Arthur chips and builds meter and his armor goes great with the assist, x-23 and haggar benefit from his daggers. X23 is a rushdown machine and her bnb can kill off 2 charecters like in this vid at :57-1:22 ([media=youtube]dcG_Ace0pqg[/media]). I really like how if you damage the team enough with arthur x-23’s level 3 will finish off the last person when they are switched in
I’ve been running Arthur-Daggers/Hulk AA/Shulk OTG low for a while. I initially picked up Arthur for dagger assist and for battery but I’m really liking to use him and I’ve been getting 1-2 kills with him per game.
On point, he does alright by himself, projectiles with Hulk AA to get him out of a jam. However I feel that he really needs a good cover/projectile assist to be more of a threat. I’ve been toying with the idea of just switching up my other two assists, going to Shulk AA which is pretty good, and also lands behind Arthur after hit comes out. Then Hulk gamma wave, which does good chip, pushes back and nullifies a good amount of projectiles. Only problem here is that I use Shulk torpedo assist to add ~100K damage to my Hulk combos.
Thinking about replacing Hulk or Shulk for an Arthur focused team. Hulk provides good GTFO me and wave can be useful for keepaway. Shulk gives a good, relatively safe AA to him and benefits a lot from his daggers. I’ve also been using Dormammu, Spidey, Haggar, Tron. Out of those, Dormammu seems like the best fit. I could run Dormammu AA/Hulk wave to give Arthur a good pressure assist and cover his head, or run Hulk AA/ Dormammu hole, which would be good against other projectile based teams, since hole would give him a shield of sorts and Hulk covers AA and provides a GTFO assist. Haggar also because of lariat, and he could battery for the team. Hulk and Dorm both eat up meter and I’d like to save some meter for Arthur to burn too, so having Haggar as a battery could be useful.
I’m not opposed to picking up a new character either. MODOK and Hsien-Ko seem like they could work well with him. Modok shield or bomb and Hsien-ko gong or DF pendulum.
Or I could just Sent/Doom and run a really annoying keepaway game.
I wanted to run a “Arthur specific” team, but not focused on the keepaway but focused on mix-ups, because I want to attack too on the offensive and be annoying at the same time.
Right now Im Running Arthur w/ Daggers, Zero w/Ryuenjin, and Tron w/ Gustaff Fire.
Arthur benefits really well from those assists and can start an effective rushdown, because Arthur it’s too short, the Gustaff Fire will protect him and if someone manages to get in my head I use Zero to take care of that.
Also Arthur/Storm and another character to do synergy with them should be useful.
I’ve had a lot of success with Arthur (daggers)/ Hulk (gamma wave)/ Dormammu (purification)
Very annoying team to deal with, especially if Hulk/Dormmamu are your last guys with level 3 x factor and meter built up. Both can take out entire teams by themselves. Hulk is a very underused char for some reason, I feel he goes great with Arthur.
Yeah I really like Hulk with Arthur. Daggers set up his approach really well and Hulk AA covers Arthur well from air approaches and wave is good for keepaway. Likewise both of Dorm’s assists do kind of the same thing. Only problem with the team I have is that
there’s no meter for Arthur to spend since Hulk/Dorm are such big meter users.
Ace, for Tron I was thinking fire for a GTFO and maybe bandit boulder for keepaway.
Edit: After some consideration though, I really want to have an OTG assist for Hulk because his damage output with one is too good. I might run Arthur/Hulk-wave/Shulk OTG, to use wave for pressure with Arthur on point, but I’m worried about him not having a tool to deal with rushdown.
Would the Fire Bottle OTG serve for your purposes? I don’t know if it can be used in situations where Hulk needs an OTG, but it’d be worth experimenting with.
Wow I didn’t even think of that, I’ll mess around with it some. I originally used bottle as my assist, but I ended up liking daggers better since they kill projectiles, are faster and always do 3 hits.
I think that in the offensive with Hulk, he could really benefit from the properties of the Fire Torch, even more with the Golden Fire Torch. Try to mess around in the Lab with both the Daggers and the Fire Torch. The main idea it’s to rush down like a madman thus not allowing the opponent to counter-attack with projectiles. The Fire Torch will not dissipate until the projectiles disappears, Ergo allowing you to continue your trail at a slow or fast pace.
Running Arthur(Daggers)/Doom(Missiles)/Hulk(AA). Golden Bracelet DHCs up close into Sphere Flame, which DHCs into Gamma Crush easily for ridiculous damage. Gonna try messing with fire bottle assist to OTG with Hulk, but the team synergy is amazing as it is.
My current team is running my favorite characters Arthur(Daggers)/Chris(Gunfire)/Ryu(Shoryuken) I’m probably going to replace Ryu with Dorm(Purification) later but anyhow my current strategy goes like this.
Basically my team is entirely centered on keepaway. The goal is to get at least 2 meters with Arthur on point supported by Chris (if you saw Spartan’s Arthur/Doom strategy, this starts out basically the same way). Chris shoots stuff on the ground, and Arthur throws daggers to hit people out of the air. Once I get two meters, the goal is to DHC Arthur’s Gold Armor Hyper to Ryu’s Shinku Hadoken, who then plays as my main point character backed by projectile assists.
Granted, I kinda figure I need a better point character than Ryu. Ryu’s also kinda there if I need an emergency anti-air.
Ryu actually seems alright on point. If you’re running 2 projectile assists, you might want to try Hulk. Those assists will allow him to approach safely. He has an armored AAA too.
Ok, so I haven’t read this whole thread, but I will if necessary. Basically my team is Team Keepaway, I don’t want 'em near me. **MODOK **on point(Mostly because I’m training with him, **Barrier **assist. Not really getting to much use of it besides w/ the CPU, might switch to Balloon Bomb), Arthur(My most solid character, Fire Bottle Assist), and Dormy(Love Flame Carpet, Stalking Flare, Choatic Flame, and…hell, I just love the dude, lol!; Purification).
I come here asking for keepaway tactics, but in general would be great, too!
I think that you should stick with MODOK’s Barrier because Arthur can benefit from it, he’s too short and the shield will cover him totally.
Regarding the tactics I recommend that you check the match-up thread because there is some info regarding tactics in general. If you have any question or want to contribute it will be much appreciated!.
Anyway, keep an eye with characters with full screen hypers, because Arthur will have troubles with these, Dormmamu should keep away pesky offensive characters and MODOK it’s very good at keepaway with those Analyze Cubes. Always try to combo 3 or 4 cubes in one combo for a great advantage.
Dormmamu should benefit from the Fire Torch if you want to take some offensive maneuvers, and when the trail of fire catches the opponent you can always chain a Chaotic Flame. For a better advantage try using the Golden Fire Torch.
Started messing around with Ammy today, both her bloom assist and cold start work really well for Arthur, and Arthur bottle covers her well. Bloom gives him meter to make him dangerous, and cold star locks them down for chip and combos into projectiles.
Morrigan might be a better meter boost assist though, since AFAIK it’s faster and less vulnerable.
Started messing around with Ammy today, both her bloom assist and cold start work really well for Arthur, and Arthur bottle covers her well. Bloom gives him meter to make him dangerous, and cold star locks them down for chip and combos into projectiles.
Morrigan might be a better meter boost assist though, since AFAIK it’s faster and less vulnerable.
Hey, just wanted to drop by to share my team. I run Deadpool/Sentinel/Arthur, and in my opinion, Arthur is one of the best anchors in the game.
Sentinel with Arthur Daggers can out-zone most teams (i.e. Sent/Doom Missiles), due to how Arthur ducks below a lot of projectiles and how fast the daggers travel.
However, the goal of my team is not really to simply out zone them, but to use Deadpool/Sentinel to bait their use of X-Factor. Once they use it before me, it’s pretty much over.
Why? Because Arthur + Golden Armor + X-Factor Level 3 rapes face, as most of you know by now. Spamming Golden Arrows will shut down anyone without an air dash. Lances can combo up to 4 times doing 715.200 damage, and spamming them one by one leaves no room for a counter-super, on hit or block.
So yeah, a one man zoning team, pretty awesome stuff. Good info on the threads here, picked up a few tips here and there.
Based on your own experience, have you tried using the Fire Bottle/Torch assist?, I think that both Sentinel and Deadpool benefits from it very well as it pressures the opponent to do something in response to the huuuuge wave of attacks that you are sending.
I never used Deadpool, he looks easy to play tho and with the correct assists it may be a “all purpose” character as it has the tools to zone or to rush effectively.