Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

Hey guys, I’m pretty much a total rookie to this game, so I’m not very knowledgeable in terms of team-building. My most recent experiment has been Spencer/Ghost Rider/Arthur, but I’m leaning toward replacing Ghost Rider.

Any tips on how this team could work well, or what I could use as a second?

Projectile assists go great with GR’s instant overhead. Arthur’s daggers can create combo opportunities from half-screen away. Same thing goes with Spencer, projectile assist + zipline is almost a fundamental for him.

Now, if there was a way that you could get Gold Daggers regularly, your team would be legit. I think there are a few combos you can pull off by DHCing into Gold Armor and raw tagging back in.

Also, I can see a Level 3 reset with Ghost Rider + Spencer Slant Shot, that would be awesome to pull off.

In my experience, each character on a team has a niche role that can only be found through persistence with that team. Play characters that you find fun and you won’t be bothered to find creative ways to use them. Good luck with finding your team!

Making an ALL keep away team with Arthur on point. Any good suggestions for my other two characters, that aren’t doom/hawkeye/strange?

Strange & doom have awesome assists that help Arthur out, but i suck with them on their own.

Vergil (Rapid Slash) or Storm (Whirlwind). These assists push a character to the other side of the screen, great for giving Arthur the room he needs to play on point. Deadpool (Trigger Happy), Sentinel (lol), and Rocket Raccoon (Log Trap or Spitfire) can also work.

However, Strange and Doom are amongst the strongest you can pair with Arthur, I’d consider using at least one of them and just getting better with them.

Been messing around with a Storm/Strange/Arthur team in training mode for a while and it seems to work well. Arthur gets airthrow followups and combo extends off EoA and both him and Strange get whirlwind’s pushback. Daggers help Storm and Strange get in as usual, and they all have good DHCs to go to.
Now I’m wondering if using Storm’s wind pull move to drag people into EoA would be useful. The dmg scaling on it is pretty crazy.

I already posted this in the GR team building thread but anyways.

GR(Spire)/Strange (Eye)/Arthur(Daggers)

I initially played this team by chance, while playing all random battles with my brother. I thought it had potential so run it a few times.
GR can hide under the Eye while building meter for the next two characters, first two characters benefit from daggers as pseudo drones., and Arthur with gold armor and XF3 is just retared. DHC options are good and the only downside I see is no combo-extensions (None that I can think of anyway. Im new to all three characters after all.). What do you guys think?

^^^ I see lack of mobility being a pretty big problem for a gr/strange/arthur team. I’m not sure how you’d be able to get out of many sticky situations

I like it, but I’m biased since I’m all about the annoying zoning teams. I do agree with an above poster in the sense that once GR dies against a rushdown team, it might be tough to regain the momentum, but a well-placed teleport should work fine to get Strange out of corner pressure since his ports are so fast. I definitely like the Strange + Arthur combo as you can do cheap teleport + daggers assist stuff once Strange gets his shit going, playing it similar to how Ryan Hunter plays his Strange + Hawkeye team.

When you need to get people off of GR, one thing to try might be crossover counter to Strange xx Vishanti before he touches the ground. I know Sent can do Hard Drive after being CC’d in for an invincible reversal, so I don’t see why Strange wouldn’t be able to do some similar shenanigans. If you catch two characters with this you could even X-factor into a palm combo to capitalize on the birthday, leading to two dead chars off a reversal. After that happened to someone they would likely get much more cautious about pressuring when you’ve got Strange in the back with meter.

Right now I’m practicing Deadpool/Arthur/V. Joe. Arthur is second so that I can DHC into gold armor off a clean hit or guns xx super, switch in Joe, and resume zoning with gold Arthur on anchor. Once Arthur goes gold the team wins all projectile wars and I also feel comfortable against rushdown as both Deadpool and Joe are mobile enough to get out of corners and smoothly transition back to zoning (DP can slide under a jump-in or wall jump + double jump out of the corner, Joe can super or triple jump and red hot kick to the other side of the screen, etc.). The most notable piece of synergy I feel is that any random standing guns hit can lead to hit-confirm into super and then free golden armor assist without ever having to get close to the other character. I also like Deadpool’s assists with Joe’s zoning, Deadpool’s up guns assist finds a good niche on this team as it tags superjumpers and covers the one part of the screen that Joe can’t easily reach with his voomerangs. Any feedback would be appreciated of course.

Hard Drive has invincible startup (so you go straight from invincible jumpin cancelled to invincible super). I think once you super cancel the jumpin, Vishanti will simply get hit out of startup.

Hey all! I’ve recently been working on a Haggar (double lariat), Deadpool (quick work), and Arthur (daggers) team.

Haggar does well with the DP assist since it can be used to set up hard-to-blockables. And Haggar makes good use of the daggers Arthur lends since they help him get in as well as extend combos. Also, if I end a Haggar combo with Giant Haggar Press, it DHCs nicely into Happy Happy Trigger.

With DP on point, Haggar is good defense if somebody gets in on DP. And Arthur’s daggers add great zoning power to DP’s already good zoning abilities. Also, cross ups could be accomplished if set up well, but I am a nervous DP teleporter. I always lose count and explode at the wrong time.

Lastly, when Arthur is on point, everybody else is pretty much dead. I rely on him and his lvl 3 X-Factor Golden Armor projectiles to chip away most people. And if anybody is quick enough to get in on him, I can bust out Arthur’ bnb combo easily enough to cause some major damage.

Considering this is a thread for Arthur users, do you feel as though there is a better way I could make use of Arthur? Is there a gaping weakness in my team set-up? Let me know your thoughts / ideas.

How does this team fare against Zero, Trish or Firebrand? or any aerial based game? I haven’t see it playing but I think this would be hell.

Is Quick Work really necessary? wouldn’t trigger happy to prevent people from jumping over Haggar be a better assist for neutral?

Lastly, Arthur is also pretty stupid in Xfactor 2 + assist, if Haggar is in a bad matchup and deadpool is already dead, you can consider using it.

If Haggar is on point, those three pose serious problems, no doubt. I was decimated by a Trish player just this morning, actually… However, with DP or Arthur on point, I at least have the option of super jumping and firing projectiles. May not cause huge damage, but it interrupts them at least.

I have never given the Trigger Happy assist much thought, but I will give it a shot and let you know how it goes. I’m all for experimentation.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll let you know how it goes.

So, as far as the DP Trigger Happy assist, I have found it is useful against flyers like Trish and Firebrand, but the Quick Work is more helpful in general matches. It serves as a fast check of their low guar, and if it catches them unaware it can lead to combo opportunites. Also, I like to air throw opponents who try to jump in on Haggar (leads to combo thanks to Arthur’s Daggers), so Trigger Happy works against that.

So, it was a nice experiment but I am sticking with Quick Work for the time being.

However, thank you for the advice on using level two x factor with Haggar and Arthur. I am often greedy with my x factor and leave it completely for Arthur, but since using the level 2 I have actually started winnnig a bit more. Go figure, right?

Also, I noticed I was having problems with 1-on-1 fights when it came down to my Arthur again the opponents remaining character. Once I started playing a more agressive Arthur as opposed to a wall-throwing Arthur, I caught the opponent off guard and have been winning more often. I guess nobody expects that little, immobile guy to play rushdown.

After my loss at norcal regionals I asked around and every haggar/insert character here/arthur team got murdered by solid air games (I ran hag/gr/art). Granted I only met two other players who ran deadpool and wesker respectively but we all have a lot of rethinking to do. I’m not sure if I want to put arthur on point or anchor. I’m more than a little nervous putting him out front, i got my best mileage out of lv3 overheads but a pure keep away with arthur on point is starting to look rather appealing.

I run Arthur on point all the time, with good keepaway, mindgames and sheer willpower, and i can do well.

Often i also get murdered by teleport/Psedo teleport characters though. Virgil, dante, X-23, spencer, Nova, trish occasionally, etc and Captain America. When i’m up against these characters that render zoning useless & do staggering damage when they catch you, about all i can do is jump around & throw fire bottles + assist and try to capitalize on mistakes. Remain idle in one spot for longer than a nanosecond and they’re in Arthur’s face and he dies.

Wesker isn’t so bad because his teleports aren’t as broken, but he still hits like a truck and does stupid damage of ABC combos so he also can be a problem as well.

What-ho! I actually have an Arthur anchor question. I am currently playing Spidey/Skrull and trying to find a new anchor(I used to anchor Doom but he is not as interesting anymore to me and Skrull assist is used to extend Spidey combos so I prefer him in the middle so he can benefit from a good beam/projectile assist from the anchor.) I am considering Arthur and his Dagger toss assist and I was wondering if you guys could tell me a bit about Arthur as an anchor. What are his pros and cons as an anchor? also what should I work on with him as an anchor? I would appreciate feedback. :slight_smile:

Hey Bees! Arthur as an anchor is, in my opinion, very meter hungry and match-up dependent. with x-factor in gold armor, he can take down an entire team with chip damage if you can ground your opponent. He has a good instant overhead with j:s:. And in xf3 gold armor he has two infinites! gold lances can combo into each other to kill any character, and also heavenly slash (this one also works in xf2)

You need to watch out for characters that can punish him when armor breaks, because he takes more damage when naked, and if they can get a big combo off an otg, it’s lights out. Using fire bottle or golden axe at the last second before armor breaks usually protects Arthur from incoming characters.

Most characters that teleport based on opponent’s position give him a lot of trouble. on the other hand, I can beat pretty much any other character that tries to zone me w/ projectiles. Hawkeye, for example, will never hit me with a random gimlet as long as i have meter and stay on the ground

Awesome! I also remember that you play Spidey as well. You actually were the one that got me thinking about Spidey w/ Arthur anchor. I am interested in him and might put some time into him in the lab to see what I think.

If and when you use gold try to do it with 20 seconds or less on the clock this will reduce the threat of your armor breaking.

Actually, 11 clock seconds is the window.