Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

Thank you. I had been thinking of using

Taskmaster (parabolic)
Doom (rocks)
Dorm (purify)

Same thoughts as before, but using the rocks or maybe the beam assist to get in with Taskmaster and beat on some fools. Using the parabolic shot to control the space that Dorm and Doom dont already have covered… I know this is the Arthur thread so I’m off on a tangent here, sorry.

Any advice about some better assists that might work well with Arthur while keeping my central focus of zoning someone out? I’d hate to get hit with Zero level 3 hyper and lose an assist…

One main problem I have as a player is that my rushdown is is like 5.5 out of 10. I feel that while I work on that I need a team that has a different focus. All help would be appreciated.

which team sounds better?

Arthur(Fire Bottle)
Shuma-Gorath(Mystic Ray)
Doom(Molecular Shield)

Arthur(Fire Bottle)
Doom(Hidden Missiles)


@Wolfeagle 847

Try using the Lab with Arthur first, get used to him and the like. After that, if you feel like giving Arthur a chance, then try to use him on the offense while keeping the zoning too in case, because you can normally (like I do) change your gameplay depending against who or what are you fighting.

Like I’ve said before, Arthur can start an effective rush albeit at a slow pace but in synergy with the correct assists.

@Crimson Cobra

If by ‘sounds better’ you mean being a good team then…

The first one ‘sounds better’ for zoning and the second one to some kind of mix-up between keepaway and offense.

If I were to choose, I would choose #2. My motives? Teleport (Akuma) + Fire Torch= Shenanigans, too good. Also the Hidden Missiles are a good anchor.

My Arthur team, classically, has been Arthur (Daggers)/Haggar (Lariat)/Sentinel (Force). Sentinel Force covers an angle that Arthur isn’t incredibly great at, it pushes back, and if it hits it’s very easy to confirm into Goddess Bracelet. If Arthur gets cornered, I can Lariat out of the way, and should he get defeated I still have two characters that can manage very well by themselves.

That is my exact team , just Arthur/Sents/Haggar, very basic and to the point , a good keep away assist and GTFO assist … And against teams that are like Wesker/Dante/Zero ill use Hulk/Sents/Hagg as Arthur is in way to much of a disadvantage.

who works better as a GTFO me assist for arthur Tron Or Haggar?

Any input on using Arthur as an anchor? Level 3 factor gold Arthur is pretty insane.

I love Arthur as an anchor. IMO he’s like the best defensive character to pick as an anchor, essentially guaranteeing a comeback through raw chip damage if your opponent wastes X factor before you do. Usually though I play Arthur as my first character, since I want to have him in Gold Armor as soon as possible so that I can get his godly assists.

How do ya’ll feel about Auther(dagger toss) Ryu(Hadoken) Deadpool(happy trigger)

There the same imo , just depends on who you can use best after your first guys die.

Homing Crossbow and Golden Fire Torch are good anchors.

Golden lance is pretty beast also with level 3 gold arthur.

Has anyone designed a team around Gold Armor Arthur? What are you results?

I’ve been thinking that I’ll eventually learn Morrigan or Ammy and pair their meter-building assist with Arthur. My third character would probably have a good AA assist like Haggar lariat or Hulk Gamma Charge. Anyone been doing something similar?

Something like:

Arthur / Hulk (or Haggar) / Morrigan (or Ammy)

However I often wonder if Arthur will even need a good AA assist if he can keep up Gold Armor very often, since the crossbow arrows are so good at tracking. Thoughts?

would like some input on this team

Arthur(Fire Bottle)
Tron(Gustaff Fire)
Doom(Hidden Missiles)

I prefer Haggar, because his assist it’s in case that you need something to GTFO your opponent and he would benefit very well from the Fire Torch or the Daggers and if you feel like trying something new, try Arthur’s Heavenly Slash (jk).

Anyway, Ammy it’s pretty good on the rushdown like Morrigan and her Astral Vision, but since the meter hog it’s Arthur, then I would stick with Ammy.

[Quote=Crimson Cobra]
Arthur(Fire Bottle)
Tron(Gustaff Fire)
Doom(Hidden Missiles)

Hmm…For me, this team it’s around Arthur and Tron, both on the offense and Doom just being an anchor with his Hidden Missiles while on Assist mode and on when on point using him on the keepaway or rushdown…

Arthur should be used on point in order to start an effective rushdown albeit at a slow pace but with the necessary tools to do it.

Scythe Mix-ups, Fire Torch approaching, Daggers at mid distance, air-magic series ending with the Golden Axe for a relaunch, these are some tools for an effective rushdown.

Taggin’ out Arthur to get some health back should be top priority as it does recovering your Silver Armor in case that the Golden Armor breaks.

Tron it’s a tank with the right tools to do some crossups with his jumping :h:, damaging combos and bnb’s, also if you ever need to change Arthur on a hurry, you can always Cross-over Counter Tron with the Gustaff Fire at the cost of 1 hyper meter, the invincibility of this move it’s worth that meter.

Regarding Doctor Doom, basic knowledge of how to use him should be applied, not just using him as an assist/anchor, tri-jumps and the like should be learned too.

after thinking it over
it did seem like tron would benefit arthur more with her assist then haggar or akuma would(I’ve interrupted quite a few hyper’s with gustaff fire can’t say i’ve ever done that with lariat or tatsu) not to mention it’s saved my ass more often then double lariat and tatsu

Don’t know if this was posted already, but Arthur can take advantage of Tron’s DHC glitch after King Servbot. Just DHC into King Arthur just before Tron’s super hits. All you have to do is:

Any BnB ending in j.:s:, QCF+:l:, DP+:atk::atk:, DHC into King Arthur, :s:, j.:m:, :m:, :h: xx QCB+:m:, land, :s:, j.:m:, :m:, :h:, :s:. That alone does 830 000, which is pretty good for 2 bars. If you’re midscreen, you can tack on a Fire Bottle xx Goddess Bracelet for I’m not sure how much more, probably like 950.

I’m thinking

Arthur (Fire Bot)
Storm (Light Charge)
Sent (Drone)

  • I’m keeping max distance with Arthur initially, and using storm to blow up rush down.

  • Arthur TAC to Storm DHC trick

  • Once Arthur goes down, it’s straight to Storm rush down with Sent drones to cover my ass.

Seems pretty solid so far.

Oh My Team:

Chris (mine bomb)
Arthur (Fire bottle)
Chun li (Lightening legs)

This team is not keep away, i’m building meter with Chris while still using THC with him anytime i get that confirm magnum, plus his combo that deals 900+K. Arthur second and chun li backs him up with legs while i try go for the overhead approach etc, but as far as i can see 3 bars and a confirm hit its a crap load of damage (persona first combo in the vid). I am going to learn that.
Chun li is last as the X-Factor clean up… What do u guys think?

Who would be a good third character for Arthur and Dorm?