What kind of problems are you having? On computers it seems the game either runs too fast, or too slow, but there’s a fix for that. You could check out the KOF XIII steam community forum on steam.
Are they still gonna put out patches or are they just leaving the game as is
They’re still patching. They released 2 more patches since release and are working on more.
They’ve been doing lots of little patches. This actually came up while I was working, to my simultaneous annoyance and pleasure. I’m sitting there writing something about how the subtitles are bugged in some modes, then I notice Steam flash a color change like it’s downloading something. “Huh, wonder what that is…”, so I check and KOF 13 has updated with a patch that fixes the subtitles.
Then while I’m testing that patch and revising what I’m writing accordingly, it updates again! “What the!? Geez, you guys are really on the ball today!”
It’s annoying since I kept having to rewrite stuff every few hours, but I’m also really happy they’re being this active in fixing the game.
At least the cutscenes now have subtitles. But still, I think it would be a lot better if they are voiced.
It’s just laggy as hell. It must be like, no joke, 10-20fps in training mode. I can get specials to come out if I input commands/motions like 5x slower. Hah.
I found a thread suggesting to run the game directly form the .exe file rather than the a shortcut, and that seems to help, maybe, VERY minimally, but it’s still very unplayable. I’ve tried closing out all other background processes I could (even explorer), but doesn’t seem to help. I’ll keep looking around.
Been playing a bit on my roommates comp, which is pretty high end, so that’s been pretty sweet. Still been finding a fair amount of shoddy connections, but I can usually get some decent matches in. Having to fight for bandwidth with 3 other gamers doesn’t help. Hah.
Did you try setting the game’s launch option with “-r”? Just asking 'cause you didn’t mention that. It’s in the steam community thread named “FAQ/Known issues”. Initially my game was running really slow and was unresponsive to button presses. It locks the game to 60fps and it’s playing perfectly fine now.
Yeah, no dice.
Try either going into Task Manager and setting the kof process to high priority or (bear with me), right clicking on the taskbar of the KoF window and leaving the little menu to sit there. For some reason, I’ve heard this works for some people with the low fps bug.
I’ll back Around20Pandas up on that. I never personally had to use it, but the sheer number of people reporting the right click fix working for them during the beta suggested either organized trolling (which I find unlikely for a beta most people got into via pre-ordering the game… you can’t tell me that many people dropped $25-30 to troll a beta for KOF)… or that it really was helping.
Which task bar do you mean? You mean just at the top of the window, since I’m playing it in windowed mode?
Setting it to high priority alone doesn’t seem to work, by the way.
that was a workaround before they optimized the CPU usage which for me (and almost everyone complaining) decreased from 70-90% to 10-20%
maybe his hardware specs aren’t actually good enough for the game
If you have Steam Community integration on, disable it. Library => KOF => Properties => General tab. I had frame rate issues, but disabling that helped a ton. It’s useless anyway, with what the game being windowed.
Ooh, think that helped a miniscule amount. Still not playable, but helped a tad.
Pretty sure you’re right. I’ve been meaning to upgrade my memory though. So I’ll report back when I do. Haha.
memory doesn’t help framerates… if your CPU/GPU can’t cut it
Well shit.
Does your laptop/pc overheat when you run it? maybe you need to clean out the internal fan?
Doesn’t seem like anyone plays this online. Wait time between games is almost sfxt level and the connection is shit when I find someone.
That’s when adding friends comes in handy. The matchmaking is bad but once you get a connection, it’s usually 2-3 bars and feels damn good. Only thing you can do is set up your own room or keep checking Quick Match in the Player Match section.
what’s the status on the net code, is it worth the repurchased or it’s still shit.