Killer Instinct XB1: Season 2 hits October 15th. 20 dollars for Combo, 40 dollars for Ultra

They haven’t been around that long. Their old MO was to do contract work. Movie/toy tie ins. The type of games that are made on a very tight budget and a non-existant time table.

The big reason for their bad rep is due to the Silent Hill HD collection. Its bad. They were at a disadvantage of Konami losing the source code, so they had to rebuild lots of the game from scratch. But there were still alot of really questionable decisions made on that game.

Yeah port fuck ups are regular. Not a huge history there. Looking forward to them getting on their feet with this game.

Double Helix did Silent Hill: Homecoming not the HD collection. Front Mission fans hate them too as they killed the franchise with Evolved. There hasn’t been a new game since.

I thought they did the HD collection.

Either way Home Coming was still bad.


Thanks Jin for this thread. This game is looking better and better.


Fresh from PAX Australia, theme song and character select.


Character select always gave me chills and pure happiness :smiley:

I’m interested how you guys think the roster will turn out. If you take out the two boss characters from the first two games, you only have 13 characters total for the whole KI universe. That is extremely small. Considering the fact that most fighting games nowadays have at least 24 or so characters to play, how large do you expect this roster to be? Also, consider the fact that there are fighting games that have extremely deep and long move lists for each character, mainly the 3D games like Soul Calibur, Tekken, and Virtua Fighter, and all of those games have well over 20 characters in their games. If you can have that amount of characters with that amount of detail in a fighting game, then KI should certainly have atleast 25 or more because its characters definitely do not have the amount of depth as those fighters do. Considering the fact that KI is supposed to come out this November, I would find it hard to believe that they could really fill the roster in that amount of time. The roster as I see it right now is Jago, Sabrewulf, Glacius, Spinal, B. Orchid, Fulgore, Cinder and Chief Thunder. Thats only 8. If they brought back the other 5 from the old roster, we get the 13. If they wanted to get a roster of 26 or so, that would mean 13 new fighters. I know I would be pretty excited to see that many new characters in the game. I just don’t see it happening all at launch time though, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them go the Capcom route and releasing DLC to boost the roster. They did say in the EVO panel however that they don’t want to keep re-releasing the game like Capcom has done w/ SF 4, so I guess it will be interesting to see how things play out.

Since MS plan is to push the DD model i can see this game as it flagship product with constant updates for the roster, stages and other goodies. Also the devs have said that they also want new characters and i don’t see that farfetched to include crossover characters from other franchises.

Can’t wait till the game comes out and we can listen to the soundtrack. The main theme sounds better than ever. I’ve been rewatching the Jago Combo Montage video just so I can listen to the theme.

Even if they do keep upgrading, hopefully it doesn’t cost so much. If I recall correctly, Super SF 4 cost 15, AE cost 15, and Ultra will now cost another 15, and thats not including DLC for costume packs. That equals a total of about 105 dollars for SF 4 alone. I don’t know anybody who would be thrilled to go over that again w/ KI.

Although I can’t confirm it…AFAIK I heard that if you pay for the game straight up the rest of the DLC character you receive with no additional charge. Similar to Namco’s method with Tekken Tag 2. Namco learned from Capcom’s faults and made their game so that characters would not have to be paid for after you already bought the game.

I believe purchasing the extra characters that release for KI is supposed to be only for people who don’t buy the game. Otherwise the game is a one time fee and you just get the characters as they come. It might be too good to be true, but that’s what I heard. We’ll see how it actually pans out.

As long as none of the crossover characters are from the Halo universe, I’m good.

…now that I think about it, wouldn’t mind seeing Joanna Dark make a shocking yet triumphant return here.

I just totally disagree with you. The current designs in my opinion are far superior to the previous KI game designs. Jago looks a million times better, and same for Glacius. The designs before were Rob Liefeld/Image Comics era stuff. The characters felt picked straight from an issue of Spawn. Glacuis never resembled what we perceive as “alien”. He looked like a normal human in a suit. Cinder was nothing original at all. Just any fire power character from any fiction ever.

Jago looked 80/90’s dance club fever, with his skin tight shirt and pants with rips in it. And so on and so fourth.

Again, all my opinion. I’m sure the general audience who plays games now would agree. In an age wear most protagonist are either in large bulky exosuits, or military fatigue.

Terrible Glacius reveal?

I don’t think they would go with him being a grappler. Mainly because he has weapons, which they seem to have kept. I don’t see how that would work aesthetically.

YES HE DOES. I mean it just clicked. lol

And man dat Stage Select music!

just my opinion…but NO to cross over characters.

original characters? ok. keep it killer instinct.

I personally would prefer no cross over characters as well. To me, it’s just not very necessary. I say about 5 new characters would be fine making the roster 18, assuming they bring back everyone, which isn’t likely, but not impossible.

That would be great. I would have no problem w/ that whatsoever. If we’re not paying for anything after we drop what I expect to be 70 bucks for the game you won’t hear me complaining.

Cross over characters would be ridiculous since this game is coming off a 17 year hiatus. I just want to see a bunch of new characters with all of the old characters.

Exactly my point

I keep going on and on and ranting about this, but man… I need my character hit screams back. The game seems so quite without them.

If I don’t hear TJ go UGH when he gets hit, cinder yell “good one” or saberwulf yelp I’m going to be very disappointed since they got everything else right so far.

Technically speaking, isn’t Sabrewulf a crossover character? I remember him being connected to Rare’s Sabreman series of games.