Killer Instinct XB1: Season 2 hits October 15th. 20 dollars for Combo, 40 dollars for Ultra

Blinx would go ham in KI3.

T-T-T-Time Breaker!!!

I want Halo in the new KI, he fights Aliens and doesn’t afraid of anything.

I remember DH mentioning “seasons” tied in with releasing new content in this game. I figure buying the game up front will be a generously timed season pass and give you A fair amount of content like 1-1.5 years worth. <-- Starts at 50 minutes.

What do you guys think about the game having no win quotes? They seem so common in SF and SNK games that I immediately noticed they weren’t there. Its minor but I would rather they have some. Though I admit, Sabrewulf and Glacius probably wouldn’t have much to say, one being a werewolf and the other being an alien.

Plenty of games don’t have win quotes.

I actually found it very “cheap” feeling when I picked up my first SF game (I was late to SF). That said, I don’t think in matters either way.

The older KI games didn’t have them so I don’t really feel an urge for the characters to have any. I suppose some of the human type characters will have vocal quotes after they win. I think I remember Jago saying something after he wins in this game.

IIRC Jago says something like

“Perhaps this wasn’t the path for you”
“Your path ends here”

What more games need is that select your own win pose by holding a button like in Tekken.

I prefer when the characters actually say something ala GG, BB, or 3S.

3S is a good example, people all remember the verbal win quotes (gutter trash) but no one remembers the slides.

Heck, the only slides I remember are the SFxT ones… Because they are hilarious.

Eh, the closest KI came to win quotes was the victory cinematic after the fight. I still remember TJ Combo’s as my favorite (YO…EAT IT! Punch screen). It’s not really needed, especially since there will be voice acting and spoken victory quotes with their win poses as Jago already has shown.

“I’m afraid that your path ends here.”

He also got a new one after beating Glacius in the EVO-build, but the announcers wouldn’t shut up. It makes me think that characters might have specific dialogue with each other a la Injustice & UMvC3.

Character specific winquotes are the best. Best part of UMVC3 for me was seeing Dr.Doom and Super Skrull tear into each other despite both them hating the Fantastic Four.

I don’t know, the KI winquotes just seem lacking to me. I mean, Jago says stuff but it sounds like SF2 type winquotes where they were made to fit every character and aren’t personalized.

im pretty sure i recall mike z talking about KI in the skullgirls salty suite at evo and he didnt seem to impressed withe the game. i dont recall exactly what he said though since i was kinda stood offside somewhere.

He made 3 major points (for discussion purposes) that I recall:

  • game is broken
  • game doesn’t feel enough like old KI
  • didn’t like direction of the game.

You’ll have to watch the vid on twitch for more specifics.

The first one doesn’t surprise me, it’s a super early build of the game.

The second is subjective. I for one am glad it’s less like old KI because old KI… Wasn’t very good (don’t kill me…)

The last point is the most interesting. And we don’t really know enough about the game to analyze.

  1. Like you said, still an early build of the game. Can’t say what’s gonna be broken in the final copy.
  2. I’ve heard this argument so much I get nosebleeds from it. It’s almost enough to make you want Microsoft to cancel this and release KI 1 & 2 on XBLA just to shut up the whiners.
  3. Again, too early.

I would agree but this is coming from a guy that is actually working on the game not an outsider and that’s bad the Glacius you see now is the one you will get on release and as much as people whine about nerf this nerf that there gonna say nerf Glacius because he looks broken as hell
DH is listening to feedback and only changing what they want and trying to putting their own little twist on it and ignoring people like Mike Z so having help from the FGC means nothing as you can see with Glacius
I think the game looks good i’m hype for it just not hype as i was DH just really threw me off with that horrible looking Glacius
MS give us KI & KI2 on XBL and i’m good they will most likely sell better than the new KI anyways

Maybe that’s because you don’t hang around in videogame companies buildings? Do you really think development teams in general are taking it easy or some shit? The vast majority of the workers in the VG development business have very very harsh schedules FYI.

New video by Maximilian:

I didn’t mean to imply that other developers don’t work hard on their games. But DH really seems to be trying to sell the game to the FGC, listening to what they have to say, and trying to build a game we want. They are actively trying to get people to play it, and give feedback.

Capcom (as a counter example), seems to make their games in a bubble. They show it a few times sure, but that’s about it. They showed a trailer for Ultra SF4 (which I am also excited for), but they won’t let anyone touch it. Their whole line is, have faith because combo fiend approves changes… I respect combofiend alot, but there’s a big difference between the approach of “have faith” and the approach of “try it yourself”.

I think DH wants to prove something (god knows their history isn’t great), and to me, it shows.

Also, tangentially related, I am friends/acquaintances with a guy that does graphic design for Blizzard… so I’ve been closer than most in terms of physical proximity.

Except they’ve already said that there will be loctests for Ultra so…yeah.

The fact that they haven’t let anyone touch it yet is probably because it’s not very far along at all. I mean, even the SFxT character ports look extremely meh right now, but I’d expect that.

I have to disagree my friend. Nostalgia and Profit do not correlate as frequently as one would think, this is something that many businesses like Capcom have found to be true (Darkstalkers).