pretty nice matches earlier today. Well, nice in terms of network performance; the actual opponents were not so good.
Exasperated remarks included: “Are you kidding me? I barely even remember how to do combos in this game and I’m making a mockery of these clowns just tossing out well aimed Billy hop Cs and Kyo stand Ds.”, and “What the… oh geez, it’s like I’m fighting a Mega Man boss, this guy has one pattern plus one combo, and falls apart if these stop working!”
Kinda wish Juicebox or Sabin or someone else would kick my ass just so I don’t get delusions of grandeur.
I just wish they added lobbies or made Player Matches yield more results.
Definitely would’ve liked some lobbies for this game…
Only 1v1 ?
So i said fuck it and purchased it on steam. Downloading as I type this
Is anyone else lagging super hard? Apparently Air thinks it is laggier than beta version.
Bought the game and unfortunately I didn’t get access to the beta. Now I’m learning the characters that I would be using and my prospects so far are K’, Terry, and Kyo. Some moves are quite difficult to pull off consistently like Power Geyser and those which require seesaw motions.

Is anyone else lagging super hard? Apparently Air thinks it is laggier than beta version.
There was some frame rate issues that got introduced with one of the last versions. I hope they fix it.
So, noticed something last night. Steam Edition is based on Climax (the arcade port of the console version) and has all the little changes that were in Climax (I.E. Shen’s s.C getting an autoguard nerf) but I noticed another change that I don’t think has been documented and was definitely in the console version.
In the console version, Hwa’s Dragon Tail could cross you up if he did it close. Like say off of downfoward B Slide then Dragon Tail. In Drunk Mode it got even trickier and he had some dirty crossups depending on if you were crouching or not. Now, I can do the crossup in Drunk Mode but only if I combo off of the Slide. It’s been awhile but I swear it would crossup in regular mode.
sigh as expected, my shitty laptop runs this like crap IN PRACTICE MODE. Even with the settings turned down. Ah well, time to start saving for a better comp. Or more memory…or somethin’.