No idea about the Heavenly Slash assist having invincibility, but I do know that Arthur seems to throw the powered up fire bottle farther away than the normal version, which is why it usually misses the OTG hit at the corner.
I’ve started using Arthur on point with Haggar (P1, Lariat) and Hulk (P2, AA).
Arthur just zones and zones and if an opponent gets close, use one of the assists.
Since the game came out I really wanted to incorporate a really balanced solid team with Arthur and since the whole DHC glitch became more popular, I wanted to use a team that was able to DHC glitch no matter what order the characters were and a couple that I came up with was DHC glitch universal and also themed for short characters:
Viewtiful Joe/Arthur/Amaterasu
Any criticism would be nice like what this team would have trouble with. I suspect that Phoenix wouldn’t be easy with this team but definitely possible with Joe under certain situations and Amaterasu
i’ve been running mag(emp)/arthur(knives)/doom(missiles) lately. if magneto touches anyone you get an easy 1.1~1.2 mil from pretty much anywhere on the screen, starting with one bar:
magneto: fly combo -> hypergrav (or relaunch into missiles if you’re still midscreen, then hypergrav once they OTG) -> hypergrav loop xx tempest
DHC glitch into arthur:
hellbound slash, s.H S /\ sj.M M H xx Axe / s.H xx Lance xx goddess bracelet
(if you still have doom missiles available):
hellbound slash, s.H + [call doom] S /\ sj.M M H S / [missiles hit], hellbound slash, fire bottle xx goddess bracelet
that’s pretty much a day 1 DHC glitch combo i came up with, what’s a better ender?
One of the biggest problems I have with Arthur is that he ultimately needs meter to be most effective. My solution? Run Haggar on point.
My current team is Haggar (Steel Pipe), Ryu (Hadoken), Arthur (Daggers)
My only minor complaint with this setup is that I rarely have time to get Arthur in Gold Armor. However the main core of this team is Haggar and Ryu, with Arthur doing his job of being an amazing anchor once I have weakened everything else with my Haggar/Ryu combination. Arthur also ensures that I come out on top of most projectile wars even with his normal dagger assist, which when coupled with Ryu’s fireball is generally enough to muscle my way through anything short of a random hyper punish.
People really underestimate Haggar on point. Not because he’s actually good, but because it’s often more practical to use Haggar for building meter than it is to keep him as an assist. Firstoff, Haggar’s damage and life are HUGE. Basically the highest in the game. When he hits stuff, even if it’s blocked, he’s building you quite a bit of meter. And having 1.2 million life means by the time he’s killed, if by a miracle you didn’t land anything from Haggar, you still built 1.2 bars of meter by just having Haggar on your team. You should have on average 3-4 bars of meter from playing Haggar on point by the time he dies imo.
Occasionally though I’ll DHC into Ryu and this guy I feel is the true powerhouse of the team. Once he’s loaded, there is little that I can’t stop. With at least 2 bars of meter, doing anything stupid in front of Ryu is well to put it plainly…stupid. If I see anything dumb and react to it, Shinku Hadoken to the face, and X factor to finish the job if I want someone dead. And my opponent generally has to do something dumb to make sure that my keepaway combo of Arthur and Ryu can’t just spam projectiles all day. Generally if I can get my opponent to their last character without losing Ryu, it’s pretty much gg. My only goal at that point is to simply stall, wait for them to waste X factor and meter trying to kill me, at which point it’s not too hard for Arthur to clean up what’s remaining.
Matchup problems I have:
Wesker: This guy is nasty and destroys everyone on my team if Ryu dies. So long as Ryu is alive though, I can use him to zone Wesker and stall for time until I can call him out on something stupid.
Zero: Generally a massive pain in the ass that I’m not entirely sure how to block correctly.
Dante: This guy makes Ryu and Arthur miserable. Haggar kinda doesn’t mind as much as long as I have assists to call.
Dormamu: This guy’s Dark Hole Assist is very difficult for my team to work around. He also destroys Arthur one on one. I usually want to snap this guy in and try to kill him with Haggar, who actually isn’t too bad against Dorm as long as he’s in midrange.
Uh, that’s all I have for now.
Characters that work really well with Arthur are those that can do a super and immediately DHC, with the super still in effect. Magneto, Sentinel, Storm, Zero, Trish, Dormammu, and Amaterasu are all capable of this.
Assuming Arthur is behind that character, any time you have 2/3 bars, you can seamlessly transition between all of your characters. As long as the prolonged DHC character is followed by Arthur, you can instantly DHC into Arthur at the start of their hyper and put him in the back. Then you can Golden Daggers/Torch away.
So for example, throwing a emp shockwave out/gold armor dhc crossbow, lance, bracelet?
More like throwing EMP Shockwave, DHC Gold Armor, Golden Crossbow and raw tag out. (As simple as it sounds). However, you can do some neat stuff with it.
With my Deadpool/Sentinel/Arthur team: Deadpool BnB into Cuttin’ Time DHC into Sentinel HSF instantly DHC’d into Gold Armor Arthur. Raw tag Golden Arthur to Sentinel, and Sentinel still has time to dash, do a launcher, and continue the DHC Glitch combo.
Full-screen DHC: Guns xx Happy Happy Trigger DHC into Sentinel HSF instantly DHC into Gold Armor Arthur. A2 (Sentinel Drones) + jump Golden Lance, jump Golden Axe, land Golden Crossbow, raw tag into Sentinel.
Thats very creative, nice use of your team. I will look into making an alternate for these situations, I already have sent on my team. I run wolvie/sent/arthur.
Only slightly better ender:
DHC qcb+AA dp+H(early) fH-S super jump M-M-H xx qcb+M land fH-S super jump M-M-H xx qcf+M
That’s the ender I’m using.
Ooooh just thought of a kind of theory fighter team combo for Arthur, Dante, Sentinel. It would go like this, and should work:
M-H-fH-S super jump M-M-H-S qcb+L fH-S super jump M-M-H-S land qcb+L S super jump H-uS tag in Dante xx qcf+L xx qcf+L land dfHHH-fH xx A+S S land dp+M xx dp+M Sentinel qcb+L xx H jump S land dfHHH-fH xx A+S xx qcb+H xx S qcb+AA DHC qcb+AA fH-S super jump M-H xx qcb+M land S super jump M-H xx qcb+M land S+Dante(jam session) super jump M-H xx qcb+M land not really sure, but something good.
Just tried:
(golden armor) M-H-fH-S super jump M-M-H xx qcb+M land fH-S super jump M-M-H xx qcb+M land fH-S+Jam Session super jump H (very delayed)xx qcb+M land qcf+AA
Does 707,600, perfect for DHC trick from Dante, since it uses his assist and no ground bounce.
can arthur’s fire bottle assist otg to keep a combo going
unfortunately arthurs fire bottle assist comes out too slow for most combos to be continued. It is not impossible to do but you need to be able to use the assist before they hit the ground which is not a common thing in most combos
what about his scythe?
arthur does not have his scythe as an assist and it does not otg anyway
oh sorry i thought we were talking if he was out on his own. My bad.
I’ve been soulsearching since the game came out, trying to find a third for Sent/Dante. I didn’t even consider Arthur until like, 2 weeks ago, but I haven’t looked back since then. There might be better assists for Sent or Dante as individual characters, but I’m not sure if the duo can do any better than Daggers.
Is a Arthur (will be on point the first seconds of the match to turn into Gold Armor before switching)/ Haggar/ Wesker is viable against the hordes of Wolverine/Akuma/Sent/Phoenix teams? Haggar and Arthur seem to fit very well together as if they were only one character with a ton of energy and projectiles. I am also hesitating between Dagger Toss and Fire Bottle assists…
I’m no arthur specialist… yet but IMO I think fire bottle assist is better if u plan on golden armoring arthur then tagging out. that assist is godlike when powered up but if it’s not powered up I think dagger is better.