KOF 13 coming to Steam!

hope at the end of the tunnel? (for us Europeans at least)


They released v5 of the beta some hours ago, and reports are quite positive about the netcode improvements.


There’s still hope!

Pre-ordered last night.

Beta got extended, beta codes on facebook. And I’m stuck at the office. FFUU.

Okay. So I have a key for some damn reason. Sitting in training mode. I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE ABOUT ANYTHING. Apart from the fact that I like walk speed. And hopping inmatch will be a bitch. Controls seem nice and responsive, too. Not getting random yolokens is, like, <3<3<3.

So, I’m interested in characters like EX Iori, Karate/Takuma, King. Suggested team order and basic defense tips before I go get my ass kicked by juice or something?

Preorder people are in beta. Servers are going down, down, down.

There aren’t any servers owned by SNKP in this game.

That team can be played in almost any order depending on the situation. King works better earlier in the order, but can be a good counter anchor against some common anchors like Kim.

if i pre order now will i get into the beta?

Yes, now when you pre-purchase you have access to the beta.

How good is the netcode currently from 1 to 10, 1 being KOF13 console and 10 being GGPO?

a solid 4 like Sherry

I got to play versus Sweden and Norway and in the Netherlands today.

Netherlands feels incredible. I can’t tell I’m playing online.

Sweden felt REALLY good too. Bubblan was hitting me with HD combos all over the place, so if there was any delay it was at least consistent and not affecting timing and execution much. (these were both 4 bar connections).

Versus Norway was a 3 bar connection, and the input delay was noticeable, but still not bad enough to actually fuck up blocking and such.

So far it’s an 8 to me (where SF4 is a 7).

Will probably get round to playing Aquashark soon.

Anybody from Singapore have tried the beta ?

Does anyone have a good key binding setup? Been experimenting a bunch since I keep getting stuck with normals not coming out of I am hold d/b. This becomes really aggravating when I am trying to anti-air and instead just eat hop ins.

Other US players want to chime in on how the beta is online? The more input the better.

2 Bars is like a good connection on PS3. Playable but delayed. 3 Bars is really good but still a little delayed, think GGPO set at a frame delay of 4 or 5. Have yet to play a 4 Bar.

Am I the only one that is really sad that there is no way to unlock more colours in the beta? It was one of my favorite things to do in the console release, I kinda wish they just unlocked them all during the beta so people could play around with them a bit.

Besides that, the game itself is handling great online. I’m on shitty Australian internet but it still feels great to me, definitely a HUGE improvement.

For some reason I’ve been getting nothing but 1 bar connections. On top of that it seems that no one is on. Is there a prime time to get some games in?

EDIT: Forwarded ports for the steam client and steamworks and have been getting better connections. 3 bars feels pretty good.