Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

Greetings fellow knights!!

I would to ask this board’s opinion on my own (trolling) team:

Arthur : Fire bottle - 1st/ Point character
MODOK : Barriar shield - 2nd/ braindead-easy DHC character
Dormammu : Purification (tower-like beam) - 3rd/ AKA comeback guy

Usually I save X factor for Dormmy when both of my trollers die, but willing to use it if I can kill the annoying point characters with their assists if possible.

I think this team can be a very hair pulling experience against most opponents, although I understand it lacks the GET OFF ME tools. I have much success with this team against my friends and some online warriors, and that is enough for me in most cases :P.

I have some faith in MODOK, so usually I start most of my matches with Golden armor to tagging out to MODOK and I start trolling like a mad troll. Although I understand this is Arthur board fourm, but can you guys give me some pointers or some changes to these characters and/or assists to create a much better (trolling) set up?

Oh, and this team nets you 90% of the time a well written hatemail, and 100% chance of ragequit (even among friends).

Thank you in advance.

Huzzah! Fellow Knight!

I like your team, I believe that it has not only synergy but a certain charm that makes it pretty good.

Arthur is a pandora box full of tricks and with the assistance of Dormmamu in every way possible it’s pretty neat, because Dorm can cover areas where Arthur cannot protect while firing projectiles (his head normally), also MODOK with the barrier it’s pretty good, specially for dear Arthur, because of his short height he benefits well from it.

Dormmamu benefits well with the Fire Torch for some teleport shenanigans and cross-ups and of course to easy hit confirm a Chaotic Flame (when the trail of fire hits them obviously).

The same applies with MODOK, because the opponent will have to jump in order to reach him if the trail of fire done by the Fire Torch it’s still active, thus allowing you to score a Level of Understanding with a proper placed Analyze Cube.

Ah, thanks for the reply fellow knight! I actually have tried the Fire Bottle assist, and for some reason I haven’t found it as useful as Daggers.

Sentinel + Daggers has one of the most useful close to mid-range functions. If you cr.H + A1 xx Fly > fly over and do j.H > j.E, it is a complete combo if the cr.H laser hits them.

Deadpool is a blast to play. It gets tricky once you play a Storm/Magneto who can kill you off of one combo, but angled shots are a godsend.

I’m doing some testing on Fire Bottle right now, thanks for putting it into my attention!

Thanks for the pointers Ace, I was planning on using dark hole assist of Dormammu, but I guess I also need to fill the air with stuff too.

I also tried using MODOK beam and bomb assist for pushback / Trapping (respectively), but I guess I sacrifice nice defence option of barrier. Although those who wants to try some corner traps after killing or snapping out someone, the ballon bomb assist + fire bottle can lock the opponent into a very nasty mix up between instant overhead (J.M) or Crouching Heavy, for easy hit confirm to launch into WIN.

After browsing this fourm of the great knights, I think I would not always rely on “LOL GOLD ARMOR TAP OUT” tactic, and try to fill the screen with Arthur and company’s with projectiles, and cause as much headache as possible to my opponents.

Thank you all :D.

So with Arthur on point and having Shuma’s Mystic Ray assist I have achieved all new levels of spamming bullshittery. Anyone else try this?

Yeah, Shuma ray really helps deal with sj and runaway vs. Arthur. Especially vs. Phoenix and storm.

Thinking of having a team B
With Arthur/Haggar/Dorm
The general Gameplan with this team is the annoy the fuck out of everyone and have no chance of getting in unless they kill haggar and Dorm.

It works pretty well, I have seen this combination before and every character has it’s uses, because those 3 characters benefit from each other, Arthur benefits well because he can approach easily with Haggar’s Double Lariat and also be protected at the same time with Dorm’s Purification. The same applies to Haggar, he would approach very easily with the Fire Torch or with the Daggers to score some Nerf Pipes. And finally Dorm, he can benefit with the Fire Torch for some teleport crossups/shenanigans.

Very balanced imho.

Started running Magneto (EMD)/Arthur(Daggers)/Haggar(Lariat) earlier tonight, dagger assist is a great replacement for drones if you are playing rushdown, in fact they’re the best replacement I’ve found so far. This team has a few problems though, for one Haggar’s Lariat misses on shorties, and with Zero/Logan/Ammy and friends being around so much, it can be a real problem. At the same time, teleporters give Arthur issues, and Haggar seems to be better at dealing with that then Hulk or Tron. Not to mention that I don’t really have a reliable anchor…Maybe Taskmaster with Parabolic Shot assist?

Parabolic Shot or the Angled Shot should be fine, have you tried Doom’s Hidden Missiles to help you to anchor the opponent?

I’m thinking about changing my team to Zero(Hadengeki)/Dante(Jam Session)/Arthur(torch)


Why do you think they work well, what do you like about them? Some minor reasons for picking the team maybe?

So I just got done playing about 2 hrs with this team and I’ve gotta say that its quite good.

Arthur (knives) / Sentinel (drones) / Doom (missiles) - in that order. I’ll explain further

So basically Arthur’s job is to obviously keepaway/chip. Arthur has VERY good/annoying horizontal cover however his vertical cover is quite bad. This is where Doom missiles come in. Not only do they cover the aerial approach, they also home in and break combos which mess up Arthur. Doom missiles also cover teleport characters due to its homing (Wesker/Dante). Now even with the nerf, Sentinel is hits really hard. He’s useful to DHC chip into or just to finish off the guy that Arthur chipped down with even more chip or just by fighting. Mind you that Doom missiles on Sentinel are still devastating whether you’re camping or approaching.

My main reasoning for putting Sentinel (or anyone honestly) second is because this team heavily relies on Doom missiles. Another reason is that Doom is gonna get hit with quite a bit of stuff trying to cover Arthur and therefore in the case that Arthur dies and Doom has too much red health, he’ll be covered because Sentinel/someone else is gonna swap in.

Tell me what you guys think.

so right now i am running a team of Ryu (Hadoken) and Haggar (Lariet)

I have been trying to find a point character for some time now, and i think Arthur could be who im looking for. Having his fire bottle toss assist will be good for helping haggar get close and keeping people away from ryu. Plus neither of my characters have OTG moves so arthurs assist can help there.

And when arthur is out, i think haggar is a good gtfo assist and ryu can help with the projectile game.

what do you guys think about this? or is there another character that you think would be better suited for this?

It’s pure keepaway at it’s best, just watch out for characters that have beam hypers that can punish both Arthur and Doctor Doom at the same time, but overall it seems OK, just get the hang of Arthur’s BnB to combo after that the Hidden Missiles stuffs the opponents attack.

Arthur it’s very good on point (when used properly that is.) and with the help of Haggar’s Lariat GTFO and Ryu’s projectile game for pressure, it should benefit very well from them.

Both the Fire Torch and the Silver Daggers are very good assists to start the offense, the only problem here it’s that nailing down the timing in which Arthur can OTG’s characters while on Assist Mode it’s very difficult because of the startup of the Fire Torch, so you must time when and how your opponent will land after a combo in order to OTG them.

Also there’s the problem regarding the Golden Fire Torch too, that it misses the opponent on the corner because it goes slightly more forward on it’s arc. If you need a character that can OTG use Sentinel’s Rocket Punch or Wesker’s Samurai Edge, even Felicia’s Universal OTG that it’s very unique, this however is if you want to drop entirely Arthur which it’s not a bad idea nor a good one, try to test on the lab the results and if you feel confident with him, use him with the Fire Torch and get the hang of it’s trail of fire because he’s very unique and soon it will be recognized as a force to be feared when properly assisted.


So I’ve been running Arthur (bottle), Tasky (Vetical), and Dante (Jam Session). THis team has been working exceedingly well for me. Arthur at point is mostly so I can get some meter going. I call in Tasky at a distance to help camp. Dante gets called in when they get about mid screen. If they super jump I call in Tasky and try to lance under them.

Once I have about 3 meters I King’s Armor and DHC into an appropriate angle for Tasky’s arrows. The Gold Fire Bottle adds pressure to the opponent and allows me to force them into the corner rather quickly. If it hits them then I can go straight into a mighty swing and keep keep the combo going. Also if you bottle a person into a corner they tend to block too long which lets me get a free 400k on them if I have a meter.

Dante has less synergy with the assist but if I’m close I can use a launcher out of fire bottle and body a character. He’s mostly just and anchor since Devil Trigger and X-Factor with him is broken.

Yea I tried out Hidden Missiles the first few times, but now that I think of it most of it was a series against a guy who ran Dante and Wesker, so I pretty much got wrecked and immediately tossed him. I am a little better at predicting with his b+H after a few days so maybe that would help against teles.

I’ve been going with Arthur/Firebottle (should probably switch to dagger) and Akuma/QCB. Akuma assist when they get close to push them back or I’ll charge in with a lance. Been having a hard time finding a solid third. Wolverine’s been my third with tornado claw, but I feel like he leaves something missing on the team, because by the time I’m down to wolverine I can’t do anything with what meter I have left. I’m by no means good, but I’m looking for a good third between Arthur and Akuma.

Arthur (Dagger), Doom (Missiles), Dormammu (Purification)

Comments please.

What do you think about them? Give us some more info like why you picked them and how you think they compliment each other rather than asking others to give you info for your team.