Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

Didn’t mean to leave that so short, but my professor started walking around and I hit post in a little bit of a panic as I changed what was on the screen LoL. Sorry.

Its total zoning. The hope is that Dooms missiles hold them down while I zone with Arthur. If they manage a jump in I hit 'em with Dorm’s purification. With Doom on point I use massive amounts of beam and Arthur assist to push into the corner and start the stronger Doom combos/mixups and to keep them from escaping I have Dorm assist. With Dorm in there I have some sick hypers fist of all. Two of the best zoning hypers in the game and I can use hands, dark hole, and purification to keep them out and my Arthur assist and missiles to keep them locked down. Also, I think, that though slow Dorm and Doom can both fight with the best.

I don’t know about Arthurs health and ability to fight. I’ve been thinking about Taskmaster instead of Arthur because I’d like someone who can brawl and feel Taskmaster has that ability. I think Dorm and Doom can both throw down, but I need to work on that part of both their games so it’d be nice to have someone I can throw down in fisticuffs with right now. I think this will be less an issue if I continue to practice with Doom and gain some mastery over his flight combos and extreme ability to control his motion while canceling his attacks i.e. rushdown. Dorm too.

That looks a little better. :slight_smile:

Thanks guys.

Arthur(Fire Bottle)/Shuma-Gorath(Mystic Ray)/Doctor Doom(Hidden Missiles)

sir arthur acts as the point man zoning the hell out of the opponent while being backed up by mystic ray and hidden missiles

if arthur gets killed or needs time to rest
i switch him out for shuma and begin the crazy air tentacle madness assisted by missiles
doom is the anchor on my team and if all else fails i can try and use his beams to make some sort of dent

only problem is I’ve been told maybe i should switch out doom or change his assist to molecular shield since mystic ray and missiles kinda serve the same purpose

Been looking for a good keep away character for my second slot of chun li/???/phoenix and am so far liking arthurs ability to do just that. I was wondering what assist I should have for chun li either her anti air or her lockdown assist? I have only used arthur for about 20 matches so far so I still have a lot to figure out so it is hard to say what I have the most trouble against. So as a general helpful assist which of chun li’s assist would be more helpful for arthur? Thanks

Arthur needs an AAA, Chun-li’s Tenshokyaku it’s a really good option, sacrificing her lockdown assist it’s certainly something that will hurt some options against many opponents, but the idea it’s to cover every situation in case that something pops up, and Im certain that you will have more troubles with characters that like to attack in the air.

Watch out your Hyper Meter and try to use Arthur’s Fire Torch or Silver Daggers assist to help both Phoenix and Chun-Li in their offense.

thanks, so far I am liking his fire torch assist just because it seems to stay out for a long enough time for me to cross up pretty easily with both phoenix and chun li as well as stopping trons/ haggars assist. I am pretty competent with regular phoenix and usually do very well with a rushdown approach easily netting me 2+ meters. I’ve learned some nice combos for chun li getting me anywhere from 1.5-2.5 meters from 1 combo and her triple jump makes baiting attacks very doable.

Does chun li’s tenshokyaku have any start up invincibility frames?

Regarding the Hidden Missiles…Try using the Molecular Shield to start your approaching, since Shuma-Gorath will help you to anchor the opponent using his Mystic Ray. Hidden Missiles it’s a good assist, but you should cover another area (the offense for example) that Shuma Gorath can’t with his assist.


I don’t know if Chun-Li’s Tenshokyaku has invincibility frames but if it does have then it must be on start up only and for just a fraction of a sec, not very reliable for a GTFO assist like Haggar’s Lariat or Tron’s Gustaff Fire, but a good AA nonetheless. I mean, it’s very annoying when the opponent uses A-Guard in response to Chun-Li’s Hyakuretsu Kyaku assist in order to punish her while on recovery, her AA on the other hand it’s more faster, it goes like this: 1. Appears and immediately does her attack, 2.Her attack animation ends and starts her way down to the floor, 3. Laughs and leaves the screen. It appears that she’s only punishable while on #2, as it only takes like 1 second and a fraction to see her animation completely, but her lockdown assist it takes like 2.5 more or less to complete and in that moment she’s very prone to receive a wave of attacks or beam hypers.

TL;DR: Use the Lab to test if it has I.frames on startup and don’t mess up, good luck!.

My current team is Dorm(dark hole)/Tron (gustaf fire)/Morr (meter assist). This team was initially built around dormm, (had a a different order to) but the more and more I’ve played it he just feels more like the weak link in the team. I want to switch him out for arthur.

I think he could be a proper replacement, since as an assist he gives the team better options, (specially tron). And can acomplish the same roll dorm was playing (zoning, fast heavy chipping hypers).

Ideas, critiques, any tricks you know of with this team? Also sorry if its been answered already, but can this “beam bounce” thing be done with any of arthur’s projectiles? or is it only beams? (hence the name :P).

P.D. I have a local tourney in 2 weeks and would REALLY appreciate if anyone here would like to take some time to help me train for it.

definitally no pro with arthur or the beam bounce, but if I was to take a guess as to how the beam bounce works is, you just need some kind of hit box that is right below where the ground bounce would occur and basically stop them from hitting the ground. Assuming so then arthurs daggers assist might do the trick although with some tricky timing probably opposed to a beam which comparitively is a lot bigger then his daggers

The bounce trick works with any attack actually, it’s just more practical with beams and other fast attacks like Chun-Li kicks. You’ll have to mess with timing for it, but it works with Arthur. Basically you just need another attack to connect at the same time or slightly after to cancel out the ground bounce.

Tron fire is a great GTFO assist. If you’re close enough you can usually hit them with c.:m:,s.:h:,:f::h: into combo if they’re standing. If they’re airborne, I think j.:h: scythe works.

Morrigan Meter boost is really nice for Arthur, it gives you meter to burn for GA and bracelet and if you have 3 bars, Arthur can beat pretty much any other hyper on reaction. Arthur is much more dangerous with meter.

Lunch rush can DHC into bracelet, not sure what DHCs exist with Morrigan.

Thx alot, good to know how that ground bounce thing works.

I’ll try some stuff later 2nite when I get home,

I read some arguments about Arthur being a good anchor (I really like morrigan there, XF lvl3 + Astral Vision is serious business) But I’ll definately experiment with that, will post some DHC’s once I try them out to.

Lunch Rush can pretty much dhc into anything. As far as morrigan goes, I feel like her DHC’s are probably one of her weakness, that’s another reason why arthur seems like a good idea since he can just loop his bracelet.

Tron’s Gustaff Fire and Morrigan with Dark Harmonizer for Arthur it’s like a team that is based for Arthur on point, maybe you should try the offense with him, let me explain this a little further…

Arthur does have the tools to start a pretty good and solid offense when properly assisted, he has good normals and godlike specials for every situation, with meter to burn thanks to Morrigan and a GTFO assist like Tron’s you should be scoring 2 and a half kills per match with Bracelet Loops and Golden Armor shenanigans.

Got some training time and here are the results:

Beam bounce works just fine with daggers.

Bracelet loop’s timing varies with distance correct? I had an easier time getting 3 or 4 loops at midscreen than at full screen where I could only get 2. Also It gave me a lot more trouble it the oponent becomes airborne.


-Lunch Rush and Bracelet can DHC into each other from pretty much anywhere (gorunded)
-Shadow servant can DHC into Lunch rush or Bracelet at certain distances (timing varies).
-Lunch rush can DHC into missiles , which DHC’s into bracelet.
-In the corner you can DHC almost anything. (shadow servant, missiles, lunch rush, king servebot, bracelet)

Ace: I’m just trying to cover some weakness in my team, Tron really needs an assist that helps her get in, with out it many matches are almost a lost cause. So I might consider using her as point and have her be a battery for a 2nd slot Arthur. I still need to see how much tron can extend her combos with arthur as assist as well. But I see what you mean, thx for the input.

Also could you elaborate a bit on the GA shenanigans? I’m fairly new to Arthur.

You’ve got a point on Tron being first, and regarding about Arthur being on the offense, maybe you should use it in the second slot once that Tron needs to rest to recover some lost hp.

About the Golden Armor shenanigans, there are some crossups with the Boomerang Scythe and the Homing Crossbow that are very unique in synergy with the correct assist, like the Gustaff Fire. The situation it’s like this:

Arthur and Opponent are in the middle, Arthur calls Tron (Gustaff Fire) and Arthur jumps towards the opponent (single jump) and uses the Homing Crossbow, at the same time the Opponent either blocks or gets hit by the Gustaff Fire, at this time if he crouches and blocks the fire, he will get hit by the Arrows because they will hit him in the head, thus causing an unblockable situation. The same thing applies if you single jump towards and use :s:, which causes and overhead which can be canceled into any projectile to extend your combo. The Boomerang Scythe can cause a confuse on which way the opponent needs to block, just apply the same situation with the Gustaff Fire, but this time you single jump but up :u:, use the Scythe which acts like Captain American’s Shield Slash and start a combo or any normal or special move that allows you to land without being punished (Daggers comes to my mind).

Anyway, I’ll elaborate more later, right now Im at the work.

Arthur (Fire bottle), Dorm (Purification), Tasky (Aim Master :b:)

Team works pretty good. I switch Deadpool from time to time dealing with fast characters via wolverine and wesker. for deadpool i use his anti air.

I don’t think Gustaff Fire + Homing Crossbow would result in an unblockable in that situation because those moves are both mids. Your opponent only has to block opposite of where Arthur is, it’s just a fast left-right mix up. The j.:s: overhead with Gustaff Fire is really, really good though.

There is no reason to use Tasky’s parabolic shot. Use the vertical one in an Arthur team because it covers a Lot of the screen.

Thanks for the pointers, I always thought that it was an unblockable situation, but it’s just a mix-up, nevertheless it works 80% of the time.


The angled shot it’s your best bet unless that you want to anchor the opponent with the Parabolic one.

If you’re using Gustaff fire, you might as well jump in with something that starts a combo rather than just a projectile.

Could you guys give me some pointers on this team:

Arthur (daggers)
Doom (missiles)
Dormammu (purification)

Here are some thoughts I put together:

Its total zoning. The hope is that Dooms missiles hold them down while I zone with Arthur. If they manage a jump in I hit 'em with Dorm’s purification. With Doom on point I use massive amounts of beam and Arthur assist to push into the corner and start the stronger Doom combos/mixups and to keep them from escaping I have Dorm assist. With Dorm in there I have some sick hypers fist of all. Two of the best zoning hypers in the game and I can use hands, dark hole, and purification to keep them out and my Arthur assist and missiles to keep them locked down. Also, I think, that though slow Dorm and Doom can both fight with the best.

I don’t know about Arthurs health and ability to fight. I’ve been thinking about Taskmaster instead of Arthur because I’d like someone who can brawl and feel Taskmaster has that ability. I think Dorm and Doom can both throw down, but I need to work on that part of both their games so it’d be nice to have someone I can throw down in fisticuffs with right now. I think this will be less an issue if I continue to practice with Doom and gain some mastery over his flight combos and extreme ability to control his motion while canceling his attacks i.e. rushdown. Dorm too.

Thanks guys.

With Taskmaster you would still have a good pressure assist and much better rushdown options. Arthur be offensive to an extent, but wouldn’t really classify him as rushdown.

Also remember that both Dorm and Dooms assists are relatively slow and vulnerable. A decently fast beam hyper can blow through Arthur projectiles and hit the assist on reaction.