I prefer Haggar, because his assist it’s in case that you need something to GTFO your opponent and he would benefit very well from the Fire Torch or the Daggers and if you feel like trying something new, try Arthur’s Heavenly Slash (jk).
Anyway, Ammy it’s pretty good on the rushdown like Morrigan and her Astral Vision, but since the meter hog it’s Arthur, then I would stick with Ammy.
[Quote=Crimson Cobra]
Arthur(Fire Bottle)
Tron(Gustaff Fire)
Doom(Hidden Missiles)
Hmm…For me, this team it’s around Arthur and Tron, both on the offense and Doom just being an anchor with his Hidden Missiles while on Assist mode and on when on point using him on the keepaway or rushdown…
Arthur should be used on point in order to start an effective rushdown albeit at a slow pace but with the necessary tools to do it.
Scythe Mix-ups, Fire Torch approaching, Daggers at mid distance, air-magic series ending with the Golden Axe for a relaunch, these are some tools for an effective rushdown.
Taggin’ out Arthur to get some health back should be top priority as it does recovering your Silver Armor in case that the Golden Armor breaks.
Tron it’s a tank with the right tools to do some crossups with his jumping :h:, damaging combos and bnb’s, also if you ever need to change Arthur on a hurry, you can always Cross-over Counter Tron with the Gustaff Fire at the cost of 1 hyper meter, the invincibility of this move it’s worth that meter.
Regarding Doctor Doom, basic knowledge of how to use him should be applied, not just using him as an assist/anchor, tri-jumps and the like should be learned too.