Don’t know if this is common knowledge or not but, you can combo a charged s.HK into cr.hp, ender. You gotta be pretty damn close for it to hit though. I’ve been using it after
cr.hp, heavy sphere, V-trigger, knee,
Since it leaves them in the aegis
Can land a charged st. HK during aegis combos as well.
How strict is Capcom being with banning people who are using Urien online? Is it relatively safe? Is it perma ban or temp bans? Is playing rank okay? Is it better to stay in lobby with someone who wont rat you out? Any input?
I’ve been using him for the past 2 months online and haven’t been banned yet if that’s anything to go by. I would still be careful though
have you been playing rank?
I just do battle lounges
I tried to play Urien in real matches instead of staying in the lab and honestly, I had a strange feeling about him.
His mixups are easily seen even with aegis imo, and 3 V-Trigger bars are really hard to get since his V-Skill is not that strong.
Tackle are unsafe if you are not at the good range, Headbutt doesn’t hit crouch… the most difficult part is the neutral game imo, you can see where he is aiming his fireball if you charge unlike Gouken in SFIV, his neutral MK isn’t as good as it looks like, HK and HP charged leave to a nice block advantage but the knock-down is immense, his dash is slow…
And it’s really hard to confirm your pokes since you need to charge everywhere, and two lights are not enough so you can’t do dash -> light light Tackle for example.
Unfortunately, his HP can’t be special cancelled when it’s not charged… St.HK is still a good move to bait throws but you can’t link cr.HP with the distance so you don’t have insane damage after.
And his normals are sloooow…
I played only 15~20 games with him so I’m really not sure about everything I said and I hope I’m wrong because I’d like to main him, he is clearly my favorite S1 character so I’m waiting to see his final version and how top players will play him.
I think he’s okay right now?
V Trigger isnt as hard as I thought it would be if you can get his Vskill Armor up consistently; he gets a lot when he absorbs a hit.
I do think a big issue will be the fact he’s a charge character where you have to have a specific charge for hit confirms. If you confirm lights, but started with just Down charge, you aren’t getting anything if they crouch. Where as Bison, Guile, Balrog dont really have that issue in combos. And tackle seems pretty meh outside of HK/EX besides meaty set-ups/ max range…
I think his AA’s are a bit on the weak side outside of his reversal. I’ve had fMP/cHP lose clean to jump ins a lot, and his jab not being a real AA sucks. I’ve noticed a lot of neutral jumps on wake-up, even poorly timed, stuffing his AAs very clean.
His damage is probably one of his best areas though. His CC damage is high, Reflector Combos do almost 300 with average confirms, and his EX headbutt give him high damage from other confirms. Also sHK, sMP/cMP leads to solid damage…
As you said, he has good damage but you need specific charges to confirm.
His CC damage is insane after HP and can get you to a mixup (I’m using HP CC, dash, cr.HP, H fireball, ex headbutt, 6MP headbutt MP as his main punish.)
About AA’s, 6MP is nice for a far jump, but for closer ones I think HK is the best move. Haven’t tried it too much but cr.HP doesn’t work very well for me and st.HK has a good vertical hitbox. Not really sure tho…
Urien’s AA game is just a bit weird because you have to hit the button earlier than most characters since he’s so tall. I don’t think his AAs are particularly bad per se. I guess some people just get this illusion that his AA game sucks because they have to react faster, and that’s overall tougher due to the 8f input lag of this game. I tend to get around that by being aggressive with meaty setups (he has a ton and pretty much all of them lead to full combos on hit) and just trying not to stay within jump-in range in general.
I just use st.LP > st.MP xx fireball a lot for when I need a combo but don’t have enough charge to go into tackle (for situations like sudden side switches by the opponent or whatnot). And don’t forget, you can always cancel AA f.MP into meaty fireballs to discourage wakeup buttons.
Urien seems really solid, based on what I am reading here.
Max range lk.tackle…
Finding the right range to do this though is tough, I find myself using some odd blockstrings to get there.
I had a random Urien hacker join my game and I got merked, I see looking at his frame data that is -2 on block, but man it didn’t feel like it. Guile v. Urien just seemed super oppressive, will feel better once I understand it, but still for now, yikes. Felt like I couldn’t keep up in the fireball war and there was basically no range where I was in a better position than Urien.
f mp hits pretty far, I wouldn’t be surprised that it becomes unpunishable at max range.

Max range lk.tackle…
Finding the right range to do this though is tough, I find myself using some odd blockstrings to get there.
Totally worth it, though. I think safe, max distance tackles are key to Urien’s offense. They’re really really good for meaty setups as well.
BTW, in case you guys didn’t know already, you can input QCF+LP HP to get a different version of his EX fireball. It’s insanely fast, and probably among the fastest projectiles in the game, but is commonly overlooked. I always forget about it too since I always just use the LP+MP and MP+HP versions.
To get the idea for the lk tackle range it’s basically: close sMP,sMP, cMK.this seems like one of the easier ways to get that range since sMP is so good in blockstrings… I did notice LP doesn’t seem to link from tackle from cMK’s normal max range. Only when you get weird blockstrings/stray hits that push you back…Doesn’t seem to be reliable way to hit confirm into max range LK tackle? Does anyone know if the frame data changes at anything other than max range?
Getting LP after MP heasbutt at long range seems a lot more lenient?
Is it me or Urien don’t have any good corner combo ?
He gets to carry around a mobile corner that also damages the opponent in exchange tho
Most people in Sf5 don’t get better combos in corner? Only rashid,ken, ibuki spring to mind. He does get the cUP, EX up fireball,bHK setup. I’ve been having a lot of success with it. Replacing cHP,HP fireball, Tackle with cHP,Kneedrop isn’t biggest damage drop either.
Had some Karin troubles playing with a friend. I think urein’s tendency to have lingering hurtboxes means I was getting thwacked left and right.