Knights of the Round Table: Teams and Assists

Vajra, Mystic Ray, Jam Session, any beam assist, Repulsor blast, Drones, Taskmaster (horizontal AND his vertices vertical arrows), and Cold Star are good assist for zoning/lockdown. I’d say the best assists for him would be one of the first three listed though, if you see a trend with them it’s because they all stop the person from moving anywhere on the screen, especially superjump height which is were Arthur suffers the most. Also good to have are get off me assists like Lariat, Gamma Charge (Up), Akuma Tatsu/Shopping Cart, etc. to get people off of you. Morrigan’s harmonizer also deserves special recognition as Arthur uses meter a lot. I’m not sure if I would use a wallbounce assist like Log Trap, since Arthur has a hard time getting a combo off of it.

Shouldn’t you be able to do ground scythe -> f+H -> launch?

Shouldn’t be using LAWG TRAHP. Use Spitfire, that shit is secretly broken. think Sentinel Drones, doesn’t go in a weird arc and doesn’t go away when the assist gets hit. Also does crazy chip.

I imagine so, but you would probably have to do the scythe way early, you wouldn’t be able to do it on reaction to the assist hitting. Spitfire is a really good assist too, but I just don’t like it with Arthur since it only hits low to the ground.

His scythe has alot of startup frames and recovery frames, I dont think that would be possible unless your in xfactor.

You can use his Boomerang to link projectiles and the like.

“Nemmy / Wesker / Arthur”

This team, as mentioned above, is REALLY GOOD. I’m using this team for a while now and i think i just found my main team xD.

One question about it. When you do the missiles/stomp super with Nemmy, you can DHC the counter super (wesker) or the Gold Armor (Arthur), depending of who is 2nd of course, just to be in neutral position to do some sort of combos (loops or whatever) to maximize damage after Nemmy’s super. Question is, Who you think can do a better combo/kill in this situation? Wesker or Gold Armored Arthur?

I’m trying out Haggar/Arthur/Sent (maybe Haggar/Sent/Arthur depending on how things work out) because drones are STUPID with Haggar (and any character lol). Anyone else try this? I haven’t tried it on a real opponent but it seems really good for Arthur’s zoning and mixups. The drones strike upward while crossbow shoots down, and it’s easy to do mixups wile the drones it, while converting off of that can be kind of hard but that’s mostly because Arthur cant dash to get closer for launcher to hit. Not to mention safe DHCs and the team can work is any order. Also you can do RayRay-esque combos with Sentinel Drones. I need to experiment more with those, not sure how practical they’ll be but damn they look cool, and Arthur needs more swag in his diet.

I play Arthur/Sentinel/Strider as one of my teams. Drones are really good for Arthur. They really let him approach and apply his high low mixup. You can use drones in combos but it doesn’t add too much damage, just more style. They’re good for resets though. DHC to plasma storm is great too. You can even TAC into a sentinel infinite to give arthur a ton of meter. The fact that they’re kinda slow and control a chunk of space that is low to the ground makes it hard for characters to rush in at you as well. Despite how fun it is, sadly this combination isn’t that great though. Arthur with drones is not nearly broken enough(or at all) to justify having a huge liability like sentinel on your team.

Does anyone use Arthur/Storm? They seem to work well together.

What about Sentinels Bomb assist??

I want to test that assist out. It covers ridiculous amounts of the screen and is annoying as fuck.


Lets see what you people think of this. Thor/Arthur/Firebrand, I did not build this team around a single character or a single set up, I built it with the notion that I would be swapping out characters should any of them get hurt, I built it do that I could play all three of my characters on point, second and as an anchor, but lets get to why Arthur is such a bad ass.

Apart from being the sole reason I got Marvel 3 in the first place, I play Arthur mostly as a zoning character, but I zone for the purpose of getting in, depending on the opponent, if they are clearly being a turtle of if they are high jumping just bait me in, that keep them away. but the assists, Thor’s mighty smash for a ground bounce, Arthur’s daggers for the projectile assist, and Firebrand’s H demon missile, to serve as a combo extender and as cover for both Thor and Arthur should my attacks be blocked.

One of the unique combo enders for my team involving Arthur’s BnB in the corner, upgrading in the middle for a relaunch, and the using Arthurs air S OGT capabilities alongside Thor’s mighty smash assist, i jump back, use the Kings Scythe Toss, then the Kings Axe Toss, then finally a Heavenly Slash to link into a Goddess’ Bracelet, plus if I have the meter and I want the opponents character dead, it am now positioned to use as many Goddess’ Bracelets as I wish, while in Kings Armor of course.

I play Arthur and Firebrand together…
Actually my main team is Zero/Firebrand/Arthur.

I think your team would work better with Arthur as anchor because he has better comeback capabilities from xfactor than Firebrand and a better assist.
rapid Wall cling fireballs + daggers is plain stupid against a fair portion of the cast.

Well, I haven’t tried your team, but I guess you should really use it in Brand/Thor/Arthur order…
Brand/Thor have some pretty good shenanigans with Blocked demon missiles into Luminous body and resets mixed with Thor Grab super.

Yeah, alot of people do think that Arthur should be on anchor and Firebrand first, and it is understandable, Firebrand is not concidered to be a strong anchor character, but I do think he is more reliable then Arthur in some regard mostly because Firebrand has more control and can cross the opponent up better in x factor, even though Arthur as the infinates of a cosmic being trying to land on the ground without getting hit can be pretty hard depending on the opponent, as I may be baited to double jump so that they may grab me. But at the same time, if I land an air mighty tornado with Thor, DHC into Arthur,s Kings Armor, then raw tag firebrand, its as if it is the set up your suggested, (Brand/Thor/Arthur) but now with an upgraded assist, plus I can set up an attempted unblockable or force them to stay in the corner. Plus level 3 x factor Firebrand with Minion in tow while in Luminous Body…Dear god, its like Ouroborous almost.

Thanks for the advice dude :slight_smile:

Haggar (LARIATO)/Arthur (daggers)/Dormammu (Hole), or Haggar (LARIATO)/Dormammu (Hole)/Arthur (Daggers)

These IMO are by far the best teams for Arthur. Im training this team now (I like more with Arthur Anchor)

HAggar/Arthur synergy is well known (Dang for example), HAggar/Dorm have GOOD synergy as well (Ejm Ranmasamma), so putting this together, and the fact that Arthur is one of the top assists and top Anchors in the game, maje me think that this is the perfect Arthur team

Just because arthur has people who use his assists well dont mean that that is his best team. Arthur gets NOTHING from dark hole. Maybe some extentions and stuff, but other than that it doesnt change his game. Second, Dorm is meter hungry. No matter what order you run your team in, the anchor is going to be stuffed for meter. And dont play Arthur on anchor. That is easily is worst spot. He just becomes a tickng time bomb when it explodes you lose. On second, however, you keep his support value.

How is anchor Arthur’s “worst” spot? He’s bottom-five in the game as point/second, but (at worst) top third of the game as an anchor. The mere presence of him as an anchor can help keep your first two characters alive, either by discouraging early XF for kills on hit confirm, or by encouraging your opponent to prematurely end a very damaging combo with a snapback instead (to try to kill Arthur early).

For the sake of discussion, I actually prefer Arthur as second. XF2 is just as valuable as XF3 - it’s harder to pull off the infinites, is a little more reliable against an opponent who still has X-Factor since they’d be less reluctant to burn it, but you get a partner to back you up when it runs out. With good synergy, that partner might help keep Arthur safe after king’s armour runs out if you use it, which means you still get to use him!

I would also like to point out (again) that the whole “anchor Arthur loses once gold armor runs out” thing is redundant, as XF3 and gold armor have the same duration. If you haven’t severely crippled your opponent by the time XF3 ran out, you lost anyway.