Arthur with Fire bottle, Doom with Hidden missiles usually, sometimes plasma beam. I essentially don’t assist with Phoenix, but she’s got TK Overdrive. For a few matches I’ve been toying around with dagger assist Arthur or plasma beam Doom, haven’t really come up with anything solid yet so, whatever. Just as an aside you can obviously play this team with multiple assists.
When Arthur’s on point I use him to play keep-away with Doom backing him. Hidden missiles helps a lot as it covers the blind spot above him better than tri-blade as well as giving you the ability to hit confirm into heavenly slash to whatever. I try not to waste meter with Arthur unless it’ll straight up kill a dude, otherwise I just use him as a battery for Phoenix. If I have over 4 bars before I sub out Arthur, I’ll go ahead and give him gold armor before finding an opportune time to swap. Doom can easily make up for one bar to give gold armor bottle assist.
When Doom is out bottle assist is most useful for keeping someone in blockstun while applying squarejump/triangle jump pressure. Aside from that I’ve got a pretty neat setup, if someone is coming down in front of me calling Arthur, then back dashing into a tiger knee’d ground plasma beam, it sets up a trap that’ll at least get 2 plasma beams and a bottle worth of chip or does a reasonable small combo.
With Phoenix out Arthur’s use is pretty obvious, setting up left right mixup with teleport shenanigans. Works for both normal and Dark Phoenix.
To sum up, the team works out pretty well, Arthur can build quite a bit of bar for phoenix and with doom assist he can keep people out without needing to waste it on himself.
Since we are running the same team (minus Haggar, that is o_O), tell me, what do you think about using the *Armor Piercer *with Spencer into a free combo w/ Arthur or is it better to use the H.Wire Grapple to reel the enemy back at you?, I think it’s basically like an option select, but I feel more confident about the Armor Piercer. Im asking because im still wondering which one is better, the two are working perfectly.
I’ve been running Arthur/Haggar/Spencer as well, and I’m rather partial to the Armor Piercer, since it works great for both Arthur and Haggar, since neither of the two have wall bounces available to them.
Going with Skrull AA assist/Spencer horizontal grapple assist /Arthur dagger assist
Skrull starts and spencer’s assist will help alot so that Skrull can get a free air :d::h: into his damaging combos
Arthur helps him keep away characters plus if spencer assist isn’t working i will have a solid way to get in with arthur’s assist.
When Spencer is out Authur will help him get in authur is his only hope approaching.
When Authur is out Skrull helps alot when i advance guard then use Skrull, and overall from above, but i do want my damage so Spencers assist will help also for otg fire bottle into whatever.
Elastic Slam w/ Fire Torch it’s scary I believe, I’ve seen many SRKers on this thread that WE use both Spencer and Arthur, it’s a very good combination IMHO.
Today I was playing Ranked and I managed to kill 3 Characters with Arthur and Spencer. Using a DHC Bionic Arm and later using ‘‘For the Princess’’ Great Magic, Fire Dragon, great punish and a quick score if you have the hyper meter at 4 (which I believe that you will, 'cause Arthur and Spencer fill it very fast). I know that maybe the entire cast can do the same, but I find it very easy because you have a LOT of time, since the Bionic Arm puts them in a free fall allowing to DHC without a problem.
Also Arthur’s Level 3 w/X-Factor cancel into Lances n’ Crossbow it’s very rewarding.
Not very reliable, but hey, maybe it can save you once.
I was thinking Zero/Arthur/Tron for one of my teams. I think Arthurs dagger’s assist compliment zero’s rushdown or I could use Arthur’s otg assist to extend combos for Tron or Zero. Tron also has her high invincibility assist and I think that could help Arthur get rid of some pressure. Assist for zero though?? I was thinking his Shoryuken type assist(sorry don’t remember the name) for an AA. Anyone have thoughts on this team??? I think it could work out.
I think that it will work, Zero benefits really really well with the Fire Torch, and Zero with *Ryuenjin *it’s a yes-yes because Arthur needs protection from his head. Expand this technique using Sougenmu and tagging out Zero.
Also, Tron could use the Fire Torch too to expand her terrain or just to get in front of the enemy and do some shenanigans with her drill.
I’m using a new team, I was using Arthur, Sentinel, Trish
Get Trish assist in (trap on the floor) then you call sent 2 times before it disappear, the tactic was keep away with sent and Trish assist would help me escape, but I was getting beat by any good offensive player because sent assist gets hit way too much
So I’m playing Tron now with flame assist, if someone is close pressing buttons and if you call her he gonna get hit and it will hit confirm into a bracelet for you on the spot (I’m starting to throw dagger 3x as soon as I call her, the target will get huge chip damage or hit confirm for me into anything dagger>dagger>dagger>assist , its like time has stopped for hit confirms lol) it works greatly as a anti air too, it’s like…almost cheap lol
If you are far then, you are doing your job, and Sentinel helps alot, if they are too close, just call her xD
Edit : Oh yeah, I’m getting some serious combos with tron with arthur dagger assist, he throws it so fast that you can combo into a lot of stuff
I’m going with Arthur/Haggar/Sentinel, this team has great tricks.
Arthur with Sent drones is great keepaway, if they get in close use Haggar’s double lariat.
If Arthur dies, Haggar and Sent is a great combo with the pipe, dropkick with Haggar and roll behind the enemy as you call sent drones and they’ll get hit my drones from front and your behind with Haggar for a pipe into a huge combo.
Saving Sentinel last is great for level 5 x-factor which is basically an instant win if they wasted their x-factor already.
Been playing Shulk low/Hulk AA/Arthur daggers. Arthur helps those two tremendously on their approach, but Arthur is getting blown the fuck up. Hulk AA assist protects him pretty well from people coming in, but the problem is that I’m left with Arthur as the last man more often than not, and he is definitely the weak link in my team.
I know he generally has problems as last man, since he doesn’t have any way to keep people off. Was thinking about maybe using him at the front of the team to build meter, but I’m not very good with him on point (looking to improve though) and if I lose him I can’t get in as well with Shulk/Hulk. Was thinking about switching hulk to wave assist instead of AA, but his AA is invincible on the way up, making it a good assist for gtfo with Arthur.
I always use Arthur on point, why?, because the main idea it’s to chip or take away most of the hitpoints of your opponent before switching out.
In steps it will be something like this:
1.Arthur on point
2.Power-up with the Golden Armor
3.Keep away your opponent as much as you can, or rush them if you can.
4.When the armor power-up it’s about to break…Tag out, and take advantage of the Holy Daggers while you can.
Your team it’s a pack of power, take advantage of everything, try to recreate the situations that are giving you troubles on training mode and it will be ‘trial and error’ learning from there.
Thanks for the advice! I was thinking of putting Arthur on point just for that reason, to chip out as much damage as possible then Gold Armor switch out. The only thing that makes me nervous at this point is losing Arthur to one combo then not having an approach assist for the other two, who need it. Also, having Arthur with little gold armor time if/when he is brought back in is an issue too, especially if I get brought back in with no meter.
I would feel more comfortable powering up armor and then DHCing into something safe like Gamma Tsunami. That way I already have a full armor timer if I get brought back in, plus it’s a safe way to tag out.
Other methods of tagging Arthur out? Can hitting/blocking any of his projectiles lead to a safe tag out?
I could always try for a launch into TAC, but that means getting close, which is where I don’t want to be with Arthur, especially if it leads to losing him early in the match.
Does Gold Armor have invincibility on start? Was thinking I might be able to Gold Armor > DHC into Shulk lv. 3 grab hyper up close.
Yes, Arthur does have Invincibility frames on start-up when he’s using the Golden Armor.
If She-Hulk’s grab it’s instant, then you can indeed DHC, because Haggar can do the same, not very reliable tho, because that’s 4 meters, but fear not, your fear of losing Arthur at the beginning of the match should be put aside, because it is supposed that you need to keep away your opponent, right now I can’t show you some tactics until I get my capture card, but when I have the time I’ll do a simple guide for many purposes, consider it a tool for us.
I know that Im contradicting myself with the “rush or keepaway”, but keep in mind that it’s completely situational, because you won’t go and rush Sentinel and hope to win, but maybe you can charge at other character that has less tools on the front and manage to overcome it.
About taggin’ out Arthur…Well you have options, in your keepaway game, try to throw a Golden Axe, it covers a wide area and it travels at medium speed allowing you to change.
Also, you can use the Fire Torch, sometimes when Im rushing, and I need to change very fast, I use this, why?, because they like to A.Guard me, allowing me an opportunity for a safe tag out.
I know this is an old post, but are you still using this team? I use storm and Hulk and am looking for a 3rd char, considering arthur. How successful are you with this team?
And to all arthur players: Is he a good point char, or should he be 2nd or 3rd?
I play with him on point, this is to counterattack any Sentinel and to chip away as much hitpoints as possible, Power up using the Golden Armor and DHC Storm’s Hail Storm, for a safe/quick way to tag out Arthur when his armor it’s about to break.
Arthur makes a great point character against keepaway teams, he makes a pretty lousy point character against characters like Mags, Amaterasu, Wolverine etc who have a ways to get in and stay on you.