Killer Instinct (2013)

Other than MK9, none of them take forever dealing with a dead body.

MK9’s fatalities are actually shorter and have a rule against them in most tournies to only be done at the last game of each set (I think Grand Finals does away with that rule).

However, Ultra’s are also relevant since you can activate them when the opponent’s alive to actually clinch a game so you can’t exactly do the Fatality rule either.

Yeah, but some Tourneys are throwing out that rule in lieu of the audience demanding to see them. The last two EVO events where MK has been showcased showed the fans going rabid for them, and actually booing when they weren’t allowed/done to end a match. Hype still plays a big role in Fighting Game Tourneys so I doubt Ultras will be banned.

Plus the pros will learn how to break Combos, so you won’t see them nearly as much as people think.

The select screen (whether permanent or a alpha build thing) is very similar to the KI2 select screen. So budget has nothing to do with it. Besides, the rest of the games is quite gorgeous. This game is a polygon pusher.

I was really in awe at the background in the demo. So much going on in response to the action in front.

I never said that Ultras should be banned. Like I said, due to the fact that they’re done mid-match instead of after kind of does away with that since they’re unbreakable.

I’m just saying they might get old REALLY quickly.

how could you play with out the ultra combos if there in the game ,that was the whole point of ki,was the a comp scene for ki back in the day with restrictions?

Sorry, misread your post.

And yeah, you’ll have some who’ll get really tired of 'em, but I do think they have a longer life. Especially if they take from KI 2 and give you the ability to extend them. That, along with being able to cancel out of an Ultra and the restart it, really gives one a chance to rub it in.

I just fear what will happen afterwards, since your character is free to move about for 5 seconds as the announcer has a Hypegasm.

The T-Bagging might return…

I think they can jazz it up a bit and I’m sure the final select screen will look more flashy.

Yea I’m not saying it won’t. And I hope it does get a little jazzy. I’m just saying its more than likely not due to a lack of resources or talent. Seems to be deliberate.

According to the dev team they’ve been working almost 10 months now, the build showed at E3 is almost 5 weeks old. I bet we haven’t seen nothing yet.

By budget I mean cheap looking. It’s just a minor pet peeve of mine when the hud/interface elements are overly simplistic. Kind of conflicts with how good the rest looks

It has indeed been confirmed that MIke Z is a consultant for Killer Instinct.

I thought Killer Instinct was pretty fun back in the day, but I think the boat has long sailed on a new KI being a blockbuster success. If you wait that long to bring a new game in the franchise, it has to have been super famous in its day (like everyone played it, knew about it, talked about it, etc. ) Otherwise you can’t wait that long. The trailer looks unimpressive, but if Rare is developing it could still be good. However I doubt it will sell well.

Rare isn’t developing it.

Based on the reaction around the web, there’s a whole lot of enthusiasm for this title, and most people loved the trailer (what was wrong with it?), so I’m just going to disagree with you.

Then it will suck and has 0% chance of success. No wonder the trailer looks so bad.

Like Rare developing it would make things any better. Their track record since being brought by Microsoft hasn’t been pretty

Man, I mean… was I the only one who saw all the gameplay vids out there right now? The game looks awesome and it isn’t even the latest build.

I hope the animations get better in later builds. The animation on Jago’s shadow kick is embarrassing to watch.

Not to mention the fireball particles, dear god that’s even more obnoxious than SFxT ever was.

KI is all about over the top special effect and long drawn out combo’s screams and sound effects.

I don’t under people who probably never played KI trying to dictate what it show be like

Based on the demo alone they have recaptured the spirit of the game better than even part 2 did.