Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

I’ve recently picked up arthur for my zoning team and I think he is a blast to play. I’ve been running him on point just to get better with him and find his synergy with my team, but once i feel comfortable with him I’ll run him anchor (unless the matchup favors him point).
My team is Joe(bomb)/Doom(missiles)/Arthur(daggers)
Does anybody know of any good combos using missiles and/or the bomb? I have one right now that does about 700k w/missiles and one meter

Hello posters of the Arthur threads I just had a question in regards to my Arthur team. I’ve been putting him on point and having a great time putting him with doom missiles and Dorm but I need decide which assist is better for dorm. I run Doom 2nd with missiles and want an assist that helps Arthur and doom. I don’t think dark hole gives much benefit to doom once Arthur is out but it gives Arthur great added horizontal control and liberation for arthur seems redundant if I have missiles. I open to anything, maybe switching up the order but this team is loads of fun to play regardless

Any assist that covers horizontal space. it lets you use air moves while covering ground space, also. Tasky’s arrows, Chris’ gun shot, any beam, etc can be used.

run Dormammu on point…

He’s way better than Arthur at filling meters, Arthur’s Daggers assist is more solid than any dormammu assist and Arthur is a better xfactor user than Dormammu…
Arthur is bad on point, play him somewhere else.

I run a Dormammu/Amaterasu/Arthur team. One thing about dormammu and arthur is that there are some interesting setups where you can airdash after an h teleport with daggers, it pushes back the enemy that even if you airdash it will not crossup to do the not a crossup crossup game. Amaterasu works well with the knight since most players may be confused on who to snap in as well as cold star being a good lockdown helping you escape.

After a bit of a character crisis, I’ve found that I really like Arthur. My only other competent character is Ammy, so I run her on point. Instead of running Arthur anchor, I feel more confident with XF2+Assist. You still get epic chip but you still have an assist to back you up. In this situation, what assist do you guys think would go best for my 3rd character? I’m currently using missiles but I feel that there is probably a better assist out there.

I am currently playing Pepsibottle/Shenanigan Missles/Mystical ray of Screen-fill. and My neutral game typically starts with: Call Missles+ Jumping throw stuff(Usually Daggers or Crossbow, depending on match-up), and I use Shuma assist for any time I need to have a beam onscreen. If arthur starts to die, I usually have enough meter to Gold Armor into Photon array, and Gold Pepsi Bottle is AMAZING when constant Photon shots fill the rest of the screen.

Actually you can stop aerial control with pendulum assist and log traps. It would be really funny though since you have 3 super small and pretty low health characters. TEAM MIDGETS AND DOG

After a bit of experimenting, I’m really starting to like Lariat assist. Since Ammy and Arthur are so short, it is an invincible anti-air. Plus, nothing is funnier than watching Wesker teleport through the barrage of arrows only to get knocked back by the lariat.

I still rock my team of Nemmy / Wesker / Arthur, they’re godlike if played right.

Hi I recently picked up Arthur and discovered he is really good. So been trying to build a team with him in it. Some thoughts were Arthur daggers/F. West cart/Haggar lariat. Other characters like captain America, taskmaster, nemesis, and sentinel have also crossed my mind to help the small guy out. Thoughts??

Don’t use Arthur on point…
you’ll have to spend your precious meter right at the start of the match just to be far from your opponent… Arthur needs that meter badly, and he’s not good at building it.

I’d say Hulk anti air is probably the best GTFO assist for him… if you’re positive about using Arthur on point, I’d suggest you use Hulk second for his assist, it’s THAT good.
He also gets a big benefit from ground covering assists (such as beams, or Akuma or something like that) that allow him to be constantly jumping back and throwing stuff without being forced yo protect himself from wavedashing happy people

Still… Arthur is way better as anchor or second than he is point…
his xfactor is no joke and he’ll have meter to spend… and also, probably the main reason… Daggers is a VERY good assist… one of the best projectile assists in the whole game (and probably THE best projectile assist during golden armor)

Out of the character I mentioned on my list who would get the most mileage out of arthurs daggers?

I would say that Taskmaster’s zoning/rushdown game is helped by it because it adds to his zoning game with his arrows and it can make unsafe moves safe. Nemesis and Haggar also get a great boost from Arthur, since it’s fairly slow which helps them get in. Not only that but for Haggar the assist helps his continue combos and his THC works perfectly with him.

Thank you I’ll try them both out with Arthur. Should the order be taskmaster straight arrow/haggar lariat/ Arthur daggers or haggar lariat/taskmaster straight arrow/ Arthur daggers?

I run Arthur/Lariat too, so I may be able to help. Those two work very well together. Lariat makes Arthur nigh untouchable and Daggers help Haggar in just about anyway he needs (if only you could pick Arthur twice). Frank doesn’t really fit on that team in any position, so you may want to scrap him. Between your characters and your team, I would run almost any combination of Arthur, Haggar, and Taskmaster.

After reading your post, I’m starting to wonder how Ammy/Haggar/Arthur would work out. If Haggar gets bodied, I still have Arthur. If people run from Haggar, I could just tag in Arthur and begin the XF2+Lariat madness. I think they as a team have options in any order.

I would run Haggar/Taskmaster/Arthur, but if you don’t like a matchup maybe try Task/Haggar/Arthur

If you’re running Taskmaster on point, stick to Daggers for Arthur. But if you’re running Haggar, then you’re giving him two projectile assists that do the exact same thing. I suggest either changing Task’s assist to one of his other arrows (whatever helps the matchup best), or using Arthur’s fire bottle instead, which Haggar can actually use to OTG.

actually a projectile assist is better for haggar to extend combos than an otg assist.
Well timed projectile assists will allow haggar to easily connect 4 or 5 of those otg sweeps and kll anyone from there.

the assist choice here should be based on neutral as haggar can already kill anyone no matter what assists you use with this duo.
that otg is nearly irrelevant for him, IMO.

I’d keep arthur in daggers and maybe change task for upward arrows.

I recently started running Magneto(Disruptah)/Arthur(Butterknife Toss)/Doom(same as last post) If I sacrifice a bit of damage, I can DHC trick and rawtag back into mags and start calling gold daggers, and trijumping