KILL! The Urien SFV thread!

@LordWilliam1234 will let you know if anything changes. If Urien is like Juri though, the data should remain about 100 percent the same at launch.

Can respectā€¦thatā€™s kind of disappointing to hear then.

I donā€™t think Urien will be low tier or anything. The only thing I want to see buffed is his damage output. With Aegis and meter, he should be getting way more damage than he does. Scaling is horrible ATM. But I guess thatā€™s what resets are for.

just give him a faster jab and he will be fine, scaling is fine like you said do resets hes a mixup beast

Can anyone confirm if dash partitons are still a thing for him in this game, Iā€™m away from my pc and canā€™t test right now.

Urienā€™s damage is fine. Itā€™s more or less on par with everyone else. Donā€™t go for raw damage, go for stun. Once you get your opponent to the corner, it should be tough for them to get out. Heā€™s very good at chasing down opponents (e.g. Knee drop) and making sure they donā€™t leave the corner. Take advantage of his long limbs and proper spacing to always remain positive on block (abuse st.MP, it gives every button after it +3 frame advantage), create ridiculous pressure, and score counter hits. Of course add in some throws every once in a while because his throw range is VERY good as well.

His throw range is only slightly less than Dictatorā€™s, for those curious. Itā€™s one of the best in-game.

His damage seems kind of alright. His CC damage seems to be one of the highest off top of my head?
Stuff like lk/mk tackle not being plus on hit seems odd to me, especially without a 3f moveā€¦especially since he has to into those from light hits on NH. But might be over thinking it.

There are meaty setups to make his tackles be up to +6 on meaty CH, perhaps even more that I donā€™t know of yet. But yeah I still feel his LK and MK tackle should be +1 on a regular hit.

Can anyone test if headbutt is throw-immune like in 3S? Maybe it could be another option that we could use besides st.HK for shimmy setups.

Itā€™s airborne so it canā€™t be grabbed. However itā€™s probably not airborne from the very first frame.

The way people showcase Urien, heā€™s looking extremely dependent on resources (meter, reflector). But I like the videos that have been done which show his mixups and BnBs without using meter and reflector. Or maybe one bar of meter. Any idea what his max damage is with one bar and no reflector?

CC bHK,crHP, HP fireball, ex tackle? Itā€™s like 340-something. Without meter itā€™s like 305.

Without bar I think itā€™s CC sHP, cMK, MP headbutt, cLP, HP Heabuttā€¦and thatā€™s 340 or so.

Yeah, EX tackle is generally the best move to use one bar of meter on if youā€™re going for damage and stun. Not much use other than that.

EX headbutt is your invincible reversal and also sets up Aegis after resetting the opponent with f.MP.

EX fireball is for post-CC sweep setups to make your opponent block, or for the EX fireball -> b.HK mixup in the corner.

EX knee drop is pretty much a guaranteed corner escape tool, unless your opponent happens to do an ume-shoryu or something. Safe on block too so you can use it to close the gap almost instantly if you find yourself in a near-fullscreen fireball war. Iā€™m testing cr.HP xx EX knee drop in the corner as well, and it seems like it could catch people off guard. So far the only thing that beats it is Nashā€™s EX Sonic Scythe and even that doesnā€™t get all the hits in. Everything else loses to it if they try to AA it.

So a couple of things

  1. Does urien not have any dash partion things he can do or am I bad at doing it
  2. How the hell yall have thong urien, I canā€™t figure out how to get that.
  3. Has anyone had success using a raw Aegis reclector as a poking tool against pressure?
    Iā€™ve had mixed results

Praise be to the almighty banana hammock

And afaik he doesnā€™t have any dash partition things anymore. Can try them out during my lab session after I get off work later though.

charge partitioning isnā€™t a ā€œurien thingā€ in sf3, itā€™s a system mechanic.

it would be weird if urien had access to that and the other charge characters in sfv did not.

Donā€™t know if it would ever bee usefull but if you land a 3/4 screen charged L fireball you can combo the second hit into H knee drop.

I can land st. lp into headbutt more realiably than lp mp target combo into tackle ;


I call this combo the ā€œdisrespectā€ it only works in the corner
Cr.hp, close Aegis, close aegis, taunt, super
Now there is no actual use for this. But if your fighting LTG you might as well do it

Been playing with him a lot. I really think finding times to get armor is going to be a big dealā€¦which is why I feel people like Rashid are going to be roughā€¦