Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

DHC trick? Do you mean the DHC glitch? cause that was taken out.

Err, no it still exists, it just doesn’t reset damage/hitstun. It does allow you to rawtag then otg(if you got one). Frank mains do this shit all the time, they’ll dhc trick then rawtag frank back in to get an otg Camera.

Just an offhand question, what do you guys think is better, Morrigan/Arthur/Strider or Arthur/Dorm/Strider? I’m leaning toward the Morrigan team but the Dorm team has potential. Also, what do you guys think is the best assist for Arthur?

I would play the second team. Dorm+ Arthur is awesome and pillar helps arthur alot. Strider i havent tested but it seems like it would be good for keeping superjumpers from getting towards you.

Oh yeah, and best assist is Hidden Missiles, does everything that an assist for arthur needs, OTGs, covers super jump space, locks down, saves him from combos, almost impossible to be happy birthday’d, etc.

Was trying to figure out a team to use in Marvel. Really like Arthur and I was wondering if MODOK - barrier/Doom - missiles/Arthur - bottle toss is a decent team? MODOK seems underrated and his barrier helps Arthur, so does doom missiles, and you still get decent damage off all 3.

Use beam for Modok and daggers for arthur. a horizontal assist will help you win projectile wars and barrier wont help much as arthurs worst matchups have no trouble getting qround the barrier


Now that I’m trying to find characters again after a hiatus (mmmm… Tekken) I need to ask: Who has synergy with Arthur both ways? As in, they each have an assist to help the other, DHC in and out together, and cover each other’s gameplay faults. Right now I’m trying out Akuma, but I do hold some interest in or have some knowledge of Ammy, Haggar, Strange, Dorm, and Joe. Do any of them have decent synergy with Arthur both ways? I’m going to run Point/Arthur/Assist, so I’ll decide later on what assist should be in the third spot to help the point and make XF2 Arthur plus assist sufficient cleanup for the point.

Right now I have for Akuma:

[]DHC from beam to Gold Armor in order to cover Arthur’s transformation and give him space as well as two assists, which are what he really needs
]Tatsu keeps the area in front of Arthur clean
[]Daggers gives Akuma a way in
]If Arthur dies, you still have XF2 Akuma, a good assist, and hopefully some meter. LET’S GO


I like Akuma as a partner, mostly because its a great GTFO assist. But other than that I think that Gold Armor is not what you should be spending meter on. Goddess Bracelet is much more important in my eyes. You can punish Missiles, Drones, and most assists.

Haggar and Arthur work fairly well, I believe their assists compliment each other. If you end a haggar combo with body splash and DHC into gold armor you can tag arthur out right away… I’ve yet to check if it’s safe.

It’s safe as long as you don’t DHC too late.

I’ve recently started using Dormmamu (dark hole)/Doom (missiles)/ Arthur (daggers) and having success. Can you all give me tips tricks specific to this team/ordering? Thanks.

Run Doom on anchor and Arthur on second. Then you will have Stalking Flare> Gold Armor and you will have an almost perfect DHC all the while you can apply way too much chip. Plus Arthur likes Missiles more than doom likes Daggers.

Any ideas on what team “Let’s fight like gentlemen, UMVC3 edition” might look like? Definitely Arthur somewhere, and I’m thinking Strange should be there too. Any other “marvelous gentlemen” I could use, by chance?

I want to say Haggar, but I’m not ever sure if he’s even a gentlemen type.

Dormammu is a gentleman.

Okay, how is Arthur/Haggar/Strange? Arthur builds meter, then Haggar can do Lariat xx RRF into Strange’s FoF loop.

I will give Dorm a shot, though. Since one of Strange’s titles is “Novel Gentleman”, I think he’s going to be on my (eventual main) team. I’ll see if adding Dorm to that duo works better than Haggar, but it seems like there would be a shortage of meter in that group. However, I can’t argue with Goddess Bracelet xx Stalking Flare.

Hey guys, I was thinking about picking up Arthur, but I wanted to know what Arthur’s favorite assists are besides the obvious Missiles. (like 4-5 assist options)

Any horizontal assist that is good and has good durability. Meter building assists help, too

I recently got into:
Shuma (Ray) - Tasky (Horizontal Shot) - Arthur (Dagger)

I kinda liked the synergy in this team, But this was orignally
Arthur (Fire Bottle) - Shuma (Ray) - Morrigan (Harmonizer)

don’t know which one to stick with, I used to main Arthur, trying to pick him up again…