And you think it’s fair to disbalance the cast like that? We’ve already had similar situation in SF4 where the Focus Attack added nothing to certain characters’ battle plan or helped very little in executing it
They could just make aegis a special too just let it only absorb one hit and 2-3 ex I’m thinking of it working kind of like jins fireball in x tekken where he can place it in different areas in te screen depending on the button and ex let’s him place 2 and then within the exs he has 3 variations as well depending on the buttons used. But that could be super hard to balance especially in conjunction with his other fireball
maybe, but that could lead to the move either being too weak or too strong. Just leave it as a super and make it useful instead of potentially degrading it to special move which could cause even more problems
So do you guys think they might change Urien’s regular Spartan Bomb throw to a command grab?
No, enough command grabs.
If he has Aegis, he doesn’t need a SPD because his mixups will be amazing.
He’s going to have a pretty rough time on offense if his Aegis is gone though.
capcom wouldnt dare to create Urien for SF5 and leave out his Aegis …
the hot question is not ‘will they?’ but ‘how will they implement it?’
Anyway, based on the recent(?) interview about capcom: charge vs motion, Im almost certain that Urien will be a motion character this time.
Why? Because he’s an offensive character! According to capcom offensive characters should be motion based. Vega was offensive but was apparently hindered by being a charge character, so they changed it.
Balrog will surely be changed to motion as well, leaving only Guile as a charge character in the first DLC wave (they basically all but confirmed guile to be a charge character)
So with Guile generally being a defensive character and being confirmed to have stayed charge, I’d bet more offensive / mixup oriented characters that were charge will be re-designed to motion.
2/16 characters are true chargers (Bison and Fang) (12,5%)
1/6 upcoming will be true chargers (~16%)
3/22 will be true chargers (~13,6%, ratio stays about same as before the DLC wave)
I’d be fine if he’s motion personally, hoping to get a glimpse of him soon hopefully!
Almost all his moves thrust him forward and give him added mobility, which makes me think he was designed with charge in mind. Consider that Urien reached his heights of popularity as a charge character and they were not a hinderance and he was still offensive. If the argument is that charge partitioning is absent, then I will say that SF5 will give Urien new ways to best utilize charge (like reduced charge times). New mechanics possibly even that are unique to him.
These ratios are complete BS. The first 22 characters were all decided on most likely together. 3 of the launch 16 are predominantly charge characters and subsequently 7 of the 22 will also be charge characters. That’s 18.75 and then 31 percent respectively, a ratio that is roughly in the same range as previous SF games. These are also FAIR ratios and ensure that all playstyles are given fair consideration in the roster.
Moving on.
I’ve been thinking about Aegis Reflector as a V-skill. What kind of changes would it need to undergo for this variation to realistically work?
I don’t see it viable since V-Skills doesn’t have a limit (yes I know you can’t throw lots of bananas or cans with Birdie) so you are going to get a free aegis whenever the other one is depleted.
The best was is a V-trigger, maybe 2 bars, or a CA. I bet for the first one, since they get the v-trigger covered and still can use some other 3s super for his CA.
I assume we don’t know the order of the DLC characters
I proposed awhile back that as a VSkill it could serve the purpose of relecting fireballs. Also thag just because it could serve that purpose as a VS doesn’t mean it couldn’t also either have a property changing VT or make it botg a VS and VT.
Aegis’s purpose in 3S was never really to reflect fireballs. It was to allow massive unstoppable meaty pressure.

I’ve been thinking about Aegis Reflector as a V-skill. What kind of changes would it need to undergo for this variation to realistically work?
Stop it from enabling meaty pressure and mixups. Basically decrease the range and duration. And of course, change the name because it sure as heck isn’t Aegis anymore.
What we need to remember is that the only utility based super in the game is Dhalsim’s(and even that one is just damage from above, mixup or get-off-me tool notwithstanding). Every other Critical Art is straight damage. I imagine we’ll see a variant/mix of SA1/SA2 for Urien’s CA. Aegis is pure V-trigger material.
I really like the idea of having Aegis as both his super and Vtrigger. The character in 3S was trash until you got meter, I’d like SF5 Urien to retain some of his identity.

Aegis’s purpose in 3S was never really to reflect fireballs. It was to allow massive unstoppable meaty pressure.
That doesn’t mean it can’t be used to be both a reflector as a VS and be given passive properties as a VT to allow pressure or allow you to throw an Aegis as a pressure tool. Just because one of the purposes was emphasized more before doesn’t BOTH can’t be emphasized now.
Who cares about aegis reflecting fireballs? Please stahp with that.

I would rather both VT and CA be reflector. Give the man some potential. CA activation slowly drains EX until empty and then the aegis breaks, so you could still do probably up to two swag EX moves linked off a CA with the proper setup. Using his v-skill would burn chunks of VT during VT as a way to burn that bar for damage as well. No idea what his v-skill would be. But I’d love to see meter dump Urien combos just be double reflector absolutely disgusting goodness.
Wouldn’t it simpler to just have his vt be the aegis reflector and his tyrant slaughter the CA with his aegis reflector working as it do in 3.3 ?

Who cares about aegis reflecting fireballs? Please stahp with that.
This aspect of the move will have increased value in SF5 because Urien cannot parry outside of SF3. This is why the idea of a mini-aegis for a v-skill isn’t very out there when you think about it.