At first we thought they had added rollbacks netcode in because Juicy got a 2 input delay frames match with a 1 red bar person that apparently was in a far away location, and the match ran amazingly smooth with no hiccups, no freezings, no slowdowns and amazingly low delay (2 frames!) but in the end it turned out to just be Juicy hosting the match. When hosting went to BBH (another tester) Juicy felt the horrible input delay based netcode again at play. His commands were delayed.
However in spite of this inputs seem to be more stable now on both connection instances (host, guest).
Hopefully this “hype” will raise SNKP’s attention to see how much a no-input delay netcode (a rollbacks netcode) means excellence for people. People were screaming thinking it was rollbacks netcode.
It’s the only way to go to get big, rich and satisfy your customers SNKP.
He won’t care. He’s the type of idiot who thinks he’s brilliant and bright and has the right to be an ass because he’s brilliant and bright and everyone else is just an idiot.
Used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together: “shall we have a drink?”.
In this context, one or more other people considered together consider you an “idiot”.
ANYWAY, I’m super glad SNK followed up on the bad reception of the netcode on the FIRST day of the beta. Shows that they are actually listening and hopefully the netcode will only get better til the day this beta is done.
Since u have the beta, can u further elaborate on ‘playable’? Does it feel close to offline? Are certain tactics abusable that shouldn’t be? Can u punish everything u should?
You can adjust to it and be able to get a decent game. It isn’t perfectly offline by any means, but it is looking like the game is going to be at least usable for people to learn how to play the game and also get reasonable competation. And at least it is looking like playing it with near by friends is going to be good.