who would be a good third character for arthur and doom?
im running arthur/wolv/dorm.
Random thought: Would Hsien Ko and Arthur compliment each other?
i.e. A team of Hsien Ko (pedulum) / Arthur (daggers) / Haggar (lariat)
From what I’ve seen of Hsien Ko she’s much more of a zoning character than rushdown, so a projectile assist like daggers should be a great compliment to her keep away with gong and her standard projectiles. With her starting the match I’d imagine her getting her 2nd super bar and using her hyper armor to DHC into Arthur gold armor. Now Arthur has two of the best assists in the game behind him.
On the other hand Arthur could also start the match and DHC from Gold Armor into her hyper armor. The main benefit of this would be that now she gets gold armor daggers as an assist, which will beat pretty much every non-super projectile in the game. This should be a huuuuggee help to her zoning as well. With her on point she’ll also have Haggar lariat assist for when people get close, and she’ll be able to convert any successful hit into a juggle or OTG super.
Haggar of course would also benefit greatly from either daggers or gold pendulum assist. Don’t think I need to explain why.
Beside the DHCs between Arthur and HK’s armors I’m not too sure if this team would have good DHC synergy for stuff on hit. Also I hate having Haggar take up the last spot since he’s kinda bad when left on his own.
Thoughts? I’m kind of eager to see if this can be an underdog lame-out team.
Seems like it would work, only gripe I’d have with it is that pendulum and lariat assist do basically the same thing for Arthur. If you don’t like Haggar last I think you could try the trick where you space Hsien-Ko’s spike super in a way that it carries the opponent far away, which lets you do stuff afterward and tag in Haggar. If I could remember the name of the video that shows the trick I would link it.
After DHCing into Arthur try s.:h: xx Hell Slash, s.:h: :s:, air series to :qcb: , relaunch, air series. As far as I know it’s the most damage we can get off without spending another bar. I DHC from Storm to Arthur and Storm’s combo only does ~500k, but the total damage is ~950. You can probably break a million from Tron to Arthur.
i wonder if anyone tried pairing arthur with viper
only two downsides i can think of are that she’s as tricky to use as she is in SSF4 and she heavily relies on meter
but as a rushdown character eh she might work
Between Arthur and Hsien Ko, I feel your defensive foundation is already solid enough. If you’re running Hsien Ko, I don’t think you don’t really need Haggar that much. When I look at the team you suggested, I just think to myself “if Hsien Ko or Arthur dies, there’s gonna be problems”
For underdog characters that I think would work better with those two characters, I would recommend Morrigan or Ryu personally. Morrigan is simply obvious because of the meter building assist. Ryu is alright because he’s always good to DHC into and because he hits reasonably hard.
Also given his better hypers, I’d say Thor gets better synergy with these characters than Haggar. His Mighty Smash assist is also a decent tool offensively that you can combo after fairly easily. Say you OTG with Arthur’s Fire Bottle after a knockdown. You could feasibly use that to extend your combos a bit. Thor of course also really likes Arthur and Hsien Ko’s assists as well, and he’s better on point than Haggar.
how does a:
she-hulk a
arthur ~?~
spencer y
sounds can someone experiment for me? I have too much HW…
sounds? could someone please experiment for me?
me and my engrish.
I haven’t been able to get this to work, they keep teching out after the first hit of Hell Slash, it’s probably because I’m not doing it low enough though. Thanks for the tip, I’ll keep practicing.
I don’t know how different tron’s dhc is from storm’s, but I don’t see why it shouldn’t work. If anything I guess you could try starting off with the hell slash right away, it would probably have a greater chance of hitting the ground bounce like that.
trying to figure out if I want to keep chun li in my team
possible selections I am thinking of are these 3
arthur/chun li/phoenix
Whichever team I pick I plan on actually learning and not just using some overused gimmick to win (like only lightning legs with chun/ teleport to S with dante) so looking at it competively who would be the better 2nd character? thanks for any help
pretty interesting set up you got there having arthur and phoenix on the same squad. i just picked up arthur but seems like both arthur and phoenix are meter whores (haha, sorry arthur). but i assume that if you can play good keepaway with arthur and get good play from your second character, you’ll build enough meter for dark phoenix, if necessary.
but out of the three you listed, it should be dante. his moveset is soo out there that you have so many options with him. add the fact he has a teleport, i think dante is the best option. you can easily play keepaway with arthur and once you get to dante, dish out as much damage as possible to your opponent’s remaining characters and then finally finish your plate with phoenix/dark phoenix.
yea with arthur, for most of the characters his silver knight form is good enough to keep them out, for characters where gold armor is needed, ill use that then switch to my 2nd character which has been chun li for me and gold fire bottles help a lot with the rush down characters for me, so really arthur does not use too much meter for me. I really use him to test out how well their characters are and try to whittle them down with chips and pressuring situations. Chun li just has not done enough damage for me although her meter gain is really nice overall she just does not do the same damage with her hardest to do combos as others easier ones.
I’ve been running Magneto/Arthur/Wesker. It’s had pretty good success for me.
This is just my opinion.
Its a REALLLY BAD IDEA to put Arthur and Phoenix on the same team. Arthurs more hurtful combos need meter. Arthur needs LVL3 to punish stupid full screen supers and to do 700,000 of free damage after an air combo.
Phoenix needs meter to either go into dark Phoenix or to do some nasty ass damage (especially if you plan on Phoenix being an anchor).
Putting Phoenix on an Arthur team is a bad idea. This is IMO of course and I aint no pro gamer yet so take my advice with a grain of salt.
If you still think that having Arthur and Phoenix on the same team is a good idea (its not), I would suggest Arthur/Dante/Phoenix, because he can rush down well with knives, his Y assist is good for zoning support, and Dante got some zero meter combos out of this world. Your goal is to use the least amount of meter as possible, so that you can have 3 meters for Arthur’s LVL 3, or 5 meters for Dark Phoenix.
My two cents…
Arthur (dagger)/Dante (jam session)/Sentinel (drones)
By far the best Arthur-on-point team, imo. You have the single best assist for him in Sent and another of the best with Dante. You have safe DHCs with Arthur super into Devil Trigger. Tagging to Dante allows him to choose a fast or slow projectile assist for his teleport mixups, and use daggers to land a full combo off of his airthrow. If Arthur dies first, you get DHC glitch with Dante to Sent and still keep a great assist for him. And of course there’s Sent as anchor, shouldn’t need to say more.
This team has a big problem with Phoenix, though, so I’ve been looking at Dante/x/Arthur ideas for that.
You think Taskmaster/Akuma/Arthur would be a good team against a pheonix team?
Any team with Arthur on point may have trouble with Pheonix due to the fact Arthur is usually never in a position to snap to her, or usually cant kill the team mates fast enough to get to her.
Right now I am messing with Wolvi/Arthur/Taskmaster. I have mixed feelings for the team because I feel that Wolvi either blows out the opponent's team or finds himself lacking. When I first bought the game I ran Wesker/Arthur/Taskmaster for a long time but I always felt that Arthur was not a good partner for Wesker on point. Anyone have any suggestion for a point character?
So far I have used She-Hulk, Chris, Wesker, Wolvie, Zero and Storm. All with mixed results.
Just switch the order to d,s,a… Hit the first character using Arthur assist, combo to snap out. Call sent and do your forced block of choice, I like twister into tempest but its your choice, by the time she blocks the drones you can call Arthur and start your one guaranteed mix up… Never as Dante allow Phoenix to air fire ball, teleport combo her stupid ass if she does…
some question, sorry if they’ve been answered b4
-Does Heaven Slash assist have invincibility?
- Is it just me or Arthur’s gold bottle cant OTG hit in the corner?