KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

Have you ever seen that done well in 3D?

The difference is that he’s primarily supposed to look powerful, like a Greek god. He might still get people wet, but that’s not the point.

What country, continent does this guy come from.

He’s supposed to look like a Greek olympian kind of thing.
There’s nothing specifically sexual about it. It’s evocative, not provocative.

Having him in a suit would be so lame…

Zangief can be nude except for a diaper and some booties, that’s fine. Urien in a thong wrap thing isn’t though? C’mon.
He’s supposed to be showing off his power and perfect physique, that’s like half his character lol.

He’s most likely European as evidenced by his blond hair, white skin, and blue eyes. Same is true for his brother. The organizations/families that they draw inspiration from and are modeled after are also European. We don’t know exactly where in Europe though. The Street Fighter World Warrior Encyclopedia, which is compiled from canon sources only, simply lists them as Mediterranean.

He operates out of Mexico but his true origins of his homeland are unknown. All that’s known is that he was born and raised in the Illuminati.

OK so what has to be done to sexualize a male character? Because if a ripped guy in a thong doesn’t do it. What does? I noticed all the huhbub about Bearded Ryu. What makes bearded Ryu eye candy and not ripped thong wearing Urien? I mean I get your point about how Urien may look hot to women, but him on a personality level is not sexual, nor does his mannerisms or attacks draw attention to his body. But that’s the same case with bearded Ryu. Yet he has had articles calling him hot Ryu. I don’t get it.

Fuck double post

Hey here’s a thought.
Let’s not get into that.

Also the Illuminati aren’t based in Mexico. That’s just supposed to be like a cool ancient (Olmec?) site he’s at, like in 2I he’s in Egypt iirc.

Well he could slap his ass, grab his crotch, a few pelvic thrusts here and there. The camera angle can really help with this. Nudity does not necessarily sexual, or sexual appealing. More skin /= more sexy

To avoid derailing the thread I’d like to continue this discussion I private or in the SFV censorship thread. Agreed?

I honestly have no idea. I guess it’s more about framing than content. Like, when Thor struts around without a shirt it’s framed to look hot for the ladies, but when 80’s Arnold does it it’s framed for you to notice how big muscles are helpful for killing Russians and brown people and sometimes space aliens. We should probably take Tebbos advice and not get in to that, though.

Alright, go ahead and write a post in the censorship thread.

Well we might just see that in SF5, who knows?

It is kind of boring seeing a fg character with a suit for his regular costume just for saving a modification of the costume using some mechanic (which would be cool).

He should stay like 3s, nobody +18 will be scandalized with that, it is an ancient greek stereotype and that’s in the character’s core personality too.
Anyway they can change his appearance to get eveyone happy too.

Wait, what? I thought Balrog’s silhouette on that DLC teaser image was Urien and vice versa, with Urien wearing some kind of robe. If he’s the right most character he looks super fucked up. Way too thick, like a grappler.

Ok about the whole suit thing. When we see Uriens intro and he’s not wearing a suit nor is tearing any kind of clothing of his body at round start, that’s pretty much confirmation that we’ll get a DLC Suit costume for him. Capcom will go for the $$$.

Im fine either way. If women can fight half naked, so can guys. And besides, Zangief and Urien will be the best bro-mance ever, with their whole focus on physique.


I doubt those are the actual silhouettes. I dont think they’ve got all the models down yet. Probably just early concepts they used there

Anybody who wants to put clothes on Urien doesn’t really care about Urien. Nakey only

It’d be badass if his DLC costumes only changed what kind of clothing he shreds in his intro. Fuck your fight money

By all means dev change the thread i agree with this, even though the swag part doesn’t do anything for me , I was just so in a hurry to get it open lol

I want a toga urien alt though lol

I was the one who mentioned that originally. And the swag part while it comes from the meme. It’s fitting. You telling me you don’t feel swag when you’re styling on someone with those Ageis Reflector combos?