Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

I’ve been playing a lot with Hulk/Firebrand/Arthur. Like it’s already been mentioned, it’s great to call out daggers while you power-up an unblockable Demon Swoop and go to work. I typically never call out Firebrand too much as an assist, and rely on Arthur’s daggers. I think the thing that I like the most about having Arthur behind Firebrand is that if you have lots of meter it’s very easy to use Arthur’s Lv 3 after a Dark Fire to finish off virtually everyone in the game, if you have meter to burn there at the end.

I’ve been running Hulk/Sent/Arthur and I absolutely love it. Seeing people obviously panic at dat chip damage with XF3 is a joy to watch. I actually think his level 3 is the best in the game since it’s basically instant Okami Shuffle on steroids and doesn’t require a cinematic/hit like say Gravity Squeeze, Ace Attorney, Doom Blender, etc. I’m not that great at the game, but I seem to be pretty decent throwing junk on the screen to frustrate people so I’ll take what I can get.

I have been trying out zero(b)/arthur(b)/morrigan(y) I build loads of meter with zero and morrigan and dhc into armor with meter to spare. zeros sougenmu assist really helps lock opponents down.

I’m currently playing with Ammy (Cold Shot)/Nemesis (OTG whatever its called)/Arthur (Daggers) and I’m planning to take it to my first tourney coming up soon, the team manages meter well and Daggers provides a really strong pressure game for both Ammy and Nemesis (Ammy to rush and Nem to zone.), Ammy’s cold shot also helps out with angles Nem and Arthur can’t cover, Nem lets you otg to extend combos obv and sets up for unblockable situations.

As for DHCing and THCing it seems to work steady, Nem uses his launcher ultra in the TCG causing OTG while all characters can DHC well into each other and if I whiff a ultra or it gets blocked I can try to dhc into gold armor depending on Arthur’s position then switch back into another character to abuse the stronger knifes.
Ammy is the only real rush character on the same using Nem and Arthur assists to create pressure to go along with my mixups, as for Nem he can use his Launcher and Tenticles with Arthur out to creature a strong wall on two axis and you can even combo launcher if you can get 3 daggers to connect off the assist.

Overall I’m really liking this team, all 3 characters have a pretty strong x-factor usage specially Arthur with his gold armor it’s won me a bunch of games. I’m hoping to get as good as I can get with Arthur so I can rep him more.

Sorry for the long post but can anything give this poor scrub some comments haha

Anyone think this is good? Been using:

Arthur/Dagger assist

I feel like i could do better for supporting characters, but Ryu & akuma or the only others i know decently. Seems to fit Arthur’s playstyle with their own emphasis on projectiles abilities.

Only others i could see are Hawkeye, Dr. Strange, or dormammu.

if you aren’t running arthur on anchor, i think any assist that can bring an opponent out of the air would be very useful. Strider’s Vajra, or Taskmaster vert arrows.

also, any assist that pushes the opponent away would be good, like storm whirlwind, frank’s shopping cart, or hulk gamma wave (tatsu falls into this category as well). start a block string and call assist to get back to full screen distance

all this IMO of course

Doom sounds good with his hidden missiles to help Arthur while he’s on the field scrappin’. And he has an easy ass hard-knockdown move with his dive kick.

Tried Dr. Strange for a while. Didn’t really like him. Seems to have only 1 strong move, spell of vishanti. Eh.

Hey guys, getting my hands on the game soon and i could use some help. I am new to the whole vs series, so i please go easy if anything i say is stupid. So far i would like to play a team with Deadpool and Arthur with Arthur as anchor, for obvious reasons. I am wondering if anyone could maybe suggest a 3rd character that i could use in that team and what assists i should use. If possible, i would rather stay away from common characters, like Dante etc, as i like to play unusual characters in most of the games i play.

Thanks in advance.

Funny, you sound exactly like me. I’ve played Deadpool/“X”/Arthur since Vanilla, the synergy between the two is solid. However, I do compromise on the middle character when it comes to “popularity”, valuing a strong assist over an unusual character.

Assuming Deadpool is on point, for your 2nd character, I’d recommend anyone that can aid Deadpool in zoning that doesn’t cover him horizontally. Try Doctor Strange Rings or Strider Vajira for starters. MODOK and Rocket Raccoon can also work. However, you’d have to put in a lot of practice to beat scrub teams, but if you keep at it, you’ll run through them.

Have a look at the Deadpool forums, there’s some really good info I recently posted there.


I just picked up UMvC3 recently and am in the process of figuring out who I’d like to use in a team. I really like using Arthur and would like to try to use him in a team but am unsure about who else to throw in. I was thinking of going with:

Arthur(Bottle Toss)
Dormammu (Purification)
Dr. Doom (?)

I also like using Zero. Would Zero and Arthur compliment each other well? Who would make a good third person in a Zero/Arthur team.

The other team I’ve read about using that interests me is:

Akuma (Tatsu)
Arthur (Dagger/Bottle Toss)

Any other tips / suggestions are more than welcome. I haven’t played any of the other vs. games so I don’t have any attachment to a particular character (if Cody was in the game though…)

Welcome! Glad you picked Arthur, he’s an awesome character to put time in.

As for your first team, Dorm (Dark Hole)/Arthur (Fire Bottle)/Doom (Missiles) is a really solid chip/keepaway team that’s relatively easy to pick up.
[INDENT=1]My first impression with that team is to get 2 meters with Dorm, use Stalker Flare, DHC into Gold Armor, and switch Dorm back in. This way, you can do Flame Carpet + Arthur assist or Flame Carpet + Doom, one that covers you horizontally and vertically.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]If Dorm dies, Gold Arthur + Doom would be hell to get in on, and if you time Doom Missiles right, you can cover your Gold Armor breaking.[/INDENT]
Wolv/Akuma/Arthur isn’t bad, but Akuma and Arthur’s assists are kinda redundant.

Zero/Arthur can make good left/right mix-ups, your 2nd character on that team would be one that can extend Zero’s combos well, and also goes good with Arthur. I’d suggest Dante or Vergil, but there are many others that go well with Arthur’s fantastic assist.

Have fun making your team!

I’m toying with some things with Frank as my point character and thought about employing Arthur into the ranks because he’s pretty cool and it would be great to get those two to work together, but I really haven’t touched on Arthur much if at all and was wondering if anyone had some kind of insight on where to start.

Arthur’s assists look like a lot of fun to use as a means of safer dodge rolling with Frank, but again, I could use some help picking one out.

I’m super-interested in Arthur because of his improved buffs. Right now, I’m using Hawkeye as an anchor for Dormammu and Wesker in an order of Dorm/Wesker/Hawkeye. While Hawkeye is good against some of the top tiers, Arthur seems to be even better with XF3 than Hawkeye. Maybe I just want a scary anchor with a Level 3 that’s an instant punisher. Of course, this all depends on whether the opponent blows an early X-Factor.

Daggers cover Frank’s much needed help in the long range game. Pie + Daggers for a quick answer to projectile spam.

Also, DHCing to Arthur’s Gold Armor allows you to quickly raw tag to Frank so he can level up. For example, with 2 meters: Dante Million Dollars DHC into Gold Armor, raw tag to Frank, snapshot. Insta Lvl 4/5.

If you like Frank 2nd and Arthur 3rd, you can make your 1st character a battery. After he dies, Frank can BnB, ToS DHC Gold Armor, raw tag to Frank, snapshot. You can do the same DHC mentioned earlier with 3 meters.

So your team order would be something like Point/Arthur/Frank if you are confident in your point character, reaping the benefits of Gold Daggers + Lvl 4 Frank sooner, or Point/Frank/Arthur if you are confident in Frank-Arthur synergy or your point is able to make a surplus of meter.

Either way, Roll + Gold Daggers, OJ + Gold Daggers, Paddlesaw + Gold Daggers is plain frightening.

Thanks a ton, that was very helpful. I’m sure Chris will do fine as the new point.
It feels great to incorporate Arthur, as I’ve come under the impression that he’s often a dismissed and under-appreciated asset. I would not have guessed that this synergy would work out as well as it does so easily, though.

Thinking about picking up arthur again and thinking about using Haggar(lariat)/ryu(tatsumaki)/arthur(daggers). Been meaning to work on arthur in vanilla but had so many teams to work on and now with umvc3 that list just got bigger…

both assists would work pretty well for arthur since you can catch people with lariat and keep comboing before they hit the ground.

also been toying around with spider-man with arthur

Hi folks Im adamant in a team having doom/missiles modok/beam or barrier and Im looking at Arthur with dagger assist.

Now i am looking at this two ways

  1. doom/modok/Arthu so doom has a drone like assist to help his mixup and if all else fails i got anchor Arthur in the back.

  2. Arthur/modok/doom Arthr on point backed withmissiles get 2 bar gold armor dhc into modok and now modok has great assists.

I literally have zero Arthur experience but am looking for a team that meshes well with doom and modok. sent drones are perfect but i refuse to play the character so kind of looking for arthur to fill that role.

Thoughts know assist choices and team order?

I would run MODOK on point so that he can benefit from both daggers and missiles. Gold armor daggers are great but not worth putting arthur on point solely to power him up. If you really want gold armor, you would be better off getting 2 meters with modok, then DHC into gold armor and hard tagging out. You might experiment with fire bottle as well, it could have some combo extending properties for MODOK. If it doesn’t, stick with daggers for zoning and lockdown, and you should be able to use missiles to extend combos (I’d bet you could call missiles just before relaunch, then jamming bomb when missiles OTG). I could also see heavenly slash working, but ONLY if you want to put arthur in gold armor to get the soft knockdown (not worth it IMO)

Arthur could benefit from MODOK’s assists as well if you want arthur on point (and having a character on point is a great way to learn how to play them)… Psionic blaster knocks back on hit, which can really annoy the opponent, barrier can keep arthur safe (but I find that my arthur is always either moving forward or back which makes barrier less useful), and balloon bomb can’t be destroyed by opposing projectiles.

Personally, I would try MODOK/Doom/Arthur with psionic blaster/missiles/daggers. I love arthur’s comeback potential in x-factor. But test the different assists out and see what works best for you. You should also consider DHC potential, which would probably put doom on anchor