That’s a lot smaller than I thought.
edit: Oh right, the marvel clock is wack.
That’s a lot smaller than I thought.
edit: Oh right, the marvel clock is wack.
I’m at a bit of a character crisis here. I like Joe / RR / Arthur or Cap / RR / Arthur, because daggers is gdlk with both of those two teams, but I feel that Arthur is such a gimmick. Say you burn XF already on something unsafe, and you have Arthur left, they have 2 characters, or worse 3, or even 1, someone like, magneto or wesker. I don’t feel that Arthur would be solid enough to take these guys down because of all the tools they have. What do you guys do against something like that?
This hypothetical situation seems pretty extreme. If you burned your x-factor and still have to deal with 3 characters, any character would have an uphill battle in front of them. Granted, Arthur would have a harder time than some of the top tier, but that’s why you might want to be more conservative with your x-factor. consider letting your character take the punish from the opponent. Especially with your midget team, they have a good chance of dropping out of the combo anyway. I try to save my x-factor for arthur unless I can’t kill their best character without it. Or just try to be more mindful of your meter so you can make a whiffed hyper safe. You have pretty safe DHC’s in RR (the trap one) and Arty (gold armor, or goddess bracelet depending on the situation).
Thanks for the response.
It is true that it’s quite an uphill battle on a 3v1 situation, but these things happen. I’m just saying to be prepared for the worst. In any case, I feel like Arthur may have a hard time against some of the better anchors, simply because mobility is such a great factor in this game.
In a typical 2v1 situation, there’s not really much you can do vs something like, dorm + disruptor teleport throw, or jam session + whatever nonsense. Hitting S on the way in seems to be a good option, because it makes you land faster, but other than that, what do you guys do on the way in to make sure Arthur doesn’t get blown up super fast because of his low HP?
How would a Deadpool, Arthur and Dr Strange team pan out? What’s the best order and is it a good team?
Best order would probably be Deadpool/Strange/Arthur. Strange without an assist can be pretty bad, and Arthur’s daggers are really good with his teleport. Plus anchor Arthur is godlike. I can imagine the team being pretty good, just be sure to focus on zoning, best way to get it will probably be with teleports from Strange and Deadpool. I’m not sure what Deadpool or Strange assist to use. For Deadpool use either Katanarama for an OTG assist or Quick Work to do unblockables since it hits low, and for Strange either Eye Of Aggamatto or Bolts of Balthakk will be good. Arthur should use dagger assist.
If you have to burn your XF early on, you should immediately be looking to tag in Arthur. Arthur as an anchor without XF is not at all equipped for comebacks.
Just recently started using Arthur, and holy shit he is so fun!! I just have a few things I wanted to discuss with some people who understand him more than I do currently, I have a tourny this weekend and I want to use him but I am having trouble with team compostion.
1.I just dont feel very confident with Arthur as anchor(yet) plus my anchor I use is better there anyway, and I know Arthur can still do work without needing lvl 3 xfactor.
2.I know I want to play Arthur/?/Wesker, I love getting them cornered finally and creating disgusting unblockables with overhead s and wesker gunshot, so fun and GDLK!
3 this is really where i need the help, I cant find a second character for this team, I want someone that benefits from wesker assist and can help Arthur regain screen distance.
Maybe Dormammu Dark Hole?
Would Wolverine Berserker Barrage work? would the low health of that team be worth it?
Discuss I love using unorthadox characters so dont be shy throwing names out there, thanks a lot guys
Also does anyone want to play on psn to help me train for this saturday? no better way to help me than see my play
also what is a good RELIABLE corner combo? one with standard armor and one leveling up to gold armor.
I know it seems like a lot, I just want to be ready for this weekend, lots to learn
and I want to show everyone that you can SEND FORTH THE HORDES, SIR ARTHUR WILL SLAY THEM!
In terms of a second character you got a lot of options. Black Hole is ok for helping Arthur zone but isn’t awesome, but for Wesker it helps him to continue his OTG combos. Purification can probably help Arthur’s zoning better from people super jumping in but won’t benefit Wesker much. A big benefit although is being able to DHC with Chaotic Flame which does a ton of damage and will help a lot for killing characters. Doom with Plasma beam or Missiles can work very well with both Arthur and Wesker, but DHCs won’t be as strong.
thanks for the speedy response…funny enough i just started playing PWright too, hes super fun as well!! I had a low tier night last night haha XD
After running Arthur on point since day 1 vanilla, I’ve decided to stick him in the anchor position.
My team is Arthur (Daggers)/Firebrand (Swoop)/Frank West (Cart).
What I’m currently doing is when a match begins, play normally until I get an opportunity to get King’s Armor, then tag in Frank West. This has Arthur secured as my anchor, with powered up daggers assist. This way, unless I get snapped in, I can come in swinging with level 3 X Factor should my other two teammates die.
Frank gets some good mileage from the Dagger assist in general, when I knock the enemy down in a combo I can call out Arthur’s dagger assist while taking a snapshot and the daggers will keep them in place long enough to allow a relaunch. Calling the daggers just before rolling is pretty awesome too.
Also, if I have two bars what I will do is when comboing with Frank, end with his Survival Techniques hyper, which leaves the opponent in a spinning knockdown state, DHC in Firebrand’s Luminous Body, raw tag Frank and finish with a snapshot getting Frank to level 4 and leaving me with 2 powered up assists.
So yeah, just wondering what you guys think of this setup. Any questions, concerns, suggestions?
So… I ran Arthur on point at UFGT8 last weekend with Arthur/Morrigan/Strider. I dropped the set winning combo in round 1 and ended up going 0-2 in pools. Oh well. I still managed to perfect a guy with point arthur in casuals! But I think it’s about time I split up my two mains (Arthur and Morrigan) since they don’t really have much synergy together.
I’m wondering, what do you people think is the best team for point arthur? I think it might be Arthur/Doom(beam)/Strider(vajra). Strider prevents superjumps, and helps arthur combo. Doom beam controls space, lets him combo off an air throw, has a strong DHC, and gives arthur a reliable midscreen relaunch. The problem here is that I don’t have fun using doom so I’m not using this team. I might end up just running him last on a Viper/Vergil/Arthur team. I’m wondering what you people think are the best teammates/assists for point arthur and why.
Arthur has a hard time controlling space above him, so something like Hulk’s Anti-Air gamma charge is good, Dante’s Jam Session would also help against those who like to super jump and attack Arthur from above.
Don’t play Arthur on point… he isn’t a point character…
His assist and XFactor 3 are his best assets, and you get none of them if Arthur is first.
His meter building habilities sucks.
He cannot get away from anyone in the beginning of the match…
I’d say, play him anchor or second.
Anyway… if you REALLY want to play Arthur point, you need fast assists that can protect him or make your opponent stop super jumping.
Vajra, Akuma tatsu, Zero Ryuuenjin (yes), Missiles, Jam Session, Cold Star, any beam… there’s a lot of assists that can help Arthur…
the Best point Arthur team I used was Arthur/Dormammu/Akuma on Vanilla…
right now I just stick with Arthur Anchor… it’s simply better.
Hold the phone, no synergy between Arthur and Morrigan? Morrigan can give Arthur the meter to go crazy with Goddess’ Bracelet or King’s Armour all day!
But alas, glad to hear you rocked it out. And a perfect from Arthur on point is a rare beauty to take pride in.
The extra meter is nice, but it is in place of an assist that would let him combo off his air throw, or pin down an opponent to let you instant overhead. Arthur is a fairly low damage character and morrigan’s DHCs are pretty bad. Recently I’ve been trying out Dante’s weasel shot assist, and I think this is one of the best assists for point arthur. It gives him a midscreen relaunch, a combo off his air throws, and it lets him triple instant overhead people and if any of them hits it keeps them grounded and in hitstun for a full combo. His super is also a really good DHC as well. Now I think Arthur/Dante/Strider is better than Arthur/Doom/Strider.
Had to drop GR and go with this team:
She Hulk (Torpedo)/Spencer (diagonal Grapple)/Arthur (Daggers)
Doing Well so far!, sometimes i switch S.hulk with Haggar, but I mostly go with She Hulk!
Hello all!
Been playing arthur for quite sometime and I have to say hes BIGGEST asset is as a level 3 XF (sometimes 2) character. The great thing about arthur is that most opponents dont know much about him except that he throws things at you. They generally just relentlessly rush him down, push buttons, and stay in his face. Anytime im facing a teleport or heavy rush down character one of my best friends is XF canceling his level 3. Not only does this catch assists and cause massive damage but its near instant, FULLY invuln, and can be used during assist/teleport mixups to instantly kill two characters. and if it doesnt you can combo afterwards by launching them as they are falling when it finishes. The infinities are well known knowledge but knowing when to use your XF with arthur is key! Never use Golden Armor early on as good players will chicken block til its over and instantly punish you as soon as you break. Instead, play an annoying overhead/keep away game and look to instantly punish fools with your level 3 X factor cancel!
Another great piece of tech for him is canceling SJ.A with special moves. It must be done fast but if done right it leaves you at a ridiculous frame advantage. On a side note, J.Scythe works wonders against airborne opponents (everyone jumps in on arthur) and leads to full combo.
To Nunoelectrric if arthur is ever in with spencer as an assist you can combo off of air throws and do some nasty resets in the corner
Actually xfactor canceling into HeavenlySlash tends to be better than canceling into level 3…
Heavenly Slash is also invincible from the first frame, does not spend any meter and confirms into Super.
if it hits you can cancel into golden armor or level 3, if it’s blocked you cancel it into Goddess Bracelet to be safe and push your opponent to the other side of the screen.
Arthur level 3 is actually slower than HeavenlySlash scoring the first hit and is NOT safe on block.
As for golden Armor, you should use it against pinned opponents or as a desperate measure to get a comeback, not as a main gameplan as you said.
your challenge playing Arthur comes from playing people who knows about how ridiculous strong his xfactor is and respect it.
against people that don’t know you just faceroll and laugh. LOL.
Another Arthur team that im trying on:
Nemesis (Rocket)/Hulk (AA Gamma Charge)/Arthur (Daggers)
Gameplan: Zone witn Nemesis using air rockets and the daggers, hulk assist is for GTFO and to setup resets for Nemesis’s tentacle slam. Arthur play a huge role here, as an assist for both Nemesis and Hulk to help their approach, and as an anchor. It’s suppose that Nemesis ad Hulk are the ones in the killing, Arthur just have to clean house with X factor lvl3, gold armor stuff, lvl3 super whatever.
What do you think?