KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

White skin? He has brown skin?

I’m conflicted on whether I want reflector to be V-Trigger or CA. I’d be really bummed if KO’s with the reflector count as just regular KO’s and you don’t get any special screen splash. Yes this is really important to me.

I’m leaning to v trigger only because it has a slightly larger chance of getting more than once per round.

HIs skin turns bronze in his intro , but he’s actually pretty blonde and light skinned

I’d like knee drop to get an air version that basically functions as a dive kick. That little bit of air movement could go a long way for Urien.

there’s only one way to settle this…

Jiggle physics

All hail the return of the glorious muttonchop sideburns.

Most important thing is the voice actor.

Temporal Thundeeeeeeer



Ok I’ll stop now.

Hey would anyone mind explaining what’s charge portioning? Does it only apply to Urien or Charge characters in general? Or only charge characters in 3rd strike? Ad why is it such a big deal for Urien?

As I understand it, a charge partition allows you to throw in inputs that normally break charge without losing charge. This enables things like dashing while charging and expanded combo options. It is a system quirk of 3S that is primarily used by Urien (use charge moves without losing mobility) and Remy (fireball hell).

Hmm. So if I understand it right. while charging you can dash and somehow the charge isn’t lost even though you’re no longer holding back?

I don’t think it works like that. You can split up your charge. I don’t know the charge times in 3s but if they’re, lets say 55f, you could hold back for 30f, dash forward, and then you’d only need to hold back for another 25f before getting a charge. You can’t charge for 55f, dash forward and then keep it.

I know @Tebbo could explain it pretty well. There’s technically 2 types of charging. Charge partitioning and charge buffering

I think that second scenario better describes how Chun can walk forward super in ST

Walk super is a bug though, it’s not universal

Yeah noosetester basically has it. You can split it up however many times you want it’s just functionally it most often ends up as two parts.
The specifics on your timing really depend on what you’re doing and also just what feels best to you. the end result basically looks exactly like dash into instant headbutt though with no charging seen by the opponent.

for example in some cases you can actually be TOO quick at it. Like doing Remy’s j.fierce -> cbk -> dash -> flash you actually have a lot of time during a dash to charge so you kind of start it late. because of how inputs work, you input the flash before the dash is finished and then remy flashes asap cancelling the recovery of the dash.

buffering is what you’re doing when you do tth. it’s just a rhythm that takes advantage of the input leniency to squeeze out a bit of extra charging time which when combined with partitioning allows you to accumulate charge faster than otherwise possible. you can say the headbutt is partitioned i guess but that’s really not even necessary.

I’m thinking about all those projectile-reflecting videos with Aegis Reflector on the internet now. Dhalsim, FANG and Bison reflections are gonna be dope!

Fights in a Suit this time around. When VT is activated he should throw out Aegis and his suit should rip off his body.

Zangief hits you with his dick as a V-Reversal.

Make him the first character to have 1 bar V-Trigger so he can still get his 2 Aegis. Make his V-Skill his shoulder tackle so he can use it without charge partitioning and can gain meter on hit in order to get the second Aegis after the first one. Give him worse damage scaling than everyone else so he can do sexy combos without any of this being broken.