KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Chariot Tackle as V-Skill is OP. Dudes will just spam it the entire match to earn the Aegis Reflector

You see so many regular KOs in 3S with Aegis Reflectors on screen, it shouldn’t be a problem in SFV.

Aegis should have its own KO flash. With purple electricity striking the screen at different angles.

I just want him to have similar levels of hype to third strike. I know it’s going to be hard to do this and keep him balanced at the same time.

Stick with me herr guys but what if Aegis was hid VSkill and it worked to serve it’s original purpose if reflecting fireballs. You could also control the distance and build some VGuage by hitting people with it howevet it can only do 2hits. Or another to balance it would be to have it appear infront of Urien as a hitbox sort of like Nashs, but it only counts as one hit and you have to be close to use it.

His VTrigger I had a a few ideas for and it needs to be three bars:

-the animation would basically be hid intro where he skin changes tone. While in this powered up state Urien can throw out an extra Aegis snd his Aegis gets an extra hit or two. Also his charge times would be halved or removed.

-his Aegis gets an extra hit or two and his EX moves cost no meter but you build no meter.

-Aegis gets an extra hit or two and his EX moves cost half of the usual buy not his CA.

What do you guys think? I think Ageis having as a VSkill that reflects fireballs, but also with a hitbox you can use (not as abusable) to build guage faster would be pretty balanced.

Being able to control iy like Necallis though might be too strong though.

I don’t think V-Trigger is going to be his Aegis. It would be too easy for him to get and it’s too much of an SF4-style comeback mechanic. Plus Rashid already has that and Capcom wants every character’s V-Trigger and V-Skill to be unique in some way. That’s why Bison, Gief, and Ryu have parries with different properties.

Even the name of the Super (Aegis REFLECTOR) hints that it serves his purpouse reflecting fireballs, but IMO that property from the Aegis is the least concern since the main use for it was it to setup a situation to mixup the rival.
Even if in this case Urien doesn’t have the parry to help him get in he still has his specials which give him mobility through the screen, I think Aegis should be his V-trigger or CA and be useful for the mixup thing and forget a little about the reflect propeties (which it will keep).

As for charging he Aegis easily in a round, well it will happen if it is a V-trigger and we will have to wait until we see the amount of bars and the usefulness for his v-skill, kind of obvious but I will like to see how they come to make it so it doesn’t overlap with Rashid’s.

Rashid’s is less combo-able, it’s more of a speed/utility tool no?

There definitely already are chars with similar v triggers (cammy/chun more hits, ryu/laura more stun

If you read the rest of what I said you’d see I gave an example on how his trigger could work into making Aegis a mixup weapon instead of just reflecting fireballs. Itd be sort of like Nashs where he can absorb fireballs, combo into it, AA with it, and/or poke with it.

And since it’s a VSkill it’d be practically instant for reflecting and you could charge tackles while getting the one or more hits off for combos. Making Aegis his VT or CA makes it so that multiple Aegis become less likely and one of its purposes, which is to reflect, will almost never be used. By giving it only one hit only by default it won’t become too powerful either the real discussion would end up being startup frames and how long he can keep it out.

Aside from all that though the way you build EX and the VTrigger system would make it so that if Aegis was either a CA or VT you’d probably not see it as much as you did in 3S and you sure wouldn’t see two at the same time.

Btw his VR should be him saying “DESTROY” as he smashes through an Aegis with glass breaking sound. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I don’t really agree with those that say Aegis and Rashid’s whirlwind are similar. Rashid’s tornado covers the screen rather differently and doesn’t really set up as lengthy block pressure or combos. The interesting thing about Aegis also is that if you get hit by it or block it it basically keeps reflecting or ricocheting the opponent back and forth at Urien during it to make some interesting strings and combos. Hopefully it still retains that. You could also aim it up in the air and could have more than one out.

Rashid’s whirlwind is more meant to creep behind him and it speeds up his special moves and movement if he uses them in the tornado. Which makes the application of it rather different from Aegis as well.

Rashid’s tornado is meant to help his movement and move itself across the screen. Aegis, by contrast, is meant to stay in basically one place and prevent the penetration of that space by hurtboxes or projectiles. I see it as being more of a lockdown/space control tool than Rashid’s VT.

I guess that’s why half of the V-Triggers in the game are boring installs

I think we’re trying too hard to fit in 3S Urien into SFV.

Capcom will change him up drastically (think Nash, Karin, Dhalsim). Maybe this new version doesnt need double aegis reflector to be fun.

If its done well aegis could even be a v-skill, mainly used to actually fight fireballs and additionally extent corner juggles for 1-3 hits.

Or maybe capcom will use it as a mixup super (right now only dhalsim has something close to that)

And v-trigger could easily work as a “juggle partner” bouncing back opponents thrown into it. Rashids tornado has 3 hits and once the opponent connects to it all hits are used up. In that regard aegis reflector would be quite a different trigger

I mean it’ll be like Karin. Even if you don’t have counters and command grab you still have the rekka available at some point which is still the core of the character. Like even if you knew shit about Karin you probably at least knew she had rekkas.

With Urien I feel the same. They could make Aegis close to how it works in 3S or make it pretty different. Either way Aegis has to at least be there or they’re looking at a true backlash.

ugh, if aegis is to SFV Urien what rekkas are to SFV karin, I’ll be pretty disappointed.

I would rather both VT and CA be reflector. Give the man some potential. CA activation slowly drains EX until empty and then the aegis breaks, so you could still do probably up to two swag EX moves linked off a CA with the proper setup. Using his v-skill would burn chunks of VT during VT as a way to burn that bar for damage as well. No idea what his v-skill would be. But I’d love to see meter dump Urien combos just be double reflector absolutely disgusting goodness.

You have about a year before Urien’s release to get over it. Starting now… Go!

All characters in SFV that have been in Third Strike should have parry in SFV. Sorry Dhalsim, Charlie, Zangief, and a few others…

Hyped about Urien coming to SFV. Is there a release date yet for him?
