It’s a cool combination, S.Skrull can cover the Air and Haggar with the Double Lariat can punish almost everything, plus Haggar gets a nice tool to approach characters using Arthur’s projectiles, this combined with the Golden Armor should be deadly.
One of the better teams thus far. Gold Armor Daggers are amazing.
What are the pros and cons of using dagger assist vs firebottle assist? I love the idea of firebottle assist being otg and all, but it seems like the dagger assist might just be too useful to resist, especially with Haggar.
The Firebottle (Torch) it’s not limited to OTG, but also to keep the pressure or to start the rushdown with Haggar (for example).
Torch (Silver Armor) Pros
-It does good damage.
-OTG characters.
-Nice tool to start the rushdown.
-If the Torch hits the opponent before the flame touches the ground it only does minimal damage (This is fixed when Arthur summons his Golden Armor, the Flame will still make it’s way even if it hits the opponent before touching the ground.)
-Travel distance is poor (Again, it travels a lot further with the Golden Armor)
-It’s a tiny bit slow on startup.
Daggers (Silver Armor) Pros
-Projectiles that travel full screen and at great speed.
-Can collide and destroy projectiles, allowing the 2nd and 3rd dagger to hit.
-Less hitstun
-Watch out for the reflectors
Try to test both assist types, choose the one that you feel more confident of using in battle.
So far I play Arthur/Akuma/Sentinel in that order. The interesting part of my strategy is that if they get in on me at all I super armor/assist akuma or sentinel and use the gold armor bomb assist as part of my pressure. Even with sentinel constant gold armor grenades and his s.H > c.H > m.rocketpunch is so easy to use while theyre under that pressure, until I can get a knockdown > L.rocketpunch > super (energy ball)
Furthermore, any of those really aggresive players who walk into me at the start I often jump on start and overhead j.M > s.S > arial combo (i think thats the notation)
Akuma though is still optional, like most of our mid teams. But if it wasnt for sentinel, that spot would be the point character, mostly because I expect to bail vs alot of aggressive point characters who I cant find myself able to defend against (x-23)
I’ve been using Arthur as an assist, but Arthur with Haggar’s lariat is scary.
j. S is an instant overhead. So J. S + lariat assist equals a free air combo to a level 3, which hurts like a bitch. Same for Arthur/Chun.
Oh yeah, and the invinciblity helps too lol.
Arthur on assist:
Wolvie/Zero/Arthur with dagger assist.
Wolvie and Zero are already godlike with their pressure. Daggers helps it even more. So crossing up with berserker slash and the dash teleport with knives are the ultimate cross-up.
ViewtifulJoe/Tron/Arthur with firebottle. Fire bottle hits OTG. So an aircombo can end with god hand.
P.S Tron’s Flamethrower assist has invinciblity, but not as much as Haggar.
I’m currently running
Arthur - B
Deadpool - B
Tron - B
Start with Arthur. Depending on who I’m facing, I either instantly gold armor into 236c lockdown to chip about 1/2 their health before tossing a flame bottle and tagging out soz I have gold assists
I just play Arthur normally, using Tbon assist to stop pressure (once she starts, you can’t hit her out of her assist, yaaaay!), and Deadpool to get a decent OTG combo off airthrows.
If I switch out and will be facing someone who I can zone, I go Deadpool first. Air trigger happy+gold daggers=pretty nice for zoning. Plus, you can hit confirm off daggers into ground trigger, then go into super and dhc or whatever if you want. Pineapple Surprise works pretty well with the daggers for covering ground space, and when you feel like the opponent is getting antsy, you can rush in behind your daggers to try for a fat little combo. Deadpool also seems to build meter fairly well. Since Arthur and Tron both like meter, I tend to prefer tossing him in right after Arthur. With any luck, I’ll kill the first character entirely off chip and be sitting on 2-3 meter.
If I’m going vs someone who doesn’t really want me in their face/who I absolutely need dead, I’ll call in Tron. Off grabs, any aerial, special, normal, whatever, she has an instakill combo that actually makes you 40% meter after everything’s said and done. You have to burn your XF, but I think it’s worth it to get Sentinel outta play. Arthur covers her approaches/allows for some silly otg combos, and Deadpool allows you to tack on his assist>drill xx lunch rush at the end of any combo.
Also, there are some really good DHCs with this team. Gold Armor>Tron lvl3 can be funny, but both beams combo into lunch rush for a safe way to get tron in. They also combo into each other, so regardless of order, for 3 meter you can bring her in and do about 6-7k damage from fullscreen without having to learn how to wait until hit 18. For additional lulz, you can do something like
Arthur/Deadpool super XFC repeat super, tag next person, tag next person
There are a lot of random stupid little things this team can do.
Currently using Arthur/Joe/Wesker. 25 game win streak with this team, lol
All using the beta Assists (Samurai Edge for Wesker, Groovy Upper for Joe, Dagger Toss for Arthur)
As soon as game starts I go gold and switch to Joe. I use Arthur’s assist to aid Joe’s slow walk speed so I can get in and use the God Hand slow hyper. If I’m facing a, say, Sentinel I normally save meter so I can loop the Bracelet for an easy kill on a giant nuisance.
Wesker is the last hope of the team. Good damage and insane mixups. Normal magic series into OTG Samurai, XFC into Level 3 solves so many problems.
DHC’s are kinds of meh on this team unless I have someone cornered while I bracelet, then I use Joe’s Mach speed for a free Launcher into air combo into Air Desperado.
Been using Arthur B/Sentinel A/Dante A or Sent A/Arthur B/Dante A since last saturday. I call them Scrub 2k11 because the play style of the team is very reminiscent of Cable/Sent/CapCom in MVC2.
Arthur is the keep away king. He can zone you out all day with good defense and proper assists.
With the amazing Sent A assist Arthur can keep things on the screen for nearly the entire time he is out as your point character.
With Dante A and his “wall” tactics he can truly prevent most characters from ever getting in striking distance.
If they somehow manage to get around Dante A just push block them back, you will push them right into Dante A since it stays out on the screen for so long and is so many hits, this will allow you reposition yourself and begin the “fill the screen with as much bs as possible” nonsense again lol.
Arthur himself is no slouch in the assist department. Arthur B is one of the 3 best projectile assists(not including when characters go into powered up states such as Gold Armor Arthur) in the game, it has 3 hits that are spaced out very well and make it easy to hit confirm. You can even make him go into GAA mode and swap him out for Sent and then you have THE BEST projectile assist in the game.
The entire team can DHC in and out of each other with no timing issues.
TAC is a great way to safely tag out and gain meter. Everyone on this team can use meter effectively and could be a point or assist character on another team. And everyone is capable of killing a character on their own with the right things(meters, XF, etc)
Friend me if you wanna play. PSN - SuperAznStoner
I’ve been using Arthur Ameterasu and dante. Ammy with the cold assist keeps pressure and dante’s jam session is godlike. Just throw it out whenever you think they’re gonna jump. Only thing that sucks is the amount of hate mail I get lol.
the sad part about this thread is… you guys are looking for cheese partners… so you can get carried by cheese to victory… instead of using characters you enjoy using
While it is lame to look for cheese partners just to get to cheese victory lane there is nothing wrong with trying to find out which characters have synergy with Arthur and would help complement his play style. It really just depends what a particular person is trying to accomplish by posting and reading in this thread.
Bottom line: This is MAHVEL BAYBEE, deal with it!!!
I see I’m not the only one with Arthur / Tron. My team is Tron drill assist (I think its her worst assist in most situations but with Arthur it equals GET OFF ME since pushback and space for Arthur is so important and when Phoenix is out drill holding block with her super fast teleport mixups is pretty awesome) / Arthur Fire Bottle (OTG and with Tron on point lets her reset easily into big damage corner combos since Tron can put you into the corner in no time) / Phoenix with TK Trap (also OTG but more so that’s to help when Arthur is on point control space floor space in front of him when he’s zoning at distance)
And to quote Coach Herman Edwards… “You play to win the game!”
Arthur, Hagger, Spencer
I personally feel like alot of people are focusing one single character type teams, like all keep away, all rush, etc.
I’m trying to make teams with a rock paper scissors effect, so I have a char for every situation who’s assists complement each other.
On point char. depending on how I feel with appropriate assist.
Arthur + assists – Keep away, obviously.
Hagger: Double Lariat/Violent axe. The lariat gaurentees safety from a physical approach and sets up a goddess bracelet or torch to bracelet super easy. Violent axe is a bit more damaging but riskier overall. Also has a huge groundbounce for some projectile combos.
Spencer: Armor piercer/H. Wire Grapple. Piercer to knock them all the way across the screen and sest up a bracelet, or a timed grapple to torch goes to bracelet.
Whenever I play Arthur, i eat up meter quickly. Thinking about making him second and putting a battery character first. Any recommendations?
ok, so ive been using the Arthur/Haggar/Sentinel keep away team to decent effect for myself. i like the playstyle and the overall synergy alot of the characters bring (despite my Haggar being the weakest link in terms of fighting prowess) in terms of assists and overall power. however, im begining to feel Drone Assist is just to slow of an anti air and would like some ideas of how to combat the air game in case i need more than just Arthur’s double jump air daggers/lances. basically somebody to fill the role Sentinel usually takes in the team (good assist and all around good fighter).
Running Wolverine/Doom/Arthur right now. Wolverine AA assist, Doom hidden missiles, daggers with Arthur. Seems to work pretty well, missiles and daggers help me get in and apply pressure with Wolverine, AA assists and daggers help Doom do whatever he wants, and AA and missiles help Arthur keep away.
Arthur-Fire Bottle/Torch, Spencer-Armor Piercer, Zero-Hadangeki.
This is the team that gives me the wins any time. The main strategy here is to start with Arthur just in case that Im facing on point with a Sentinel or another spammer. Spencer it’s a really good character imho when used properly, he benefits from the Torch as it can extend the combos for him, or just try to use the Armor Piercer when the flames touches the opponent for great results. And Zero…Well, using Sougenmu in combination with Golden Fire Torch it’s just crazy, combine that with mix-ups using his command dash and you’ll see the ultimate rushdown, it’s just mad crazy. The only concern here it’s that characters that like to rush down at the beginning of the match, like X-23 or Wolverine are tricky. Since Arthur can’t outrun them he really needs the help of both assist to just power up and start to keep-away them as much as you can. When the Armor it’s just about to explode, tag out, the rest is up to you.
I’ve been running Arthur/Hulk/Storm.
Whirlwind assist is really good for keeping them away, plus its nice to be able to switch to a completely different style for each character. I’ve been using dagger assist but I think i’m going to switch to fire bottle to help out my other characters a bit more.
I’ve been using Leilei/Hsien-ko(Senpu-bu), Arthur(Fire-bottle), and Thor(Mighty Smash). Leilei has been a pretty good battery and has pretty decent mix-up/crossup. Arthur Gold armor assist and/or Leilei armored assists are pretty amusing. Gold Armor Fire Bottle has good relaunch and helped extend my combos for the team. Armored assist is really helpful for me when Arthur is on point, stops a lot of rushdown character/people with teleports in their tracks.